Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Today in Vancouver - eNews

Thursday September 14, 2010

The Mission of the Adventist Community Church is to Reach Deep in Discipleship, Reach Out in Evangelism and Reach Up in Worship.

More people are getting involved in our evangelistic strategy by scheduling this Community Concert series. It's a concert designed for the community, by the Adventist Community. It's designed not for us - but for them - to invite them to the church for something non-threatening and yet about God in more subtle ways.

Plan to come - September 25 @7pm.

Business Meeting Tonight

Tonight in the Fireside room, we will be having a short business meeting to talk about our progression towards the vision and to approve the fiscal year's budget. The meeting begins at 7pm and we should be done by 8 or a little afterwards. 

Bring your questions and ideas and plan to share.

This Week's Message

This week's message by Roger will be on the Day of Atonement. Sabbath, September 18 is the actual day which the Jewish world will celebrate this day. And as many people went to the Messiah's Mansion in the last couple of weeks, and may want to know ore - come on out for a single message on the Day of Atonement - it's meaning in practical ways for our lives today.

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