Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Vancouver Today - e.Update, March 29, 2011


Continues through April 23

Your church, part 4 ...

The final input on our survey we took is this week. The question to look at today is, How Long Have You Been Coming?

We have a fairly stable population amongst our church. Although 34% of the people have been coming longer than 11 years, the 4-6 year range of people is the 2nd highest involved. And if you remember, they are the largest segment in our Community Groups, and they are also the most involved. Certainly there is a large group who has only been coming 1-3 years. What's the draw? What would bring more people?

One question to ask ourselves is, not what decisions to we need to make for the 400 we already have, but what decisions do we need to make for the next 100, 200, 400 people who will come soon.

If you missed the previous survey reports, see them on our website.

 (What's happening  

  • SAVE THE DATE: Oregon Adventist Men's Chorus Spring Festival, April 30,4:30pm
  • Online church calendar: Check the online calendar for all of our church activities

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Revealing Revelation!

We had over 200 visitors tonight for our opening night. Attendance was almost 300! Praise the Lord!

When you come tomorrow night, we are asking for members to park in the back to save room for our guests.

Please keep praying!


Sent from my iPhone

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Thinking of Tomorrow Night

In thinking of tomorrow night, the Revealing Revelation seminar starts at our church (Saturday night, 3/26/11, 7:15pm) and wondering if we have all done what we are completely capable of? Have we spent the time praying for the brochures? Have we spent the time praying for our neighbors? Have we spent the time inviting anyone? Would it do any good?

Listen to this story from Max Lucado.... (Read below, then we'll see you tomorrow night for the Revealing Revelation Seminar!)

roger walter
Senior Pastor 
Adventist Community Church

Dear Friend 

by Max Lucado

Dear Friend,

I'm writing to say thanks. I wish I could thank you personally, but I don't know where you are. I wish I could call you, but I don't know your name. If I knew your appearance, I'd look for you, but your face is fuzzy in my memory. But I'll never forget what you did.

There you were, leaning against your pickup in the West Texas oil field. An engineer of some sort. A supervisor on the job. Your khakis and clean shirt set you apart from us roustabouts. In the oil field pecking order, we were at the bottom. You were the boss. We were the workers. You read the blueprints. We dug the ditches. You inspected the pipe. We laid it. You ate with the bosses in the shed. We ate with each other in the shade.

Except that day.

I remember wondering why you did it.

We weren't much to look at. What wasn't sweaty was oily. Faces burnt from the sun; skin black from the grease. Didn't bother me, though. I was there only for the summer. A high-school boy earning good money laying pipe.

We weren't much to listen to, either. Our language was sandpaper coarse. After lunch, we'd light the cigarettes and begin the jokes. Someone always had a deck of cards with lacy-clad girls on the back. For thirty minutes in the heat of the day, the oil patch became Las Vegas—replete with foul language, dirty stories, blackjack, and barstools that doubled as lunch pails.

In the middle of such a game, you approached us. I thought you had a job for us that couldn't wait another few minutes. Like the others, I groaned when I saw you coming.

You were nervous. You shifted your weight from one leg to the other as you began to speak.

"Uh, fellows," you started.

We turned and looked up at you.

"I, uh, I just wanted, uh, to invite … "

You were way out of your comfort zone. I had no idea what you might be about to say, but I knew that it had nothing to do with work.

"I just wanted to tell you that, uh, our church is having a service tonight and, uh … "

"What?" I couldn't believe it. "He's talking church? Out here? With us?"

"I wanted to invite any of you to come along."

Silence. Screaming silence.

Several guys stared at the dirt. A few shot glances at the others. Snickers rose just inches from the surface.

"Well, that's it. Uh, if any of you want to go … uh, let me know."

After you turned and left, we turned and laughed. We called you "reverend," "preacher," and "the pope." We poked fun at each other, daring one another to go. You became the butt of the day's jokes.

I'm sure you knew that. I'm sure you went back to your truck knowing the only good you'd done was to make a good fool out of yourself. If that's what you thought, then you were wrong.

That's the reason for this letter.

Some five years later, a college sophomore was struggling with a decision. He had drifted from the faith given to him by his parents. He wanted to come back. He wanted to come home. But the price was high. His friends might laugh. His habits would have to change. His reputation would have to be overcome.

Could he do it? Did he have the courage?

That's when I thought of you. As I sat in my dorm room late one night, looking for the guts to do what I knew was right, I thought of you.

I thought of how your love for God had been greater than your love for your reputation.

I thought of how your obedience had been greater than your common sense.

I remembered how you had cared more about making disciples than about making a good first impression. And when I thought of you, your memory became my motivation.

So I came home.

I've told your story dozens of times to thousands of people. Each time the reaction is the same: The audience becomes a sea of smiles, and heads bob in understanding. Some smile because they think of the "clean-shirted engineers" in their lives. They remember the neighbor who brought the cake, the aunt who wrote the letter, the teacher who listened …

Others smile because they have done what you did. And they, too, wonder if their "lunchtime loyalty" was worth the effort.

You wondered that. What you did that day wasn't much. And I'm sure you walked away that day thinking that your efforts had been wasted.

They weren't.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Vancouver Today - e.Update, March 22, 2011


Begins Saturday night (See attached brochure)

Your church, part 3 ...

The survey we took in January shows some interesting statistics and here are more of them. If you've missed the previous two week's results, you can always see them on our website.

Of those who filled out the survey, here is what service(s) they attend:

This shows us that 25% of the people who come, don't attend Sabbath School at all. We failed to ask who only attends Sabbath School, so that may shift the numbers a bit if we passed that same survey out to a wider audience and didn't do it during the worship time only….

What brought people to the Adventist Community Church?

What brought you? Why do you keep coming? What would inspire you to invite a friend? What would inspire you to join up with us by being involved, helping with Evangelism, helping with worship?, Taking the message to others?

What's happening  

  • SAVE THE DATE: Oregon Adventist Men's Chorus Spring Festival, April 30,4:30pm
  • Online church calendar: Check the online calendar for all of our church activities

Monday, March 21, 2011

Prayer request for Kellie Bryson

Your prayers are needed:

Today Kelie Bryson is having kidney transplant surgery today, Monday, at 12:30 pm. Her father, Tom Gardner, is doing what any great father would do, donating his kidney. They both could use the prayers of our church that all goes well and her body accepts the kidney without hitch. Although the doctors are very optimistic, Kelie and her husband, Andy, solicit your prayers as this surgery is a much-needed and key solution for Kelie's critical health problems of the last 2 years. Andy and Kelie have a little, one year old boy, Levi.
Thank you,
Pastor Jeff"

Louise Craig      (360) 921.3794
Add me to your Skype contacts: louise.cra1g 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

LATE BREAKING NEWS - Origins Summit Changes

Subject: LATE BREAKING NEWS - Origins Summit Changes

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Want to Help ADRA Help Japan? Here's How.

From: Krissy Barber Oregon Conference
Date: March 15, 2011 5:19:21 PM PDT
To: Oregon Conference Churches
Subject: Info on ADRA Japan Relief Donation Protocol for March 19 Sabbath Bulletins

This note from John Loor Jr., NPUC vice president for administration…


Adventists throughout the Northwest are urged to offer immediate support for ADRA efforts in disaster-stricken Japan, by texting or one of the additional methods listed here:
·         On your mobile device, text SUPPORT to 85944 to make an automatic $10 donation
·         Donate online at www.adra.org
·         Donate by calling 1-800-424-ADRA
·         Send your check for "Japan Relief" made payable to ADRA to: ADRA International, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD  20904
·         Place a donation in your local church offering envelope and mark it "Japan Relief"

Vancouver Today - e.Update, Mar. 15, 2011


March 26 to April 23 (See attached brochure)

Your church, part 2 ...

Continuing our look at the recent survey we took at the church, here's an interesting mix of people who are involved in Reaching Deep – in our Community Groups:

And the kind of length of time a person has been attending seems to affect our Community Group involvement too:

The Community Groups are designed to allow you to apply your spiritual life and take it to the next level. We're all just one key crisis away from discouragement, derailment, or dysfunction. The Community Groups will help you put your spiritual roots down deep, so you will never be shaken out.

If you want to be in a group – see Pastor Jeff
We're looking for 3 more group leaders to help start a new believer's group after our seminar that is coming up. This is a ready-made curriculum and is simple and easy to do. We'll even help you get the group members to do it. If you are interested, please see Pastor Jeff or Pastor Roger.

What's happening  

    • Revealing Revelation, March 26 to April 23 (see attached brochure)
    • Oregon Adventist Men's Chorus Spring Festival, April 30,4:30pm
  • Online church calendar: Check the online calendar for all of our church activities

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Vancouver Today - e.Update, Mar. 8, 2011


March 26 to April 23 (See attached brochure)

Your church, part 1

Recently, we took a congregational survey. Although not everyone turned in their survey – about 98 did – it still shows some very interesting results. Over the next few weeks, we want to share those results with you.

This last week, Pastor Roger talked about "The Power of Doing Good." Here's what percentage of you actually are doing that at the church.

40% of those who attend the 9am service are involved. 60% of those who attend the 11am service and 60% of those who attend Sabbath School are involved.

The most involved group of people are those who have been attending the Adventist Community Church for 4-6 years, a whopping 80% of that group are involved. 60% of those who have been coming for 1-3 years or 7-10 years are involved, whereas 50% of those coming less than 1 year or greater than 10 years are involved.

When it comes to our Evangelism Process – that involves all areas of outreach we are involved in - here's who is involved at church.

If you aren't involved, but were challenged by Pastor Roger's sermon this last week, or by those of your fellow members who are involved, and want to get involved with Reaching Up, Reaching Deep, and Reaching Out, see one of the pastors.

What's happening  

    • Revealing Revelation, March 26 to April 23 (see attached brochure)
    • Oregon Adventist Men's Chorus Spring Festival, April 30,4:30pm
  • Online church calendar: Check the online calendar for all of our church activities

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

FILM: The Child

For those of you who may have missed the film, THE CHILD when we showed it at the church last week, here it is again:

Next Monday, March 7, Watchman Cinema's parental rights documentary The Child: America's Battle for the Next Generation will be aired on National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) network. The film will air at 8 p.m. Eastern Time and again four hours later at 12 a.m. Tuesday, March 8. NRB is Channel 378 on DirecTV or Channel 126 on Sky Angel. Read more and view it online >>

As you watch it, remember that it was done by a Home School Family. Give them a little slack - the information is powerful and effective. Watch, Listen, and Take action for the sake of families....

roger walter
Senior Pastor - http://bit.ly/qO3Vg
Adventist Community Church

Feed Yourself!  Break the Famine (Amos 8:11)

Vancouver Today - e.Update, Mar. 1, 2011

March 1, 2011  

From Pastor Roger ...

MOUNT CARMEL, Pa. – Recently, a Pennsylvania woman who thought she was petting a neighbor's cat got a smelly surprise when it turned out to be a skunk. Not only did the skunk spray the woman before dawn Monday, but it ran into her Mount Carmel home.

Police spent hours at the home before leaving the scene, but there was no immediate word if they were able to remove the animal.
"22 For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect—if that were possible. 23 So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time." Mark 13:22-23 NIV84
Are you grounded for anything that might deceive you? The best way to get grounded is to learn to feed yourself spiritually. Get involved in a personal devotional plan that helps you grow in your knowledge of God and something that changes who you are from the inside out.

Check out our website for more information on the LIFE Journal process… 

March 26 to April 23 (See attached brochure)

What's happening

  • Wednesday, Mar. 2:
    • Adventurers, 4:15pm
    • CHIP Information Meeting, 7pm
  • Sabbath, Mar. 5:
    • Pastor Roger Walter, "The Power of Doing Good", 9am and 11 am
    • Game night for Earliteen and Youth, 6pm, Steinweg home
  • Monday, Mar. 7:
    • Community Service Center, 9:30-11:45am and 12:30-3:00pm
    • Pathfinders, 7pm
  • Tuesday, Mar. 8:
    • Conference Call Prayer meeting, 7am
    • Community Service Center, 9:30-11:45am and 12:30-3:00pm 
