Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Vancouver Today — e.Update December 27, 2011

e-Newsletter header graphic

From Pastor Roger ... Happy New Year

With the exception of the weekly cycle, our calendar cycles are determined by nature. The sun's rotation divides up the days, the moon's movements give us a fairly constant monthly cycle, but the yearly cycle may vary, depending on your culture.

The Jewish calendar celebrates the beginning of a new year in the fall. The Chinese calendar places the beginning of the year from the end of January to mid February.

What each tradition has in common are secular and, sometimes,  religious celebrations around the big day. Aside from the annual tradition of New Year's resolutions, most Western traditions use the New Year as an excuse for partying.

The problem I see with the 'New Year' is that's really all the old stuff — recycled and looking worse than the its prececessor.

Paul tells us in Romans 6:4: "We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life."

When God makes you new, you're new. Not recycled, tarnished and blemished, but new.

When you dress your kids in their Sabbath-best clothes before church, you can pretty much count on them being stained with food, rain, dirt and sometimes tears by the time you get home. We do that with the newness God gives us.

But God doesn't give us one new life, or a new life every New Year's Day. He makes us new moment by moment, as we walk with Him and ask for His constant refreshing.

My prayer for you is that your walk with God is an ongoing daily "newness of life" (KJV) through your L.I.F.E.'s journey.


What's happening:

Pray for our mission team in Fiji. They're coming home Thursday. 


Friday, Dec. 30
5:00pm Shabbat Service 

Sabbath, Dec. 31
9 am Pastor Roger Walter 
10:00am Sabbath School
11 am Cardboard Testimonies, Pastor Roger Walter 

Sunday, Jan. 1
Happy New Year
Tuesday, Jan. 3
7:00pm History of the Church, Richard Wright 

Wednesday, Jan. 4
6:30pm Youth Night 
Friday, Jan. 6

5:00pm Shabbat Service 

Sabbath, Jan. 7

9, 11 am Pastor Roger Walter 
10:00am Sabbath School




Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Vancouver Today — e.Update December 20, 2011

e-Newsletter header graphic

From Pastor Roger ... Where is Jesus?

"Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?" (Matthew 2:2 NIV)

As questions go, it was pretty simple. "Where is He?" It should have been breaking news — most-whispered-about water-cooler / beauty-shop gossip chatter. After all, even rumors that Prince William and his Kate might be expecting a child get featured on CNN's home page.

The Magi weren't asking about a prince. They were asking about a King. And no one knew.

Call for the theologians and the scrolls. There it is: "…for this is what the prophet has written: 'But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.'" Matt. 2:5,6

That was some 2,000 years ago. Today, as it was then, the question is simple and straightforward: "Where is Jesus?"

It's not about dragging out doctrine, theology or prophecy. It's not about the judgment or the cleansing of the sanctuary or the second coming, as important as these are.

There's a song in our hymnal, #126, that ends with
          "Yet, what can I give him?
           Give my heart."

After the shepherds came to see the Child and shared their experience, Luke tells us "Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." Luke 2:19 She didn't know then that what she held in her heart would have to carry her through the darkest days of her life.

Pastor Jeff and Danny and I, and our families, wish for all of you a most joyful and blessed Christmas. And most of all, we pray that you have given Him your hearts; that you have hidden His word in the deepest places of your hearts.

"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." Psalm 119:11 (NIV)

What's happening:

Dec. 24, 8:45-10:15, Christmas Brunch
There will also be a special food collection for Community Service Center. Bring non-perishable food to church.

Pray for our mission team in Fiji.


Friday, Dec. 23
5:00pm Shabbat Service 

Sabbath, Dec. 24

8:45-10:15 Christmas Brunch and food collection for Community Service Center

9 am Pastor Roger Walter 
10:00am Sabbath School
11 am Christmas music, Pastor Roger Walter 

Friday, Dec. 30
5:00pm Shabbat Service 

Sabbath, Dec. 31

9, 11 am Pastor Roger Walter 
10:00am Sabbath School

Friday, December 16, 2011

UPDATE: Need Information Please

Just an update - as many of you found out. You cannot respond to me via this message by simply hitting reply. You can hit forward, and my email address will appear then, or you can please click on my email below and you'll be able to help out and give me a response. I'm sorry for any confusion that this may have caused you. If you've already responded, thank you. I've gotten responses via phone, email and on Facebook. Thank you, this is very helpful. Any more responses will be very helpful. I've so far heard from 14 people regarding 7 of 12 zip codes. Anyone else can respond, please. It would be very helpful to have multiple responses for each zip code. Please send your reply as this will possibly allow us to have thousands of dollars returned to us for a failed mailing.

Thank you and God Bless!

roger walter
Senior Pastor - http://bit.ly/qO3Vg
Adventist Community Church

Begin forwarded message:

From: roger walter <coachenator@gmail.com>
Subject: Need Information Please
Date: December 15, 2011 12:10:07 PM PST

Hey Everyone! I'm working with the mailing company for our recent seminar and asking for money back. We know that about half of our mailing got out late - up to 4 weeks late in at least one case. But I need your help. If you live in any of these zip codes, can you think and remind yourself if/when you received the mailing? 

The meetings started on November 12 and the brochures were supposed to arrive November 7, 8, 9. We know that some of them got delivered up to 5 days AFTER the meetings began and I just heard someone got there's last week! And several people never received their's at all!! Oh my!

So, I need some back up as to what happened. Please look over the zip codes below and if you are in one of those, reply to this email please....

  • 98604 
  • 98607
  • 98629
  • 98642 
  • 98661 
  • 98662
  • 98663
  • 98664
  • 98665 
  • 98682 
  • 98664 
  • 98685 

Please respond with:
  1. Name
  2. Zip Code
  3. Brochure arrived BEFORE or AFTER seminar began
  4. Approximate Date of Delivery 
  5. Whether you still have the brochure - does it have any postmark on it?

roger walter
Senior Pastor - http://bit.ly/qO3Vg
Adventist Community Church

Feed Yourself!  Break the Famine (Amos 8:11)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Need Information Please

Hey Everyone! I'm working with the mailing company for our recent seminar and asking for money back. We know that about half of our mailing got out late - up to 4 weeks late in at least one case. But I need your help. If you live in any of these zip codes, can you think and remind yourself if/when you received the mailing? 

The meetings started on November 12 and the brochures were supposed to arrive November 7, 8, 9. We know that some of them got delivered up to 5 days AFTER the meetings began and I just heard someone got there's last week! And several people never received their's at all!! Oh my!

So, I need some back up as to what happened. Please look over the zip codes below and if you are in one of those, reply to this email please....

  • 98604
  • 98607
  • 98629
  • 98642
  • 98661
  • 98662
  • 98663
  • 98664
  • 98665
  • 98682
  • 98664
  • 98685

Please respond with:
  1. Name
  2. Zip Code
  3. Brochure arrived BEFORE or AFTER seminar began
  4. Approximate Date of Delivery 
  5. Whether you still have the brochure - does it have any postmark on it?

roger walter
Senior Pastor - http://bit.ly/qO3Vg
Adventist Community Church

Feed Yourself!  Break the Famine (Amos 8:11)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Vancouver Today — e.Update December 13, 2011

Amazing Prophecies graphic

From Pastor Roger ...

Dreaded word

Breast cancer strikes about one out of every eight women in the US. More than 53,000 men and women die from colorectal cancer every year. More than 80,000 women are diagnosed with a gynecological cancer every year, with nearly 30,000 deaths annually. More than 200,000 thousand are diagnosed with lung cancer yearly, with nearly 160,000 deaths attributed to the disease. (Statistics courtesy of the US Centers for Disease Control.)

It's no wonder that people are full of dread hearing the word 'cancer' when they are at their doctor's office.

It's a miserable disease, and it's been with us for nearly as long as humanity has existed. Some medical experts think the description of Jehoram's affliction (2 Chronicles 21:14-19) to be consistent with colorectal cancer.

You won't get any argument from me that death from any kind of cancer is painful to the sufferer and to his or her family. The only good news about death caused by cancer is the hope of resurrection, fully restored to bodies God designed us to have in the first place.

So it begs the question: Why aren't we more in fear of 'sin' than 'cancer'?

Sin kills. Forever. "…  the earnings of the wicked are sin and death." Proverbs 10:16. "For the wages of sin is death.." Romans 6:23

Praise God—there is more in these two texts.

Christ saves. Eternally. "The wages of the righteous is life..." Proverbs 10:16. "… but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."  Romans 6:23.

We are desperately in need of revival. Personal spiritual revival. Ellen G. White wrote in Education, 57 (1903) and in Colporteur Ministry 54.4: "The greatest want of the world is the want of men (and women) — men who will not be bought or sold; men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole; men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall."

This is important, so let me reiterate the steps Mark Fox outlined for becoming this kind of man or woman for God.
A. Spend an hour per day in prayer
B. Pray 3x per day
C. Keep a journal of miracles in your life...it does not matter how small they may be
D. Write down promises on 3 X 5 cards and memorize them
E. Fast
F. Get involved in leading others to Jesus
G. Talk to Jesus all day long
H. Study the life of Jesus...i.e. read the Four Gospels and Desire of Ages
I. Study Prophecy
J. Spend time in nature
K. Improve your health...diet, exercise

Resource: The L.I.F.E. Journal


What's happening:

Sunday, Dec. 18, 7pm, Fountainview Academy Christmas Concert: Mary, Did You Know?
Dec. 24, 8:45-10:15, Christmas Brunch


Tuesday, Dec. 13
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies


Wednesday, Dec. 14
4:00pm Discovery and Adventurers Clubs
5:30pm Ministry Search
7:00pm Elders Meeting
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies

Thursday, Dec. 15
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies

Friday, Dec. 16
5:00pm Shabbat Service
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies
Sabbath, Dec. 17

9, 11 am Pastor Roger Walter, Meadowglade Adventist Elementary School
10:00am Sabbath School
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies

Sunday, Dec. 18
7:00pm Fountainview Academy Christmas Concert: "Mary, Did You Know?"
Monday, Dec. 19

6:00pm Islam vs Christianity

Wednesday, Dec. 21
7:00pm Finance Committee
Friday, Dec. 23
5:00pm Shabbat Service 

Sabbath, Dec. 24

8:45-10:15 Christmas Brunch
9, 11 am Pastor Roger Walter 
10:00am Sabbath School
Food collection for Community Service Center

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Vancouver Today e.Update, Dec. 7, 2011

Amazing Prophecies graphic

From Pastor Roger ...

Capitol One has had great advertising success with the catch phrase "What's in your wallet?"

I think the greater question is: What's in your brain?

For some time, Trivial Pursuit was THE game to play for families and parties. You won if you could remember bits and pieces of history, geography, sports, music, and pretty much anything that was in the news.

Guys who couldn't remember family birthdays or anniversaries could tell you who hit the winning home run in the 1975 World Series, or the game-winning basket in the 1988 NBA championship.

What's in your brain?

Some of us could do quite well if the game were Bible Trivia. Bits and pieces of Bible history, who said or did what to whom, but can we really say "I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you?" Psalms 119:11, NLT

The Psalms continue, verses 12 to 16:

I praise you, O LORD;
      teach me your decrees.
 I have recited aloud
      all the regulations you have given us.
 I have rejoiced in your laws
      as much as in riches.
 I will study your commandments
      and reflect on your ways.
 I will delight in your decrees
      and not forget your word.

Pastor Mark Fox implored all of us last Sabbath to pray for an hour, to read the Word, to allow the Spirit to lead us to revival. Join me and your church family in studying and letting God teach us.

The L.I.F.E. Journal helps you stay on track, join a Community Group, or study on your own — take that first step, that next step, and let God lead you home.


What's happening:

Dec. 18, 7pm, Fountainview Academy Christmas Concert: Mary, Did You Know?

Wednesday, Dec. 7
6:30pm Youth Night
7:00pm Church Board
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies: The Remnant of Revelation!

T'hursday, Dec. 8
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies
Friday, Dec. 9
5:00pm Shabbat Service
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies

Sabbath, Dec. 10
9, 11am Mark Fox
10:00am Sabbath School
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies

Monday, Dec. 12

7:00pm Pathfinders
7:00pm, MGAES School Board

Tuesday, Dec. 13
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies


Wednesday, Dec. 14
4:00pm Discovery and Adventurers Clubs
5:30pm Ministry Search
7:00pm Elders Meeting
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies

Thursday, Dec. 15
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies

Friday, Dec. 16
5:00pm Shabbat Service
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies

Sabbath, Dec. 17

9, 11 am Pastor Roger Walter, Meadowglade Adventist Elementary School
10:00am Sabbath School
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Vancouver Today - e.Update November 29, 2011

Amazing Prophecies graphic


From Pastor Roger ...

Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow. "


These were the last words spoken by Steve Jobs, the man behind the success of Apple Computers. His sister, Mona Simpson, says "Death didn't happen to Steve, he achieved it."


Simpson didn't know she had a brother. She was journalist, working in New York, when an attorney contacted her, telling her she had a rich brother who wanted to meet her. Her friends took bets on who this rich brother was – the leading vote getter was John Travolta.


They both learned more about their fragmented family life as they became acquainted. Steve had been given up for adoption. Mona was younger, and her parents divorced.


The more Steve and Mona got to know each other, the closer they became.


Steve Jobs had an amazing life, with incredible accomplishments. "Oh, wow," is a pretty good summary of his life.


But what does "Oh, wow" mean for you and me?


We have a "friend who sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24. How's that for Wow!


We are His by creation. Wow!

We are His by blood. Wow!


If there is to be a reflection of my life, let it mirror Jesus. Let my Wows! to be all about Him.


Jesus, our Advocate (from the same root word which gives us 'attorney'), is arranging for us to add brothers and sisters as we witness those who have been coming to the meetings night by night. Come and meet them.


Share with them the gift of salvation. It's a gift we don't achieve. It happens to us, when we accept Jesus. Oh wow.  Oh wow. Oh wow.



What's happening

SAVE THE DATE: Dec. 18, 7pm, Fountainview Academy Christmas Concert

Tuesday, Nov. 29
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies: Showdown in Babylon!
Wednesday, Nov. 30

4:10 Adventurers
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies: Antichrist Beast & 666! 

Friday, Dec. 2
5:00pm Shabbat Service
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies: The Mark of the Beast!

Sabbath, Dec. 3
9, 11am Mark Fox: When America Enforces the Mark of the Beast!
10:00am Sabbath School
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies:
When America Enforces the Mark of the Beast! 2
Monday, Dec. 5
7:00pm Pathfinders
7:00pm Worship Coordinators

Tuesday, Dec. 6

7:00pm Amazing Prophecies: Daniel's Longest Prophecy for Today
Wednesday, Dec. 7
6:30pm Youth Night
7:00pm Church Board
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies: The Remnant of Revelation!

T'hursday, Dec. 8
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies
Friday, Dec. 9
5:00pm Shabbat Service
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies

Sabbath, Dec. 10
9, 11am Mark Fox
10:00am Sabbath School
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Upcoming Marriage Seminar

Attached is information on the upcoming seminar this Sunday and Monday to help strengthen marriages. Also attached is an advanced schedule of the Amazing Prophecies Seminar. Plan to come! Bring a Friend! You will not be disappointed!

roger walter
Senior Pastor - http://bit.ly/qO3Vg
Adventist Community Church

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Vancouver Today - e.Update, November 22, 2011

Amazing Prophecies graphic


Marriage Seminar
with Mark Fox, Sunday and Monday, Nov. 27 and 28 (see attachment)

AMAZING PROPHECIES continues with Mark Fox,
(see attachment)

From Pastor Roger ... Enough?

There's a story that circulates around the Internet about wishing someone 'enough'. Summarized at the end of the tale:
 "When we said 'I wish you enough,' we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with enough good things to sustain them," he continued and then turning toward me he shared the following as if he were reciting it from memory.

"I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright. I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more. I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive. I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger. I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting. I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess. I wish enough "Hello's" to get you through the final "Good-bye."
Is 'enough' God's plan for you?

Back in Genesis 9:30, God said, "…Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything." In Genesis 24:1, "…and the LORD had blessed Abraham in all things." Jesus said, in Mark 9:23, "Everything is possible for one who believes," and in Mark 10:27 "…for with God all things are possible."

We read in Acts 13:30 "Through him everyone who believes is set free from every sin…" Paul tells us in Romans 8:32 "He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?"

God emptied heaven that we might have salvation. Paul shares in 1 Corinthians 9:22 "I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some."

We have a group who are coming to the Mark Fox meetings, learning just how much God wants for them to be saved. I pray each one of us will be willing to extend all possible means within our power to help them find their way.



What's happening

Tuesday, Nov. 22
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies: Hope Beyond The Grave
Wednesday, Nov. 23

6:30pm Youth Night
7:00pm Church Board
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies: Revelation's Lake of Fire & Sea of Glass!

T'hursday, Nov. 24
Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, Nov. 25
6:00pm Shabbat Service
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies

Sabbath, Nov. 26
9, 11am Mark Fox
10:00am Sabbath School
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies

Monday, Nov. 28
7:00pm Pathfinders

Tuesday, Nov. 29

7:00pm Amazing Prophecies
Wednesday, Nov. 30

4:10 Adventurers
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies 

T'hursday, Dec. 1
7:00pm Amazing Prophecie
Friday, Nov. 25
5:00pm Shabbat Service
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies

Sabbath, Nov. 26
9, 11am Mark Fox
10:00am Sabbath School
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies


Thursday, November 17, 2011

An urgent rally call from God's Word - Mark Fox

Mark Fox 
Subject: An urgent rally call from God's Word - Mark Fox 

Dear Friends in Christ,
This morning when I got up the first Scripture the Lord showed me was Nehemiah 4:19,20.  I believe this passage is very timely as we have begun this evangelistic series.  These two verses from Nehemiah 4:19-20 speak clearly about rallying God's people to come together when they hear the trumpet blast.
God is telling His faithful at Vancouver this is time to "rally" quickly together to work and fight for souls at the nightly meetings. 
Nehemiah 4:19-20

New King James Version (NKJV)
19 Then I said to the nobles, the rulers, and the rest of the people, "The work is great and extensive, and we are separated far from one another on the wall. 20 Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there. Our God will fight for us."

Nehemiah 4:19-20 Contemporary English Version (CEV)

19I told the people and their officials and leaders, " Our work is so spread out, that we are a long way from one another. 20If you hear the sound of the trumpet, come quickly and gather around me. Our God will help us fight."
I want to ask you to do four things for Jesus:
a. Pray for both church members and guests from the community to be moved by the Holy Spirit at the nightly meetings.
b. Invite your friends to attend.   Urge them to attend with enthusiasm and love.
c. Attend as faithfully as you are able.  Bring your children as there is a children's program.
d. Have faith that God is going to work miracles to demonstrate His power and love for you and others attending.
One day we must give an acount for how we responded to God's call to work for Him depending on the power of the Holy Spirit. 
May God bless our united efforts to lead souls to Jesus.  Take Jesus and expect miracles!
Mark Fox
Forever Free Ministries

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Rally the Troops!

Nehemiah 4:20 (ESV) In the place where you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there. Our God will fight for us."

Last night we began our Amazing Prophecies Seminar with Mark Fox. We had about 200 adults there, plus volunteers. So the start was pretty good. Tonight, night number 2, is just as vital to the outcome as the opening night. When the guests find the audience numbers staying high, they are more likely to stay up with things too! So, we want to invite you to come support the seminar - the trumpet has been blown and the we need support. Tonight's message is about 10 prophecies that affect America. Many of you have heard it before, but we need people who will pray for the seminar. We need people who will come out and meet people. We need people who will help and rally the support where God is fighting for us. Please plan to come. Please plan to join us! God is doing a great thing and the devil is doing all he can to stop us. 

Mark is preaching a message of God's truth bound up in his everlasting love and grace. I'm excited to see what God will do here - not just to reach people who haven't yet come, but also for people who are already members. This kind of seminar is not just about reaping, but also about REVIVAL of our own members. Plan to come, bring a friend, and if you know anyone that does not get email, call them and invite them to join us tonight as well.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Vancouver Today - e.Update, November 9, 2011

Amazing Prophecies graphic


From Pastor Roger ...

Can others see Jesus in you?


One day, Theresa realized that, other than at her baptism, 4-year-old Shannon had never been inside a church. She wanted her daughter to understand something of her family's religious heritage.


Theresa laid out a plan, set a date, and began preparing Shannon for her first visit to church, to Jesus' house. Finally, the date arrived.


As Shannon entered the Catholic church, she looked around in awe but not in fear. Theresa congratulated herself on having prepared her daughter.


The service started. The music was powerful. Shannon was clearly enjoying herself. As the procession passed their pew, the altar boys leading, the priest in the center, Theresa began to relax. Just then Shannon blurted out, in a loud penetrating voice, "Hey, Jesus! You sure look nice in that dress."


Amazing Prophecies with Mark Fox begins this Saturday night. 
We have sent brochures throughout our community. Someone out there is looking for  Jesus, seeking peace, needing answers. Be praying the rest of this week for that someone, that seeker.


Deuteronomy 4:29 (NIV): "But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul."


Jeremiah echoes those words in Jeremiah 29:13: "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."


Support the seeker by coming to the meetings. They need to see you, to get to know you.


Someone will come to church perhaps for the first time in his or her entire life, or perhaps in many years. Will they see Jesus in you?


My prayer for all of us: "I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands." Psalm 119:10

God's Closet
Don't Miss the opening day of God's Closet this Friday at 9am. If you are still interested in helping set up for it, you can come anytime to the church Fellowship Hall on Thursday (Nov. 10) from 9am-9pm and they will put your feet and hands to work helping those less fortunate than ourselves.

Check Out Our Facebook Page

Check Out Our Church Calendar

What's happening:


Wednesday, Nov. 9 
5:30pm Ministry Search Team
6:30pm Youth Night
7pm Church Board
Thursday, Nov. 10

7:00pm Bible Study class      

9:00 am God's Closet Setup

Friday, Nov. 11

9:00am God's Closet

6:00pm Shabbat Service
Sabbath, Nov. 12
9, 11 am Pastor Mark Fox
10:00am Sabbath School
7pm Amazing Prophecies: On the Brink of Armageddon!

Sunday, Nov. 13
  7:00pm Amazing Prophecies: Ten Startling Prophecies for America!

Monday, Nov. 14
7:00pm Pathfinders
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies: Jesus, Jerusalem, Islam and End Time Prophecies
Tuesday, Nov. 15
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies: Revelation's Most Urgent Message
Wednesday, Nov. 16

4:00pm Discovery/ Adventurers Clubs
6:30pm Youth Night
7:00pm Finance Committee
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies: The Antichrist Revealed!
Thursday, Nov. 17

7:00pm Amazing Prophecies: The Hidden Secrets of the Ark of the Covenant
Friday, Nov. 18

6:00pm Shabbat Service
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies: Revelation's Number Seven and Your Future
Sabbath, Nov. 19

9, 11 am Amazing Prophecies: You can have a Comeback! Mark's Conversion story
10:00am Sabbath School
7:00pm Amazing Prophecies: The Antichrist's & History's Best Kept Secret!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Vancouver Today - e.Update, November 1, 2011

N O V E M B E R  1 ,  2 0 1 1

From Pastor Roger: Copycats

From USA Today, Oct. 30, 2011:

"Sunday, as expected, a national TV audience could see pious Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow taking a knee in silent devotion. 
The Christian player didn't change his prayerful ways before facing the Lions (Detroit Lions, not Biblical ones).

Besides, he thinks it's great if folks are 'Tebowing' -- praying when everyone else is doing something else."

Another web article featured more than 20 photos of people around the US "Tebowing". It was clear that most of them were copying his form but not his purpose.

Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 3:4-5 about those who are "lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power."

It's tempting to point fingers, but how many of us have experienced a form of godliness without receiving its power?

A Seventh-day Adventist man was setting down his tray at local Sweet Tomatoes Restaurant. He looked up to see a man and woman covered in tattoos looking for a table. He sent up a quick prayer that the unsavory looking couple would look for a table far away from him.

Of course, they chose the table next to his.

They bowed their heads, held hands and prayed out loud. It was a beautiful prayer, much more profound than his own "Thank you for this food. Amen." Then their lunch conversation centered on what they were currently studying in the Bible.

Are you 'Tebowing', or are you really drawing on the Power of God? Keep close to the Power Source. Join many members of your church family who are finding a daily connection through the LIFE Journal.


What's happening:

Nov. 12: Amazing Prophecies, 7pm, with Mark Fox 

Wednesday, Nov. 2

4:10pm Adventurers
6:30pm Youth Night
Thursday, Nov. 3

7:00pm Bible Study class
Friday, Nov. 4

6:00pm Shabbat Service
Sabbath, Nov. 5

9, 11 am Pastor Roger Walter
10:00am Sabbath School

Monday, Nov. 6

7:00pm Pathfinders
7:00pm Bible Study class
Wednesday, Nov. 8

5:30pm Ministry Search Team
6:30pm Youth Night
7pm Church Board
Thursday, Nov. 10

7:00pm Bible Study class
Friday, Nov. 11

6:00pm Shabbat Service
Sabbath, Nov. 12

9, 11 am Pastor Mark Fox
10:00am Sabbath School
7pm Amazing Prophecies: On the Brink of Armageddon!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Vancouver Today - e.Update, October 25, 2011

O C T O B E R  2 5 ,  2 0 1 1

From Pastor Roger ...

This is the perfect time to plant crocus bulbs. You dig about 2 inches deep and set them 2 inches apart. Then you probably forget all about them until they surprise you one February morning as you shiver in the cold enjoying their cheerful colors amid winter's gloom, a sure sign that Spring is coming.

Every one of us has witnessed the death and burial of a loved one. And all around us are signs that the day when we are reunited with them is closer than ever.  

In Revelation 22, we read "I am coming soon!" three times. When something is repeated in the Bible, it's important. In verse 17 (TNIV), we read,  "The Spirit and the bride say, 'Come!' And let those who hear say, 'Come!' Let those who are thirsty come; and let all who wish take the free gift of the water of life."

There are many who are thirsting, literally dying to have water of life. They can't read the signs, if they even knew signs existed.

We have the privilege of sharing our knowledge, of helping to quench their thirst – we can show them how to read the signs.

Learn how give Bible studies. Join the classes by Chris Camacho in the Fireside Room.  They meet Monday and Thursday nights at 7 p.m. and will last 1 hour.  Call Carolyn Karlstrom at 573-9872 if you have questions.

Be praying now for your family, friends, acquaintances, coworkers – anyone you know whom you can invite to the Amazing Prophecies meetings beginning November 12 here at the church. Pray also for guidance on what you can do during the meetings.

I don't know if crocuses will bloom all year long in heaven, but I do know that the lives brought to Jesus and changed by Him will blossom throughout eternity. Let us all be gardeners for heaven.


What's happening

Wednesday, Oct. 26

6:30pm Youth Night
7:00pm Finance Committee
7:00pm Evangelism Team meeting
Thursday, Oct. 27

7:00pm Bible Study class
Friday, Oct. 28

6:00pm Shabbat Service
Sabbath, Oct. 29

9, 11am Pastor Jeff Richards 10:00am Sabbath School
Sunday, Oct. 30
3:00pm Piano Recital
Monday, Oct. 31

6:00pm Family Fun Night
7:00pm Pathfinders
7:00pm Bible Study class
Wednesday, Nov. 2

4:10pm Adventurers
6:30pm Youth Night
Thursday, Nov. 3

7:00pm Bible Study class
Friday, Nov. 4

6:00pm Shabbat Service
Sabbath, Nov. 5

9, 11 am Pastor Roger Walter
10:00am Sabbath School

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Phone calls today

Waste Connection - re bill

Patricia at Quill, for Jack. Will call back around 2.

Louise Craig      (360) 921.3794
  |  Skype: louise.cra1g 

Parental Rights in Danger

From time to time I've passed on info from this organization. I believe what they are striving to do is important. Read on below....

roger walter
Sr. Pastor
Adventist Community Church

Begin forwarded message:

From: "ParentalRights.org" <info@parentalrights.org>
Date: October 19, 2011 6:47:05 AM CDT
Parental Rights in Danger - Pass It On!
Reply-To: info@parentalrights.org

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October 18, 2011

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1. Fields v. Palmdale, 427 F.3d 1197 (2005).

2. Parker v. Hurley, 474 F.Supp. 2d 261 (D Mass 2007).

3. Roper v. Simmons, 543 U.S. 551 (2005). Also Graham v. Florida, 560 U.S. ___ (2010).

Parental Rights in Danger - Pass It On!

Things are getting ready to break wide open in the next few weeks. You may already be aware of Overruled, the new 30-minute docudrama about parental rights scheduled for release on November 1. But there are also developments in Congress that should lead to some big news very soon.

In the meantime, here are some quotes and stories to consider and pass along. Every American should care about parental rights. Those who don't simply aren't paying attention to some of the things going on in our country. Consider:

In 2005, the U.S. Ninth Circuit "affirm[ed] that the Meyer-Pierce [fundamental parental] right does not extend beyond the threshold of the school door." They also held that "[p]arents…have no constitutional right…to prevent a public school from providing its students with whatever information it wishes to provide, sexual or otherwise, when and as the school determines that it is appropriate to do so."1

In 2007, the federal District Court for the district of Massachusetts held that "Parents do have a fundamental right to raise their children. They are not required to abandon that responsibility to the state. [They] may send their children to a private school…. They may also educate their children at home."2 So, sending a child to public school is in this paragraph equated to "abandoning your parental rights to the state."

In 2008, the Maryland Board of Education announced, "While we recognize the right of parents to direct the education of their children, we must bend their will to the state's obligation to educate its citizens."

Nor do such problems exist only for parents with kids in public schools.

In Roper v. Simmons (2005), and in Graham v. Florida and Sullivan v. Florida (2010), the Supreme Court overthrew the laws of Texas and of Florida, writing, "the Court has referred to the laws of other countries and to the international authorities as instructive for its interpretation of the [U.S. Constitution]."3 In both instances, they applied the UN's Convention on the Rights of the Child to United States law, though we have not yet ratified this dangerous treaty.

Last year, a judge in Philadelphia cited the concept of "Customary International Law" in applying an optional protocol to the UN's Convention on the Rights of the Child to a federal court case. And the number of judges applying international standards in our courts seems to be increasing.

Daytime curfews around the country threaten the right of home-schooled and private-schooled children to move freely in public without harassment from law officers during public school hours. California just passed a law allowing children as young as 12 to consent to the Gardasil vaccine without parental knowledge or consent. Minnesota already allows the same thing. In Virginia, the vaccine is even mandated by law, the state having made the decision in parents' stead.

It seems every week brings more violations of parents' liberty to make decisions for the good of their children. It almost makes President Reagan's words sound prophetic: "We will spend our twilight years telling our grandchildren what it was like to live in America when men were free."

But we are not doomed to that yet. In fact, I expect to bring very good news next week, news of our efforts to turn back the tide by adopting the Parental Rights Amendment.

Until then, pass the word, sound the alarm, and urge your friends to sign up at parentalrights.org/petition.


Michael Ramey
Dir. of Communications & Research

P.O. Box 1090 Purcellville, VA 20134 * (540)-751-1200 * info@parentalrights.org

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