Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Vancouver Today - e.Update, November 1, 2011

N O V E M B E R  1 ,  2 0 1 1

From Pastor Roger: Copycats

From USA Today, Oct. 30, 2011:

"Sunday, as expected, a national TV audience could see pious Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow taking a knee in silent devotion. 
The Christian player didn't change his prayerful ways before facing the Lions (Detroit Lions, not Biblical ones).

Besides, he thinks it's great if folks are 'Tebowing' -- praying when everyone else is doing something else."

Another web article featured more than 20 photos of people around the US "Tebowing". It was clear that most of them were copying his form but not his purpose.

Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 3:4-5 about those who are "lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power."

It's tempting to point fingers, but how many of us have experienced a form of godliness without receiving its power?

A Seventh-day Adventist man was setting down his tray at local Sweet Tomatoes Restaurant. He looked up to see a man and woman covered in tattoos looking for a table. He sent up a quick prayer that the unsavory looking couple would look for a table far away from him.

Of course, they chose the table next to his.

They bowed their heads, held hands and prayed out loud. It was a beautiful prayer, much more profound than his own "Thank you for this food. Amen." Then their lunch conversation centered on what they were currently studying in the Bible.

Are you 'Tebowing', or are you really drawing on the Power of God? Keep close to the Power Source. Join many members of your church family who are finding a daily connection through the LIFE Journal.


What's happening:

Nov. 12: Amazing Prophecies, 7pm, with Mark Fox 

Wednesday, Nov. 2

4:10pm Adventurers
6:30pm Youth Night
Thursday, Nov. 3

7:00pm Bible Study class
Friday, Nov. 4

6:00pm Shabbat Service
Sabbath, Nov. 5

9, 11 am Pastor Roger Walter
10:00am Sabbath School

Monday, Nov. 6

7:00pm Pathfinders
7:00pm Bible Study class
Wednesday, Nov. 8

5:30pm Ministry Search Team
6:30pm Youth Night
7pm Church Board
Thursday, Nov. 10

7:00pm Bible Study class
Friday, Nov. 11

6:00pm Shabbat Service
Sabbath, Nov. 12

9, 11 am Pastor Mark Fox
10:00am Sabbath School
7pm Amazing Prophecies: On the Brink of Armageddon!
