Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Vancouver Today — e.Update February 28, 2012

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                                   FEBRUARY 28, 2012

From Pastor Roger - Community

Let's go back to Acts 2. Last week, we focused on verse 44, "All the believers were together and had everything in common." That's the very definition of community.

How did they come to that level of community?

Part of the answer lies back in verse 42: "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer."

I see in this verse four facets of community:

  1. Studying together
  2. Fellowshiping together
  3. Breaking of bread together
  4. Praying together

We can do all of those thing to some degree in the larger community that is the Adventist Community Church of Vancouver. To do them well, to really gain the sense of being together and having everything in common, we will know greater success when these four facets of community happen in our smaller community groups.

As we study and pray together, God will lead each of us, as he led the early church, to understand where we need to be, what we need to do, and how we should do it.

There are many roles in the church begging for someone to step up to the plate. Not just any willing person, but someone who feels led to the task as his or her ministry.

Our church needs people who believe in their role in building community, whether that is leading a community group, greeting a visitor, teaching a class, printing the bulletin, praying with someone, picking up a piece of trash on the floor — any of the many, many visible or behind-the-scenes actions that are vital to church life and community.

What would God have you do? Where would God use you best?

Whether you're in a community group or studying and praying alone, ask God what he would have you do, where he would have you be. Then be ready to answer, as Isaiah: "Here am I. Send me!" Isa 6:8 NIV


What's happening

>Thursday, Mar. 15,
7pm - Tribute Quartet.
>Sabbath, Apr. 14, 4:30 pm, Oregon Adventist Men's Chorus. Free, reservations recommended. www.oamc.org 


Tuesday, Feb. 28
7:00pm Love and Respect Marriage Class  

Wednesday, Feb. 29
6:30pm Youth
Bible Study  

Thursday, Mar. 1
7:00pm The Journey

Friday, Mar. 2
6:00pm Shabbat Service 

Sabbath, Mar. 3

9, 11am Pastor Jeff Richards
10:00am Sabbath School
4:30pm Oregon Conference Pastors; Russell Burrill
4:30pm Youth Social


Sunday, Mar. 4
9:00am Men's Group
5:30pm Russell Burrill

Monday, Mar. 5
5:30pm Russell Burril

Tuesday, Mar. 6
5:30 Russell Burrill
7:00pm Love and Respect Marriage Class  

Wednesday, Mar. 7
5:30 Russell Burrill
6:30pm Youth Bible Study
Thursday, Mar. 8
5:30 Russell Burrill
7:00pm The Journey

Friday, Mar. 9
5:30 Russell Burrill
6:00pm Shabbat Service 

Sabbath, Mar. 3

9, 11am Pastor Roger Walter
10:00am Sabbath School
5:30 Russell Burrilll

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Vancouver Today — e.Update February 21, 2012

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                                   FEBRUARY 21, 2012

From Pastor Roger - Community

I'm sure they live at your house, too. Those phantom residents. If you don't know them, let me introduce you:

  • Who spilled the milk and didn't wipe it up? "Ida Know."
  • Whose put muddy hands on the wall? "Notme."
  • Did you take the trash cans out? "Notmy Turn."
  • Who brought that dirty cat into the house. "Nobody."
  • You are grounded for the next 100 years. "Whyme?"

Ahhh. You do know them. If we ran across a primitive tribe who has never had contact with Western civilization, those phantom residents would still be there.

Theoretically, they should disappear as we grow up. Adults who haven't learned to accept the consequences of their actions, who still rely on Ida Know, Notme, Notmy Turn, Nobody, Whyme and the other scapegoats kids invent, find themselves in trouble. The level of trouble is directly related to how much they rely on their scapegoats.

A church finds its growth stunted, sometimes twisted, when these troublesome critters invade the church community.

"Community" comes from the Latin communitatem. It meant fellowship, a community of relations, shared values or ideals.

The early Christian church grew by leaps and bounds. In Acts 2:42-47, Luke gives us a glimpse of what it was like:

"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles.

All the believers were together and had everything in common.

They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.

Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved."

Notice verse 44: "All the believers were together and had everything in common." They definitely had community. It's not much of a risk to say our phantom residents didn't find a home here.

Over the next weeks, our church will be delving more deeply into strengthening our community. I pray that someone will say of our church "All the believers were together and had everything in common."


What's happening

Thursday, Feb. 21: 7pm - Keepers of the Faith Quartet.


Tuesday, Feb. 21
7:00pm History of the Church
7:00pm Love and Respect Marriage Class  

Wednesday, Feb. 22
6:30pm Youth Night
7:00pm Church  Board 

Thursday, Feb. 23
7:00pm CAA Board
7:00pm Keepers of the Faith Quartet

Friday, Feb. 24
6:00pm Shabbat Service 

Sabbath, Feb. 25

9, 11 am Pastor Danny Kim
10:00am Sabbath School
3:00pm Adventurer & Discovery Awards
5:00pm Soup, Bread & Games


Sunday, Feb. 26
9:00am Men's Group

Tuesday, Feb. 28
7:00pm Love and Respect Marriage Class  

Wednesday, Feb. 29
6:30pm Youth Night  

Thursday, Mar. 1
7:00pm The Journey

Friday, Mar. 2
6:00pm Shabbat Service 

Sabbath, Mar. 3

9, 11am Pastor Jeff Richards
10:00am Sabbath School
4:30pm Oregon Conference Pastors
4:30pm Youth Social

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Vancouver Today — e.Update February 14, 2012

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                                   FEBRUARY 14, 2012 - Valentine's Day

From Pastor Roger - Love Letters

Ashley Fantz, CNN, wrote about a book published in 2008 called Love Letters of Great Men. The book's author, John Kirkland, "plundered the depths of cheesy writing throughout history by revered, infamous and just plain awful people."

The CNN article focused on excerpts of love letters written by infamous tyrants Napoleon, Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini. In each case, what started out as loving relationships ended in cruelty in all four, and death in two of them.

The greatest love letter of all time shares the greatest love story ever told. "For God so loved the world …" John 3:16. This story has moments that look pretty bad, unless you dig deeper. You'll find a love that doesn't stop when scorned, abused or rejected. Nor does it end when love's greatest gift is destroyed on a cross.

1 John 3:1 (NLT) tells us to "See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children …" In the chapter before, John says he is not writing a new commandment. "…rather it is an old one you have had from the very beginning. This old commandment – to love one another — is the same message you heard before. Yet it is also new. Jesus lived the truth of this commandment, and you also are living it." 1 John 2:7-8 NLT

The mystery of this love causes angels to marvel at God's constancy, his faithfulness to his ungrateful children. And it is an angel who says, "Everything you have heard and seen is trustworthy and true." Rev. 22:6 NLT

There's a lot of hype around Valentine's Day and love, romance, chocolates, gifts, but how much of it is trustworthy and true?

As you honor the special person in your life today, also take a moment to tell someone in your church family that you appreciate them. It may be a Sabbath School teacher, a Pathfinder leader, the greeter at the door, the cook in the kitchen, the person who picked up the bulletin you dropped as you juggled children or packages, the person who took time to pray with you, or one of those precious people who always smiles when they see you.

Or better yet, try it on that grumpy sales clerk!

Love one another. It works miracles.



What's happening

Thursday: 7pm - Keepers of the Faith Quartet.


Tuesday, Feb. 14

7:00pm Love and Respect Marriage Class  

Wednesday, Feb. 15
6:30pm Youth Night  

Friday, Feb. 17
6:00pm Shabbat Service 

Sabbath, Feb. 18

9, 11 am Pastor Roger Walter
10:00am Sabbath School


Sunday, Feb. 19
9:00am Men's Group

Monday, Feb. 20
7:00pm Finance Committee  

Tuesday, Feb. 21
7:00pm History of the Church
7:00pm Love andRespect Marriage Class  

Wednesday, Feb. 22
6:30pm Youth Night
7:00pm Church  Board 

Thursday, Feb. 23
7:00pm CAA Board
7:00pm Keepers of the Faith Quartet

Friday, Feb. 24
6:00pm Shabbat Service 

Sabbath, Feb. 25

9, 11 am Pastor Roger Walter
10:00am Sabbath School
3:00pm Adventurer & Discovery Awards
5:00pm Soup, Bread & Games

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Vancouver Today — e.Update February 7, 2012

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                                   FEBRUARY 7, 2012

From Pastor Roger - Comfort my people

John 11:35 is the shortest verse in the entire Bible: "Jesus wept."

On Sunday morning, we gathered in the ICU waiting room at PeaceHealth Southwest as her family prepared to say their final goodbyes to 41-year-old Tina Oliver Rief.

Over the course of my ministry, I've shared many sorrows with my church families. We've certainly had our share of them here in Vancouver. We weep.

E.G. White wrote:

"To go on without fear we must know that an almighty hand will hold us up, and an infinite humanity in Christ pities us. But do not let us pity ourselves, for this is not the thing to do. It is not enough for us to have faith in law and force, things which have no pity, and never hear the cry for help. We need to clasp a hand that is warm, and trust in a heart full of love and tenderness." 1M: 31/3

"…an infinite humanity in Christ pities us." Not in the sense that we are pathetic, but in feeling our pain. He feels our pain so acutely — over the lost job, broken home, aching body, or death of a loved one — that He weeps with us.

Praise God, there's more. Underlying the sorrow and tears, there is often hope, strength, and many times, healing of relationships and hearts.

Our tears are often accompanied by helpless wringing of hands, without a clue what we ought to do next. Not so with Jesus.

While His tears fall, his "almighty hand will hold us up…" No wonder Isaiah was able to write "Comfort, comfort my people, says your God." Isa 40:1 NIV





What's happening

Today: 3:00pm Tina Oliver Rief Memorial

Feb. 23, 7pm - Keepers of the Faith Quartet.


Tuesday, Feb. 7
7:00pm History of the Church, Richard Wright
7:00pm Community Services Center Board 

Wednesday, Feb. 8
6:30pm Youth Night
7:00pm Elder's Meeting
7:00pm Worship Meeting 

Thursday, Feb. 9
7:00pm Community Group Leadership Training 
Friday, Feb. 10
9:00am God's Closet
6:00pm Shabbat Service 

Sabbath, Feb. 11

9, 11 am Gordon Pifher, The Love Graph
10:00am Sabbath School
Gordon Pifher, The Love Graph, continued
3:00pm Tina Oliver Rief Memorial


Sunday, Feb. 12
9:00am Men's Group

Monday, Feb. 13
7:00pm School Board  

Tuesday, Feb. 14

7:00pm Love andRespect Marriage Class  

Wednesday, Feb. 15
6:30pm Youth Night  

Friday, Feb. 17
9:00am God's Closet
6:00pm Shabbat Service 

Sabbath, Feb. 18

9, 11 am Pastor Roger Walter
10:00am Sabbath School
