Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Vancouver Today — e.Update March 27, 2012

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                             MARCH 27, 2012

From Pastor Roger - Ministry Fair

For the past three weeks, we have been going through a series, "Living Beyond Myself." It has all been leading up to this Sabbath and our Ministry Fair.

We have said that your church needs you. It would be just as accurate to say that you need your church. You are missing the blessings waiting for you as you step into ministry.

As we've studied over the past weeks, God provides opportunities. Some of them are a perfect fit for your already-developed spiritual gifts. Others are poised to help you strengthen areas you want to build up. Some provide outlets for your creative energies. And still others require little more of you than to show up.

God does amazing things when you show up.

Remember Gideon and his 300 men? Jericho? Namaan? The little boy with the loaves and fishes?

The Bible is full of stories of people accomplishing the barely-possible as well as the impossible just because they were willing to step up when God called.

Where is God calling you to serve?

If you're still not sure, check out the tables at our Ministry Fair on Sabbath morning. You'll find ministries you are familiar with and look forward to more involvement. You'll also have opportunities to learn about ministries you didn't know about.

If you feel called to a ministry that you don't see at the Ministry fair, please talk to one of the pastors.

We can't wait to see what God is going to do through you!

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom. Ecclesiastes 9:10 NIV







What's happening

>Sabbath, Apr. 14, 4:30 pm, Oregon Adventist Men's Chorus. Free, reservations recommended. www.oamc.org 

Pick up a LIFE Journal bookmark at the greeter's desk in the foyer.

>Future concerts:
• May 5, 7:30pm, Michael Bishop
• June 23, 7:30pm, King's Heralds


Tuesday, Mar. 27
7:00pm Love and Respect Marriage Class  

Wednesday, Mar. 28
4:00 Discoverers & Adventurers
6:30pm Youth Bible Study
7:00pm Church Board

Thursday, Mar. 29
7:00pm The Journey 

Friday, Mar. 30
6:00pm Shabbat Service 

Sabbath, Mar. 31

9, 11am Pastor Roger Walter - Part 4 "Living Beyond Myself"
10:00am Sabbath School
9am-12:30 Ministry Fair


Sunday, Apr. 1
9:00am Men's Group
11:00am Leonard Cooper Memorial
7:00pm CHIP Information Session

Monday, Apr. 2
7:00pm CHIP Information

Tuesday, Apr. 3
3:00pm Home School Support Group
7:00pm CHIP Information Session  

Wednesday, Apr. 4
4:00 Budget Meeting
6:30pm Youth Bible Study 
Thursday, Apr. 5
7:00pm The Journey 

Friday, Apr. 6
6:00pm Shabbat Service 

Sabbath, Apr. 7

9, 11am Resurrection Service
10:00am Sabbath School
4:00pm Passover Seder

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Vancouver Today — e.Update March 20, 2012

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                             MARCH 20, 2012

From Pastor Roger - Being the Master's Tools

Mathew Varghese, General Secretary of Union of Evangelical Students of India wrote about "Being the Master's Tools."

Pastor Varghese said, "The model before us is the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was a life presented and explained to all peoples in all times. The foundation is laid; the ground is prepared. We need to own and build our lives into this great personality."

He goes on to say, "People were His greatest tool…God has created each one of us in a unique way, as a unique tool in His hands. All other tools are secondary compared to the worth of human lives dedicated for the Lord's service."

Pastor Varghese was focusing on evangelism when he wrote his thoughts.


We so often think of evangelism as a series of meetings geared to bringing 'outsiders' into the church. Or giving Bible studies to the unchurched. Or selling books door to door.

Whatever your concept, I'm guessing you don't normally think of evangelism as teaching in a children's Sabbath School, preparing food for potluck, weeding the flower beds, stuffing the bulletin, sweeping the front walkway – or any one of a thousand tasks that make up the church as it is seen by others.

Last night on the news, a leader of the Living Savior Lutheran Church in Tualatin was interviewed following a devastating fire that destroyed their church. He said the church would continue on, that the church was not the building, but the people.

We are in week three of our four-week sermon series on "Living Beyond Myself." Our prayer is that God is revealing to you how He wants you to serve. You are the church. You are a unique tool in God's hands.

Ephesians 6:7,8 (NIV): "Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do…"


What's happening

>Sabbath, Apr. 14, 4:30 pm, Oregon Adventist Men's Chorus. Free, reservations recommended. www.oamc.org 


 - CAA/PAA Spring Break -

Tuesday, Mar. 20
7:00pm Love and Respect Marriage Class  

Wednesday, Mar. 21
4:00 Budget Meeting
6:30pm Youth Bible Study
Thursday, Mar. 22
7:00pm The Journey 

Friday, Mar. 23
6:00pm Shabbat Service 

Sabbath, Mar. 24

9, 11am Pastor Danny Kim - Part 3 "Living Beyond Myself"
10:00am Sabbath School


Sunday, Mar. 25
9:00am Men's Group

Monday, Mar. 26
7:00pm Finance Committee

Tuesday, Mar. 27
7:00pm Love and Respect Marriage Class  

Wednesday, Mar. 28
4:00 Discoverers & Adventurers
6:30pm Youth Bible Study
7:00pm Church Board

Thursday, Mar. 29
7:00pm The Journey 

Friday, Mar. 30
6:00pm Shabbat Service 

Sabbath, Mar. 31

9, 11am Pastor Roger Walter - Part 4 "Living Beyond Myself"
10:00am Sabbath School
9am-12:30 Ministry Fair

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Vancouver Today — e.Update March 13, 2012

e-Newsletter header graphic
                             MARCH 13, 2012

From Pastor Roger - Community, Part 4

If you were at church Sabbath, you learned that we shared the first in a 4-week series. If you weren't at church, we want you to know that we started a 4-week series. I encourage you to listen to these sermons. You can find them on our website vancouveradventist.com or get DVDs through the church library.

There's a very good reason why the back of our bulletin lists 'Everyone' as Ministers – because you are. Each of you ministers, to others within our church community as well as to the community at large.

There are some ministries in the church that are dictated by policy, tradition or normal church function. But many ministries in our church community sprouted up because someone saw a need, or had a passion for a particular service, or felt called to a ministry even though they felt there were others better suited.

We often quote the first part of Romans 8:28 as a comforting thought: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him…"NIV And it is comforting. It is one of the best loved, most quoted texts in the Bible.

There's more. Paul finished the sentence saying "…who have been called according to his purpose."

What is God calling you to do?

As we study together over the next three weeks, spend time asking God during your personal devotions asking for guidance on how you can serve within your community.

"Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them." John 13:17NIV


What's happening

>Thursday, 7pm - Tribute Quartet.
>If you are involved in a Ministry Fair booth, your Ministry Descriptions are due this Sabbath.

>SHAMROCK celebration, 6:00 pm. Please RSVP to Karen Coppes (karencoppes43@gmail.com or 360.326.8996) so we'll be sure to have enough potatoes!
>Sabbath, Apr. 14, 4:30 pm, Oregon Adventist Men's Chorus. Free, reservations recommended. www.oamc.org 


Tuesday, Mar. 13
7:00pm Love and Respect Marriage Class  

Wednesday, Mar. 14
4:10 Adventurers
6:30pm Youth Bible Study
7:00pm Elder's Meeting
Thursday, Mar. 15
7:00pm The Journey
7:00pm Tribute Quartet

Friday, Mar. 16
6:00pm Shabbat Service 

Sabbath, Mar. 17

9, 11am Pastor Jeff Richards
10:00am Sabbath School
2:00pm Spiritual Gifts 101
6:00pm Shamrock Celebration


Sunday, Mar. 18
9:00am Men's Group
2:00pm Raw Food class

 - CAA/PAA Spring Break -

Tuesday, Mar. 20
7:00pm Love and Respect Marriage Class  

Wednesday, Mar. 21
4:00 Budget Meeting
6:30pm Youth Bible Study
Thursday, Mar. 22
7:00pm The Journey 

Friday, Mar. 23
6:00pm Shabbat Service 

Sabbath, Mar. 24

9, 11am Pastor Danny Kim
10:00am Sabbath School 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Vancouver Today — e.Update March 6, 2012

e-Newsletter header graphic
                                   MARCH 6, 2012

From Pastor Roger - Community, Part 3

Community, Part 3

In Acts 2:45 and 46, the early church took their sense of community beyond what we shared in last week's newsletter

"They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.

Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts…"

They built their community through studying, fellowshipping, eating, and praying together (v. 42). They strengthened community by being together and having everything in common (v. 44).

They maintained community by willingly gave all they had, and not just possessions (v. 45, 46). "Every day they continued to meet together…"

Your church needs you. Every day, in many ways.

But, you say, you don't have any talents or gifts. Can you:

  • push a broom or mop?
  • empty a waste basket?
  • pick up trash?
  • wipe a counter?
  • dust a shelf?
  • pluck a weed?
  • plant a flower?
  • put inserts into a bulletin?
  • type a letter?
  • run a copy machine?
  • help hold a child?
  • tidy up a bulletin board?
  • smile at a stranger?

Your church needs help with simple things all the way to more complex challenges. A couple of hours a week or a couple of days a week.

On March 24, you'll have a chance to explore more thoroughly all the ways you can help your church. Be praying and thinking about your part in building and maintaining our community.

"Here am I. Send me!" Isa 6:8 NIV


What's happening

>Thursday, Mar. 15,
7pm - Tribute Quartet.
>Sabbath, Apr. 14, 4:30 pm, Oregon Adventist Men's Chorus. Free, reservations recommended. www.oamc.org 


Tuesday, Mar. 6
7:00pm Love and Respect Marriage Class  

Wednesday, Mar. 7
5:30 Russell Burrill
6:30pm Youth Bible Study
Thursday, Mar. 8
7:00pm The Journey

Friday, Mar. 9
6:00pm Shabbat Service 

Sabbath, Mar. 10

9, 11am Pastor Roger Walter
10:00am Sabbath School


Sunday, Mar. 11
2:00am Daylight Savings Time begins
9:00am Men's Group
2:00pm Raw Food class

Tuesday, Mar. 13
7:00pm Love and Respect Marriage Class  

Wednesday, Mar. 14
4:10 Adventurers
6:30pm Youth Bible Study
7:00pm Elder's Meeting
Thursday, Mar. 15
7:00pm The Journey
7:00pm Tribute Quartet

Friday, Mar. 16
6:00pm Shabbat Service 

Sabbath, Mar. 17

9, 11am Pastor Jeff Richards
10:00am Sabbath School
2:00pm Spiritual Gifts 101
6:00pm Shamrock Celebration
