Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Today in Vancouver - eNews

Thursday September 2, 2010

The Mission of the Adventist Community Church is to Reach Deep in Discipleship, Reach Out in Evangelism and Reach Up in Worship.

In his book, "The Road Ahead", the late Jere Patzer tells us this:
"On Tuesday, October 17, 1989, at 5:04 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time, the earth began to shake under the San Francisco Bay area. IN what was then named Candlestick Park, the Oakland Athletics and the San Francisco Giants baseball teams were getting ready to begin the World Series.
"Suddenly in that great stadium the lights began to flicker. Steel girders holding the upper deck began to sway, and pieces of concrete started crumbling down. A voice over the loud speaker told spectators to leave. But when the initial quake was over, fans began shouting, "Play ball!"
"In the Marina district north of Candlestick Park, houses shifted off crumbling foundations, and buildings collapsed. Gas lines exploded, and fire broke out. Across the Bay, in Oakland, a mile long section of Highway 880 fell, crushing rushhour commuters. In the course of one minute thousands of peoples' lives were changed because of something that happened deep inside the earth, and merely shouting "Play ball!" would not change these cataclysmic forces.
"No, there must be a strategy. This will involve pain, trial, error, and failure, but the impact can be enormous.
"Deciding to change—having a vision—is only half of the battle. We have to develop a workable strategy to take people with us. And that is difficult as we all know."

We do have a strategy for getting to the mission of REACHing people with the message of Jesus. Over the next couple of years we want to see:
  • to see 35 new people trained as Community Group leaders - which we believe will translate into 240 people in a Community Group. If you aren't in a group, want to lead a group - then click here.
  • to have at least 350 people involved in one aspect of our Evangelism Process. We believe that will translate into at least 125 people being baptized over the next three years. That process includes things like greeting during seminars, teaching a health class, helping with community car washes, serving at the Community Services Center, etc. If you'd like to get involved in just one aspect of the Evangelism Process - click here.
  • to have at least 300 people involved in personal devotions - which we believe will help grow our average worship service attendance from 400 to 600. If you'd like more information on getting involved in a personal devotional life - click here.
You need to get involved - and these three areas allow you to be part of the strategy of growing deeper, growing up and growing out in Christ. Don't miss out on this tremendous time to be part of the team....

Kohl's Cares

Did you hear that Mount Ellis did win one of the spots? And they did it with 144,000 votes.... Funny!

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