Friday, January 27, 2012

Thank you, from the Richards family

Dear Church Family,

As I sit here tonight in my big comfy chair, my heart is overflowing with gratitude. Gratitude for tiny finger smudges on my nicely cleaned refrigerator, gratitude for hugs and good night kisses. Gratitude for late night talks with friends, gratitude for the peaceful quiet after a busy day. Gratitude for a million little things, that most days I take for granted. 
Today our family loaded into our car and drove to the church to pick up bags and boxes of groceries that were lovely picked out for our family.  As I loaded and unloaded those cans, boxes, jars and fruit in to our pantry, I was overwhelmed with gratitude. Gratitude to each of you who sacrificed of your time and means to show a little bit of Jesus to our family.  
As I stocked our pantry to the brim, I couldn't help but reflect on some 7 years ago when we first arrived at this church.  My feelings of apprehension of joining a new church quickly were dissolved as we were enveloped with love and kindness. As the years have come and gone and this small church has grown and changed, my heart has continued to be impacted with the kindness and love that each of you has chosen to show our family.  This love and kindness has in small and big ways shown me the very heart of our Father.  For this I am most grateful!

In this world of sadness, stress and discontentment, I find our community of faith to be the very anchor for my soul, a place where I am experiencing God. For this I say Thank You! Thank you to each one of you who has been part of our journey in small or big ways. Thank you for being God's blessing to us!

With much Gratitude,

Stephanie Richards
