Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Vancouver Today - e.Update, August 24, 2011

A U G U S T  2 4 ,  2 0 1 1

Pastor Roger ...

How are the young adults in our church faring? Are we nurturing them to our fullest capacity? Do they see Jesus when they come to church, or only friends? The next questions is, what are we going to do about it? I know that Pastor Jeff is looking for someone to lead a collegiate group, but more than that, it's got to be more than a once-a-week observance with all of us!    

According to a 2007 study conducted by LifeWay Research and reported by USA Today , 70 percent of young adults drop out of Protestant churches, and 34 percent do not attend even sporadically after age 30.

The young adults polled cited the following reasons for leaving church (those polled could offer more than one reason):

• Wanted a break from church: 27 percent

• Found church members judgmental or hypocritical: 26 percent

• Moved away to college: 25 percent

• Tied up with work: 23 percent

• Moved too far away from home church: 22 percent

• Too busy: 22 percent

• Felt disconnected to people at church: 20 percent

• Disagreed with church's stance on political/social issues: 18 percent

• Spent more time with friends outside church: 17 percent

• Only went before to please others: 17 percent

Talk to Pastor Jeff to learn how God can use you to work with the younger members of our church family. 

Condensed from an article on "Our of Ur," a Leadership journal blog © 2007 Christianity Today International. For more articles like this, visit Out of Ur


What's happeningSabbath

Calvin Taylor At Piano

Dr. Calvin Taylor, pianist and recording artist 

9 and 11 am: Sermon in Songs: Holy Scripture with Sounds of Music

6:30 pm: A concert that brings new meaning to the word "concert." With an unusually large hand span of over 1 1/2 octaves, Calvin Taylor presents sounds and colors which would normally require four hands. Beloved hymns, well-known spirituals, classics, and patriotic music take on new significance through the artistry of Calvin's improvisations. 

Invite your friends and neighbors.

      4pm Discovery and Adventurer Clubs
6:30pm CHIP Graduation
9, 11am Calvin Taylor Sermon in Songs
      5pm Debt Reduction
7pm Church Board
7pm CAA Board
  6:30pm Calvin Taylor Concert
        6:30pm CHIP Alumni
6pm Shabbat Service
9, 11am Pastor Roger Walter
