Saturday, February 19, 2011

Prayer Requests, Please!

Two prayer Requests:

Ben and Pat Wolfswinkel's daughter, son-in-law and two grandwons were in an accident when traveling with the Oregon Men's Chorus to La Pine and all were injured. The boys and daughter are fine, the son-in-law is in critical condition and unconscious. Please pray for Herb and that the doctors will have wisdom. Evidently someone coming the opposite direction lost control of their car and hit them broad side and ended up hitting the car behind them (also with the Men's Chorus) head on. No information about the other people, but please pray for all involved.

Also pray for Fred Thomas' mom who was admitted to the hospital this morning about the time church was going to start. Don't know any details, but sound serious.

Make a Difference!

roger walter
Senior Pastor
Seventh-day Adventist Community Church of Vancouver
