Monday, January 3, 2011

Vancouver Today - e.Update

January 3, 2011

Sticky Church!
Want to be part of a team of people that are going to make our church "sticky?" No, it's not really sticky (as in too many candy canes), but it's about closing the "back door" of the church and helping people whom God has brought here, to stay here. We spend time and energy to win people and bring them through the front door. But are we caring for them once they come in. This team of people will be able to work from their homes, will need a phone, a computer with internet access, and the potential to make an occasional visit - or delegate a visit to a team of visitors -  as will be described in the training we will provide for this. If you are interested, send an email to with the subject line: "Sticky Church" and Pastor Roger or Pastor Jeff will contact you shortly now that the holidays are over.

2010 Church Statistics
Here are some fascinating things to think about and praise the Lord about for our successes this last year:
  • Baptisms
    • The average number of Baptisms in the Oregon Conference for the last five years is 6 baptisms per church
    • The Average number of baptisms at our church for the last five years was 15
    • This year we baptized 50 People (this includes those brought in via Profession of Faith)! 
    • Our three year goal is to hit 125, so we are well on our way to doing just that!
    • Praise the Lord.
  • Retention
    • With the Lord's help, we're keeping a good 70+% of the people we've brought in and they are not just coming in, but they are getting involved, and joining a Community Group
  • Community Groups
    • We have about 150+ people in community Groups thus far. Our goal in our three year master plan is that at least 240  people (60%) of our current worship attendance will be in a group by 2012, at the end of our three year goals.
    • What we're finding is that congregational care happens best in a Community Group. Come on out and join the "Community" at the Adventist Community.
    • We've seen, unfortunately, a number of deaths this year - but the amazing thing is how the Community Groups have kicked in to support the people in their groups - and to support people who are not in their group!
    • Pastor Jeff's Discipleship Team - Reach Deep - has been doing a great ministry in helping people put their roots down spiritually.
  • Evangelism
    • We had two evangelistic seminars this year and both were pretty decent successes that helped quite a few people to 1) hear the Three Angel's Messages, a message of Hope and Worship, and 2) to hear about Jesus Christ and learn to be in relationship with Him.
    • We're planning two more this next year, in 2011, and we're asking for significant funding from the Oregon Conference - we hope they will see the success we've had and help to keep us heading that way even more. Please pray about this.
    • Pastor Danny's Evangelism Team - Reach Out - has been doing an excellent Job on this.
  • Children's Ministry
    • If you haven't taken a climb on the playground equipment yet, then get your kids out there and have some fun! 
    • This is a success story that is due almost entirely (except for the work in putting the equipment up) from the Children's offering each Sabbath morning!
  • LIFE Journals
    • Quite a few people have told me that they've never read the Bible through until this last year, when they did the LIFE Journal. Quite a few others are starting it this year - if you aren't having personal devotional time with Jesus each day, check out the church website for the information regarding the LIFE Journal and get started today! 
We had quite a few other things going on this year, from health clinics, car washes, FLAG Camp, VBS, Pathfinders, and our new Adventure Club. 2011 truly was a good year. The future still looks good and we can't wait to see what God will do with us and in us this year!

Forks Over Knives
TThe truth about what is killing us in the western culture is amazing. Much of the sickness we face comes through what we eat - and the medical community's way of fixing it is with pills and knives. But you can I can change that, by what we put on our forks. Check out the new film on health and nutrition at: There is a pre-screening in Portland, starting the end of this week. We may be organizing a group of us to view it together - want to go? Watch your email inbox later this week for information.

FYI - What's Happening?
  • Tuesday at 7:00am - Conference Call Prayer Meeting - call 213.289.0500, access code: 558256
  • Tuesday 9:30-3:00 - Community Services Center is open - want to volunteer, come on out!
  • Sabbath - Communion this week - to prepare our hearts for the coming year
  • Sabbath - two Part Message series on the Sabbath
    • Part 1 (January 8 - Why the Sabbath and How to Keep it)
    • Part 2 (January 22 - The Sabbath in the End Times)
  • Sabbath - Community Groups Facilitator's Meeting in the Fireside Chapel
  • Monday - Evangelism Team Meeting at 6:30pm
  • 1/15 - Jaime Jorge in Concert during the 2nd Worship Service

Check out the church website - for the latest updates and calendar items. And as always, if you have any questions, you can call the church office Monday-Friday from 1:30-5:30pm and get ahold of someone who may be able to help.
