Tuesday, June 8, 2010

eNews - What's Happening in Vancouver?!

  Welcome to the Adventist Community Church eNews 2010-06-08
Small but
When my daughter was young, she loved to each hot food - like her dad. One year, Gail grabbed some half-price peppers to grow in our garden, thinking they were bell peppers.... NOT! We didn't know what kind of peppers they were but my daughter was willing to try anything.

One bite, almost immediate tears and a mad-dash to the kitchen sink proved that small things can have a big impact.

Think about that for a moment.... What small things have had an impact on your life? For me, some of them have been:
    1. A kind word of encouragement - spoken almost at random to me.
    2. An unkind word of complaint of gossip - ouch!
    3. A Cookie, a Snack, a small treat
    4. A quick look away to my phone while I drove - nearly crashing.... Hmmm...
    5. My daily time in the LIFE Journal - it's small, but it has grown very big in my life.
Read the Small but powerful article.
Key Calendar Items!
Read the Global Trendspotting article. This Sabbath - Worship at 9 and 11, SS at 10.-Potluck

Read the latest Regus news. Next Week June 14, 16 - the office staff will be out of the office for a mini-retreat. Please leave your emails or voicemails and we'll get back to them.

Read the Space wasters article. Wednesdays - Pathfinders, Discoveries in Daniel, Elder's Meeting, Finance Team, and Board Meetings all coming up - check the calendar here
Read the Slow burner article.
July 3
 - Communion,
June 19 - Rise Above Concert,
July 17 Pastor Gene's Ordination at the Rockwood Church
Read the Recognising excellence article.
Check our 
website for more info
Read the Space wasters article.
Read the Space wasters article.
What's wasting your "space" when it comes to having time in your day for personal devotions? Is it TV, RSS Feeds, Facebook, email, the phone? Is it time to put them aside so you can learn to grow in the space of time God has give us?
Read the Slow burner article. Slow burner
In order to have a thriving, growing personal relationship with God - takes time. This time, the slow guys win - those who are willing to put the time in regularly and travel slowly, but consistently. Take it easy, there's no rush, but just keep going....

If you need more info on the LIFE Journal, click here.

Read the Slow burner article.
Community Group News

Currently, we have about 150 people in a Community Group. If you are one of those people - you are to be commended, because a life lived with a small group of believers, in community, is a life better lived. But if you aren't - it may be time to join up.

Our goal is to have over 350 people in a Community Group within in the next few years. It's where life change happens best, where congregational care happens at the highest level, and where you build life-long friendships. Talk to Pastor Jeff or Wayne Blakely for more information.
Read the latest Regus news.
