Monday, August 24, 2009

eNews 2009-08-24

eNews - 2009-08-24

Community Groups Take Off with a Bang!
On Sabbath, we had our first ever Community Groups training.  Our goal was to launch 15 groups out of this and to eventually grow them to 30 groups by the end of the year.  53 people signed up to come.  We knew a few others would come, and we were right - 85 people came to the training and 32 people signed up to lead a group....  Read More

Iran - Damavand Climbing Expedition Report
On Saturday evening, Ron Oliver did a special report to talk about his climbing trip to Iran.  The Fireside Room was wall-to-wall people.  We had to set up chairs in the front and the back of the room stretch clear into the lobby of the church.  There was probably 100+ people there and many of them were non-members.  Ron gave an excellent travelogue, but also a presentation to accept Jesus and be in the new kingdom when it comes.  Yea God!  Way to go Ron!

FYI - What's Happening (for a complete Calendar - click here)
  • Tonight - Education Committee 5:30 PM - Please pray for this committee, as we are in the midst of seeking ways to help families provide for their child's Christian education.  This year, the requests are greater than in times past and we're facing a possible $5,000 per month need.  This is totally outside the budget.  Please pray that we can make right choices to help as many as possible.
  • Tonight - Finance Committee 6:30 PM - They are working on the church budget to take to the board on Wednesday evening
  • Tonight - Worship Coordinators Meeting 7:30 PM 
  • Tuesday - Nominating Committee
  • Wednesday - Binding the Wounds continues at 7:00 PM
  • Wednesday - Church Board Meeting at 7:00 PM - if you'd like to read past church board agendas and minutes, you can do so at this link: Click Here
  • Sabbath - Worship at 8:45 and 11:10 AM, Study Time at 10:00 AM - Pastor Danny is speaking
  • Sabbath Evening - Darmody/La Mountain Concert at 7:00 PM.  If you'd be interested in helping to defray the costs of this seminar, please place money in the tithe envelope and mark it for "concert" see website for more info
  • September 3, 10 - Bible Study Workshop - if you've ever wondered how to give Bible Studies to people one-on-one, Pastor Danny will be presenting this continuing seminar on how to do just that.  Plan to come - there are already about 20 people signed up and there is room for more!
  • October 3 - Communion
  • October 13 - Fall Evangelistic Seminar.  We'll be mailing to 55,000 homes to gain their interest.  Plan to come.  We're also looking for additional funding for evangelism.  Please prayerfully consider giving to the funding of the mission of the church through evangelism.  Please mark your tithe envelope for Local Church: Evangelism.  This fiscal year, we'll be spending over $50,000 on evangelism and none of that is in the budget.  Your donations to this fund are much appreciated to further the work of the church into the community in an effective manner.

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