Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Vancouver Today - e.Update, March 29, 2011


Continues through April 23

Your church, part 4 ...

The final input on our survey we took is this week. The question to look at today is, How Long Have You Been Coming?

We have a fairly stable population amongst our church. Although 34% of the people have been coming longer than 11 years, the 4-6 year range of people is the 2nd highest involved. And if you remember, they are the largest segment in our Community Groups, and they are also the most involved. Certainly there is a large group who has only been coming 1-3 years. What's the draw? What would bring more people?

One question to ask ourselves is, not what decisions to we need to make for the 400 we already have, but what decisions do we need to make for the next 100, 200, 400 people who will come soon.

If you missed the previous survey reports, see them on our website.

 (What's happening  

  • SAVE THE DATE: Oregon Adventist Men's Chorus Spring Festival, April 30,4:30pm
  • Online church calendar: Check the online calendar for all of our church activities
