Begins Saturday night (See attached brochure)
Your church, part 3 ...
The survey we took in January shows some interesting statistics and here are more of them. If you've missed the previous two week's results, you can always see them on our website.
Of those who filled out the survey, here is what service(s) they attend:
This shows us that 25% of the people who come, don't attend Sabbath School at all. We failed to ask who only attends Sabbath School, so that may shift the numbers a bit if we passed that same survey out to a wider audience and didn't do it during the worship time only….
What brought people to the Adventist Community Church?
What brought you? Why do you keep coming? What would inspire you to invite a friend? What would inspire you to join up with us by being involved, helping with Evangelism, helping with worship?, Taking the message to others?
What's happening
- SAVE THE DATE: Oregon Adventist Men's Chorus Spring Festival, April 30,4:30pm
- Online church calendar: Check the online calendar for all of our church activities