March 26 to April 23 (See attached brochure)
Your church, part 1
Recently, we took a congregational survey. Although not everyone turned in their survey – about 98 did – it still shows some very interesting results. Over the next few weeks, we want to share those results with you.
This last week, Pastor Roger talked about "The Power of Doing Good." Here's what percentage of you actually are doing that at the church.
40% of those who attend the 9am service are involved. 60% of those who attend the 11am service and 60% of those who attend Sabbath School are involved.
The most involved group of people are those who have been attending the Adventist Community Church for 4-6 years, a whopping 80% of that group are involved. 60% of those who have been coming for 1-3 years or 7-10 years are involved, whereas 50% of those coming less than 1 year or greater than 10 years are involved.
When it comes to our Evangelism Process – that involves all areas of outreach we are involved in - here's who is involved at church.
If you aren't involved, but were challenged by Pastor Roger's sermon this last week, or by those of your fellow members who are involved, and want to get involved with Reaching Up, Reaching Deep, and Reaching Out, see one of the pastors.
What's happening
- Revealing Revelation, March 26 to April 23 (see attached brochure)
- Oregon Adventist Men's Chorus Spring Festival, April 30,4:30pm
- Online church calendar: Check the online calendar for all of our church activities