Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Vancouver Today - e.Update, Mar. 1, 2011

March 1, 2011  

From Pastor Roger ...

MOUNT CARMEL, Pa. – Recently, a Pennsylvania woman who thought she was petting a neighbor's cat got a smelly surprise when it turned out to be a skunk. Not only did the skunk spray the woman before dawn Monday, but it ran into her Mount Carmel home.

Police spent hours at the home before leaving the scene, but there was no immediate word if they were able to remove the animal.
"22 For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect—if that were possible. 23 So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time." Mark 13:22-23 NIV84
Are you grounded for anything that might deceive you? The best way to get grounded is to learn to feed yourself spiritually. Get involved in a personal devotional plan that helps you grow in your knowledge of God and something that changes who you are from the inside out.

Check out our website for more information on the LIFE Journal process… 

March 26 to April 23 (See attached brochure)

What's happening

  • Wednesday, Mar. 2:
    • Adventurers, 4:15pm
    • CHIP Information Meeting, 7pm
  • Sabbath, Mar. 5:
    • Pastor Roger Walter, "The Power of Doing Good", 9am and 11 am
    • Game night for Earliteen and Youth, 6pm, Steinweg home
  • Monday, Mar. 7:
    • Community Service Center, 9:30-11:45am and 12:30-3:00pm
    • Pathfinders, 7pm
  • Tuesday, Mar. 8:
    • Conference Call Prayer meeting, 7am
    • Community Service Center, 9:30-11:45am and 12:30-3:00pm 
