One week from Today!
Plan to attend the Decoding Prophecy Seminar starting on October 13 at the Adventist Community Church. Pastor Danny has been preparing very strong messages that seek to reach people with a message of truth and a message of hope. The goal of this seminar is to get people to Jesus. You can read more here. You can volunteer here. You can download a PDF of the brochure to email your friends here.
Creation Sabbath
There is a special creation Sabbath planned all over North America on October 24 - interestingly enough, Pastor Danny's title for that weekend of the seminar is about Created for a Purpose. Although it's not exactly about creation, but will talk some about that issue. Instead of doing a creation Sabbath on October 24, we're planning on December 5th with Dr. Doug Newton. More information on that weekend coming.
Church Business Meeting
October 25 we're going to have a church business meeting. At this business meeting we'll discuss three basic things:
- Look at and vote of the church budget
- Vote to approve the nominating committee report (so they can take office on November 1)
- Discussion of the Mission/Vision process and where it's going next.
We're going to start with a Soup and Salad Potluck and then move into the business session. It will begin at 4:30pm (Dinner) and the business meeting will follow immediately afterwards. More information coming soon. Please plan to attend.
FYI - What's Happening
- Tomorrow - Binding the Wounds at 7:00 pm
- Thursday - Prison Ministry Meeting at 7:00 pm
- Sabbath - Worship at 8:45 am and 11:10 am
- October 12 - Columbus Day
- October 12 - Mission/Vision Meeting at 6:30 pm
- October 13 - Decoding Prophecy Seminar begins at 7:00 pm (runs each Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri, and Sat. evenings until Nov. 6th)
- October 17 - Guest Speaker - Richard Halversen
Do you have new schedules for you activity? I have no new updates.