Decoding Revelation
The most important seminar to come our way in several years.... We're mailing out to 55,000 homes to gather people in who want to hear about the Bible and how it affects our lives in the day to day. Please take a moment to click on the link to see the brochure (we'll have them in your hands this weekend) and email it to your friends - be an inviter. Click here to see it
October 3
This Sabbath, we're having sign ups for people to volunteer to help at the upcoming seminar. You can also volunteer here by visiting our church website. There is a need for Greeters, Ushers, Kid's programming, Parking Lot attendances (for 4 nights), Data Entry person(s), and snacks. The meetings begin October 13 and our initial sign up phase is this Sabbath. If you want to beat the rush, go to out website and sign up here - click for more
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee will be completing their task soon and our vote for the new church officers will take shortly after that. The nominating committee is suggesting we go for an 18 month term this time and then to a two-year term ever after. This will mean strengthening our leadership and providing longevity to our work in ministry as we move forward.
FYI - What's Happening
- Wednesday - Binding the Wounds at 7pm
- This Sabbath - Communion
- Decoding Prophecy Sign up - volunteer now! Click Here
- October 10 - Special Time of Prayer following Church - for the seminar
- October 10 - Potluck immediately following the 11 am service
- October 10 - Organizational Meeting for Decoding Prophecy immediately after the potluck
- October 13 - Decoding Prophecy Begins!
- October 14 - Decoding Prophecy
- October 15 - Decoding Prophecy
- October 16 - Decoding Prophecy
- October 17 - Decoding Prophecy
- October 17 - Guest Speaker - Richard Halversen - to see the latest schedule of preachers click here
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