Sunday Evening we held a business meeting at the church - sounds like fun, right? But actually we heard many good comments about the process. Some were very glad we moved the nominating committee vote out of the worship time. Even though there were less people to vote on the issues, they just don't seem like a worship thing to do.... Others expressed a big learning moment when Dave Cannard presented the budget and where our ministry offerings go. The budget was approved. The Nominating Committee Report was approved. The Mission/Vision generated some very good discussion and questions.
Decoding Prophecy - Danny is doing a masterful job of preaching the word to the people coming out night-by-night to the seminar. This week's meeting schedule is as follows:
- Tuesday - What Happens when you die
- Wednesday - When the Smoke Clears
- Thursday - Making a New Start
- Friday - The Battle for the Throne
- Sabbath Morning - The Great Pretender
- Sabbath Evening - Forever Marked
Church Finances - as those who came to the business meeting heard, we are nearly $10,000 off budget for the fiscal year already (which started September 1). These are economically tough times, but please remember that your support of the church budget includes such "mundane" things are providing programming for our kids, giving out regular reading materials for personal discipleship, providing a place to hold seminars, meetings and Community Groups, a place to fellowship and visit. The heartbeat of the church is ministry to others - those are the things the church budget really supports. Thank you for your support.
Please Pray - Perhaps you saw on Facebook. Pastor Gene Heinrich's mother was recently diagnosed with cancer. Please also pray for the seminar. Please pray for the finances of the church. Please pray for the mission/vision team to complete their work and that we all move forward in alignment. Please pray for the many sick and hurting. Please pray for those looking for work. Please pray for each other - just to support someone else in prayer.
FYI - What's Happening
- Tues - Sat - Decoding Prophecy - Come on out and bring a friend.
- Friday - CAA Senior Recognition, 7:00 pm
- Sun-Tues - Pastor's Conference put on by the Oregon Conference Team - your pastors will be out of town those days.
- Nov 6 - Last night of the Decoding Prophecy Seminar
- Nov 7 - CAA Student Association Fall Festival
- Nov. 9 - Mission/Vision Team Begins again
- Nov 10 - Evangelism Coordination Team Meets - 7:00 pm
- Nov 16 - Worship Committee Meeting - 7:00 pm
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