Saturday, August 21, 2010

Today in Vancouver - eNews

Tuesday, August 21, 2010

The Mission of the Adventist Community Church is to Reach Deep in Discipleship, Reach Out in Evangelism and Reach Up in Worship.

So What Does It Mean to Reach?

If our mission is to REACH people, then how does it involve you or me individually. Here are some ideas:

Reach Up: We've set a goal that 350 people will be having regular, daily devotions. That's reaching up in personal worship, personal devotions. Reaching Up isn't just about corporate worship, it's also about doing it by yourself, in the privacy of your own home. If you need some ideas on getting that started - click here!

Reach Deep: We've set another goal that 75% of our members get into a Community Group. And as part of that goal, we want to train 35 new Community Group Facilitators. You can get involved in this one in two ways - either join a community group, or get involved as a leader of one. If you need some ideas or want more info - click here!

Reach Out: Reaching out is about evangelism. There are many ways to get involved in evangelism - develop a redemptive friendship with someone, go to Africa and preach or be involved in a seminar, get involved in any of our outreach events here. We've set a goal that we would have 300 people involved in our evangelistic process. If you want more information on this - click here!

Kisii Africa Adventure!

From Ginny Allen (about a week ago)

Well we came to Kisii on Thursday and started meetings on Friday night.  Each or our sites are a challenge and very different.  Ron and Dan both have sites in a village right on an intersection which traffic goes through while they are preaching.  Louise has a good location and so do we.  We are one of the farthest sites about 30 K away.  The road is mostly potholes and speed bumps the size of a small hill.  Our site is beautiful - a hug field next to our church and 2 school - sec and primary.  Hundreds are coming including about 200 kids every night. There are no lights at all so it is pitch black while Dave is preaching!  Several nights I just shined a flashlight on him and finally bough a small camping lantern. Technical challenges are never ending.  And buckets of rain - miracles already!  

No internet so I am at an internet cafe.   I have much more to say but I am paying for every second I sit here. Our hotel is a 1 star but it is a 5 star for here.  We have electricity and hot water so what more can we ask!  And indoor plumbing!

Looking For a Room
A friend of Pastor Roger's (friend and member of his previous church) is looking for a room to stay in, live in, as a temporary gathering place. He is applying for a job with Burlington Northern Railway to be an investigator and would move out here without his family until they could sell their home in Colorado and then buy a place out here. Funds would be limited because of their financial obligations remaining in Colorado. If you are interested in helping please feel free to contact Scott at 970-539-1034.

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