Tuesday, August 3, 2010The Mission of the Adventist Community Church is to Reach Deep in Discipleship, Reach Out in Evangelism and Reach Up in Worship.Sticky Church! This week as I was reading a magazine article on Beth Moore - the Christian author, speaker and Bible student, I was struck with this quote below.... It was prefaced with the idea of all that she had gone through as a teen and abuse, etc. Here's what she said:
"I don't have the benefit of a background that lets me be lazy or unplanned in my pursuit of God. I don't get to be spontaneous. I have enough bondage in my background that I pursue a disciplined life in Scripture, because I don't want to go back there again." Bible Study Magazine July/August 2010 p. 13
In actuality, I don't think any of us have the privilege of not being disciplined about getting into the word. I believe God would call us to re-become a people of the word, a people of the book - God's book.
If we really believe we live in the last days - and when I say that, I get the heartiest "Amens!" from the congregation when I preach - then we need to be ready for the pursuit of God in his book. We cannot afford to be lackadaisical any longer.
- We must become disciplined about getting into the book!
- We must pursue God, like we've never done so before!
- We can no longer be just spontaneous, but we must also do it with a plan.
I love being your pastor!
Kisii Africa Adventure! An opportunity has arisen to preach the word to our friends in Kisii, Kenya. Through the Share Him organization, the Vancouver SDA church has chosen to undertake a challenge that will be both spiritually fulfilling and life changing, not only for those we seek to preach to, but for ourselves as well. Our mission will begin August 11, 2010 and continue through the 29th. Our challenge is to provide a life saving message to the people of Kisii, and to draw more people into the Kingdom. Our immediate challenge is funds. Please pray for the people who are involved in this mission trip. It's an exciting venture of which we hope we will get regular updates from them.
Looking For a Room A friend of Pastor Roger's (friend and from his former church) is looking for a room to stay in, live in, as a temporary gathering place. He is applying for a job with Burlington Northern Railway to be an investigator and would move out here without his family until they could sell their home in Colorado and then buy a place out here. Funds would be limited because of their financial obligations remaining in Colorado. If you are interested in helping please feel free to contact Scott, by leaving a message at the church for Pastor Roger. |