Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Update: Kohl's Cares

It appears we have several schools that are close - make sure you vote for 

Upper Columbia Academy as well as the others also.... - Columbia is listed below as well.

Hungry? Feed Yourself!  Break the Famine (Amos 8:11)

roger walter
Senior Pastor Seventh-day Adventist Community Church of Vancouver
          Join the LIFE Journal Revolution

Make a Difference Blog:

Begin forwarded message:

From: Krissy Barber <Krissy.Barber@oc.npuc.org>
Date: August 31, 2010 9:55:03 AM PDT
To: Krissy Barber <Krissy.Barber@oc.npuc.org>
Subject: Kohl's Cares for Columbia!

I was reminded shortly after I sent on the letter from the NAD this morning that another Northwest Adventist school is also in the running for $500,000! Columbia Academy is also in the running right now, and since when you get on Facebook and vote you'll have 20 votes to split between the schools of your choosing (limit of 5 votes to one school) they asked that you give them five (5) votes as well.

Again just go on http://www.Facebook.com and login like you would any other time. Search for Kohl's Cares in the search bar at the top of the page and it will walk you through the process.

Help our NW schools stay in the top 20!

Krissy Barber
Communication Department
Oregon Conference of Seventh-day Adventist

Monday, August 30, 2010

Urgent Request from NAD Education (UPDATE)

(sent from my iPhone) 

Begin forwarded message:

From: Laura Samano <Laura.Samano@nad.adventist.org>
Date: August 30, 2010 1:41:05 PM PDT
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: Urgent Request from NAD Education (UPDATE)
Reply-To: FridayFAX@nad.adventist.org

Dear friends,


You have undoubtedly already heard about the "Kohl's Cares" contest on Facebook. I want you to assure you that this is REAL! We have the opportunity to raise a half million dollars this week for one Adventist school! 


Each of the top 20 schools will receive $500,000. Mt. Ellis Academy, earlier this afternoon, was in the 21st position, and has slipped to #23 as of this email. Like I mentioned, only the top 20 places get the money. We are now more than 4,000 votes behind the money spot!


Just think, you can help raise ½ million dollars with 3 minutes of your time.


This is real money that will make a major difference on this campus. Won't you take a few minutes and vote if you have not and to contact your friends and family and ask them to vote as well. The contest ends this Friday, wouldn't it great to be able to say this Sabbath that we pulled together and were an Adventist family that helped this school? 


This is not the time to worry about helping someone else when you have your own school nearby. Mt. Ellis is the only Adventist school in a place to realistically be chosen, so let's be family and help them over the top. 


Please, please let's pull together and help this school.


Follow the instruction at this link: http://mtellis.com/kohl-s-cares and log into your Facebook account to vote. Each person may cast 5 votes. If each of you receiving this email vote, that will bring in more than 10,000 votes!


Thank you,





Larry D. Blackmer

Vice President

North American Division

12501 Old Columbia Pike

Silver Spring, MD 20904

(O) 301.680.6441

(F) 301.680.6463




Saturday, August 21, 2010

Today in Vancouver - eNews

Tuesday, August 21, 2010

The Mission of the Adventist Community Church is to Reach Deep in Discipleship, Reach Out in Evangelism and Reach Up in Worship.

So What Does It Mean to Reach?

If our mission is to REACH people, then how does it involve you or me individually. Here are some ideas:

Reach Up: We've set a goal that 350 people will be having regular, daily devotions. That's reaching up in personal worship, personal devotions. Reaching Up isn't just about corporate worship, it's also about doing it by yourself, in the privacy of your own home. If you need some ideas on getting that started - click here!

Reach Deep: We've set another goal that 75% of our members get into a Community Group. And as part of that goal, we want to train 35 new Community Group Facilitators. You can get involved in this one in two ways - either join a community group, or get involved as a leader of one. If you need some ideas or want more info - click here!

Reach Out: Reaching out is about evangelism. There are many ways to get involved in evangelism - develop a redemptive friendship with someone, go to Africa and preach or be involved in a seminar, get involved in any of our outreach events here. We've set a goal that we would have 300 people involved in our evangelistic process. If you want more information on this - click here!

Kisii Africa Adventure!

From Ginny Allen (about a week ago)

Well we came to Kisii on Thursday and started meetings on Friday night.  Each or our sites are a challenge and very different.  Ron and Dan both have sites in a village right on an intersection which traffic goes through while they are preaching.  Louise has a good location and so do we.  We are one of the farthest sites about 30 K away.  The road is mostly potholes and speed bumps the size of a small hill.  Our site is beautiful - a hug field next to our church and 2 school - sec and primary.  Hundreds are coming including about 200 kids every night. There are no lights at all so it is pitch black while Dave is preaching!  Several nights I just shined a flashlight on him and finally bough a small camping lantern. Technical challenges are never ending.  And buckets of rain - miracles already!  

No internet so I am at an internet cafe.   I have much more to say but I am paying for every second I sit here. Our hotel is a 1 star but it is a 5 star for here.  We have electricity and hot water so what more can we ask!  And indoor plumbing!

Looking For a Room
A friend of Pastor Roger's (friend and member of his previous church) is looking for a room to stay in, live in, as a temporary gathering place. He is applying for a job with Burlington Northern Railway to be an investigator and would move out here without his family until they could sell their home in Colorado and then buy a place out here. Funds would be limited because of their financial obligations remaining in Colorado. If you are interested in helping please feel free to contact Scott at 970-539-1034.

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Monday, August 16, 2010

Fwd: Greetings from Kenya

Here are two emails from Africa....  Please keep them in your prayers! The first email is about getting there, the second is what's been happening since being there.

They are Making a Difference!

roger walter
Senior Pastor   http://bit.ly/qO3Vg
Seventh-day Adventist Community Church of Vancouver

Date: August 10, 2010 8:51:24 AM PDT
Subject: Africa!

Well, here we are in Kenya!  Our prayer group gave us an amazing send off. Joyce had decorated with a safari theme and several were dressed the part. No one had ever done something like that for us so it was very special and very touching to us.  

The flight was long, the United food was somewhat like Alpo but worse, Kenya air was wonderful and the food was yummy. Shortly into the Kenya Air part of the trip the flight attendant from our area came over and asked what we going to do in  Kenya.  I told her we were going to do Evangelistic meetings and she leaned over and whispered, "Are you Adventist."    When I said yes she joyfully told me, "Me, too!  Adventist!"  Later she introduced us to Elijah who is also SDA and from Kissii where we will be for meetings. So we met our first Kenyan brother and sister in Jesus in the air!  We got 5 star treatment after that.         

Got in at 8:45 p.m.and stood in the immigration/visa line for 3 hours.  It was hot and and crowded and no place to sit and rest for a moment.. I was concerned that our ride would give up and go back to the guest house.  But when we walked out there he was waiting- almost gave up but stayed the whole 3 hours.  He is ministerial director of the Union.  Got into his car just as my birthday started! It is winter here and very cool.  Glad we brought warm things, too.  Thought I would never warm up in bed .the first night.  Maybe I was too tired for my blood to circulate. 

Yesterday and today Dave has been working on the sermons so he can help the others with their notes.I keep taking naps so I can catch up with myself!  It is also campmeeting here so I have wandered over to a few.  Last night I got to the church at 7:00 which would have been right on time if I were at home but as I walked up everyone got up to leave!  The evening meeting starts at 5:00 and ends at 7;00 so people can walk home.

Christy, Julie and Rollie with kids got here early this morning.  Dan Weston got here this afternoon but we haven't seen him yet.  He may be napping since that is what the others are doing.  Tomorrow is orientation.  Olivers arrive tomorrow night. 

More later.  Keep praying for us.  We are claiming Colossians 2:2-4.  Will you ask God to grant us what these verses say? 

Love you and praying for you, too!

Ginny and Dave, too

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Louise Craig" 
Date: August 16, 2010 2:57:09 AM PDT
Subject: Greetings from Kenya

We are in the Mash Park Hotel in Kisii Kenya. We have been very busy studying our sermons and preparing for each night. On Friday, we had to prepare for Friday night, Sabbath morning AND Saturday night. I don't know why I'm not more tired, but I actually am feeling pretty good.

Kisii is in the Kenyan highlands. I came prepared for hot African weather, based on my previous experiences here. Fortunately, I brought one fleece jacket. It is quite cool at night, but the countryside is beautiful and green. This area grows a lot of tea and some coffee.

There were about 55 people at my site on the first night. I have, fortunately, one of the smaller sites. Sabbath morning, there were over 300 (membership in this church is around 100). Last night, there were 170 in the official count but Rollie (who is doing health talks at my site) and I think it was half again higher. There are people standing along the road. We see their outlines when cars go by. Last night we made an alter call and had about 20 come up. The local elders said there were more who came up to them after the meeting and asked for decision cards. I can only say this has absolutely NOTHING to do with me.

The Milimani church has a prayer team that meets at 3 pm every day to pray and prays again during the sermon.

Rollie and Julie (Smith/Oliver) Hedrick brought their kids and the kids have been very well behaved. I'm amazed that they aren't worn out from all the traveling and all the interest in them.

As in my past trips to Africa, the people have been wonderful to be around. We have made lots of new friends.

Some in our group have fallen victim to travelers' GI distress. Fortunately, antibiotics are easy to get. I didn't eat any fresh produce so I haven't gotten sick. I think the rest have decided to eat nothing fresh unless they prepared it (which means soaking in water with a few drops of bleach for 5 minutes before peeling).

As a first-time preacher, I have so much studying and preparation to do I'm pretty much stuck in my room. I'm trying to study and prepare ahead so that next week won't be quite so challenging.

Breakfast is included with the room rate. Lunch is 200 Kenya shillings per meal. That's just a little under $2 a day! I think our room is as big as or bigger than the pastor's living room. The pastor lives on conference property in a very typical African home. Very simple and basic, and well kept.

Kristy Smith/Oliver/Biggerstaff is my roommate. Her husband is coming on Thursday or Friday next week so she will move to another room for the weekend. He'll stay to go on the safari to Masai Mara Game Park. They say this is prime animal migration season so we should see large numbers of animals. And, of course, birds.

The trip from Nairobi to Kisii was about 7 hours on the road. Most of the road was pretty good but we hit several construction spots. The detours are 'interesting' to say the least. On the way, we saw a heard of 5 giraffes, several herds of Thompson's Gazelles, and a few heards of zebra. One herd was right beside the road, and they had babies. Would you call those colts?????

I just learned last night that I can use the hotel's Internet card (like my AT&T card) for 250 ksh for 30 minutes (about $4). We can get high speed Internet at a nearby Internet cafe for 50 ksh an hour but it means dragging everything over there and I don't want to give up my study time just yet.

I'm download Picasa as I type this. The presentation software we are using works pretty well for the presentations but it hijacks the computer and creates all kinds of problems for showing videos or doing other kinds of projection. I've figured out how to backdoor a lot of things but it's still a pain -- except during the presentation times.

There are 12 from the Vancouver Church (including me and the extended Oliver clan), two more Americans, 4 from Hong Kong, and one from Honduras. It's a very nice group. Dave Allen has been leading our morning worship and the discussion of the key points for the evening message.

I will write more later as I begin to relax a bit from all of my preparation time.

We have told the people here about the prayer cards Mary Jo made, and that you are praying for us and for the people here. It means a lot to them.

I think Ginny is trying to journal our experiences. I will probably have to rely on Ginny's journals to remember this trip!!!!!

Thank you all for your spiritual support, for your thoughts and prayers. We are excited about the work here but we are also looking forward to returning home.
Louise Craig

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Today in Vancouver - eNews

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Mission of the Adventist Community Church is to Reach Deep in Discipleship, Reach Out in Evangelism and Reach Up in Worship.

Sticky Church!

This week as I was reading a magazine article on Beth Moore - the Christian author, speaker and Bible student, I was struck with this quote below....

It was prefaced with the idea of all that she had gone through as a teen and abuse, etc. Here's what she said:

"I don't have the benefit of a background that lets me be lazy or unplanned in my pursuit of God. I don't get to be spontaneous. I have enough bondage in my background that I pursue a disciplined life in Scripture, because I don't want to go back there again."
           Bible Study Magazine July/August 2010 p. 13

In actuality, I don't think any of us have the privilege of not being disciplined about getting into the word. I believe God would call us to re-become a people of the word, a people of the book - God's book.

If we really believe we live in the last days - and when I say that, I get the heartiest "Amens!" from the congregation when I preach - then we need to be ready for the pursuit of God in his book. We cannot afford to be lackadaisical any longer. 

  • We must become disciplined about getting into the book!
  • We must pursue God, like we've never done so before!
  • We can no longer be just spontaneous, but we must also do it with a plan.

I love being your pastor!

Kisii Africa Adventure!

An opportunity has arisen to preach the word to our friends in Kisii, Kenya.  Through the Share Him organization, the Vancouver SDA church has chosen to undertake a challenge that will be both spiritually fulfilling  and life changing, not only for those we seek to preach to, but for ourselves as well.  Our mission will begin August 11, 2010 and continue through the 29th.  Our challenge is to provide a life saving message to the people of Kisii, and to draw more people into the Kingdom.  Our immediate challenge is funds.  Please pray for the people who are involved in this mission trip. It's an exciting venture of which we hope we will get regular updates from them.

Looking For a Room
A friend of Pastor Roger's (friend and from his former church) is looking for a room to stay in, live in, as a temporary gathering place. He is applying for a job with Burlington Northern Railway to be an investigator and would move out here without his family until they could sell their home in Colorado and then buy a place out here. Funds would be limited because of their financial obligations remaining in Colorado. If you are interested in helping please feel free to contact Scott, by leaving a message at the church for Pastor Roger.

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