Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Vancouver Today — e.Update April 11, 2012

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                             April 11, 2012

From Pastor Roger - Let them build Me a sanctuary ...Chapter 1

Flying Gull with nesting material in beakThe lighthouse at Yaquina Head, near Newport, Oregon, is an amazing place. As you walk the paths along the edges, you are treated to fantastic views of the Pacific Ocean and, at this time of year, nesting seabirds. The huge rocks are covered with nests, noisy birds, and, depending on the wind direction, fresh ocean breezes or not-so-fresh, nose-wrinkling Parfum d'Nature.

The nests are interesting. The cormorants are satisfied with a barely covered dent in the rocky surfaces. The gulls seek a little more comfort. Twig by twig, grass blade by grass blade, bit by bit of moss, they soften the rock for Mom and the eggs.

How long do you think it would take you to build a house one twig at a time? How much longer would it take if fierce winds kept blowing you backwards, like the gull in the picture? What if rude neighbors kept trying to take the building materials worked so hard to find? Or if they tried to take over your home completely?

You may be thinking, "I'm grateful we don't have to answer those questions."

We certainly are blessed with a wonderful church home. But we have other questions that keep coming up.

Why do people asking for the offering at church often mention the building fund?

Isn't our building already built?

Are we planning to build more?

Why do we still need donations to a building fund?

Some of you were fortunate to be involved from before the start of the project. Many of us are enjoying the fruits of your vision, faith and hard work.

For every fierce wind blowing us backwards, God had an answer. For every attempt to thwart our work, God had an answer.

We still have a mortgage and loan to pay off. Our mortgage is little over $1.6 million and a loan balance of nearly $450,000 for the north parking lot extension.

Compared to the original cost, the age and size of our building, it's not a huge amount. Compared against the funds that are coming in, it seems huge.

Every dollar we spend on our debts is one dollar less that we have for outreach ministries, one dollar less for children's ministries, one dollar less for taking Christ to our community.

We know God has an answer. I believe His answer is you.

"In reviewing our past history, having traveled over every step of advance to our present standing, I can say, Praise God! As I see what God has wrought, I am filled with astonishment, and with confidence in Christ as leader. We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history." {CET 204.1}

CHAPTER 2: We'll take a look back at the miraculous way that God led from the old Vancouver Church on East Reserve Street to this beautiful sanctuary on St. Johns Road.

CHAPTER 3: We would love to share your stories of how God blessed you as you helped build this church. We would also like to share thoughts and ideas for paying off our building debts. Send your story to, or call the church office or one of the staff at 360.696.2511.


What's happening

>Today, Apr. 14, 4:30 pm, Oregon Adventist Men's Chorus. Tickets not picked up by 4:20 will be given to those on the waiting list.  

>Friday, Apr. 20, 7:00 pm:  Songs of Ascent, The gospel through word and song.

Pick up a LIFE Journal bookmark at the greeter's desk in the foyer.

>Future concerts:
• April 20, 7:
• May 5, 7:30pm, Michael Bishop
• June 23, 7:30pm, King's Heralds


Wednesday, Apr. 11
4:10 Adventurers
6:30pm Youth Bible Study
7:00pm Elders Meeting 
Thursday, Apr. 12
7:00pm The Journey 
7:00pm CHIP Information Session

Friday, Apr. 13
6:00pm Shabbat Service 

Sabbath, Apr. 14
9, 11am Pastor Roger Walter
10:00am Sabbath School
4:30pm Oregon Adventist Men's Chorus Concert 


Sunday, Apr. 15
9:00am Men's Group 

Wednesday, Apr. 18
4:00 Budget
6:30pm Youth Bible Study  
Thursday, Apr. 19
7:00pm The Journey  

Friday, Apr. 20
6:00pm Shabbat Service
7:00pm Songs of Ascent Concert 

Sabbath, Apr. 21
9, 11am Pastor Roger Walter
10:00am Sabbath School
3:30pm Marguerite Barger Memorial Service 


