From Pastor Roger - Let them build Me a sanctuary ...Chapter 2 "We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history." CET 204.1 Owner to renter When we first thought of selling the old church building, no one was interested in church buildings, except to tear them down and use the land for a more profitable structure. The time did come when God led us to put the building on the market. In a very short time, we received offers that were well within reason. One offer was perfect: The Vineyard Fellowship of Vancouver wanted to rent, with option to purchase, and the offer was for our asking price. That gave us time to get our building plans approved and begin building. Or so we thought. Bureaucratic red tape extended our timeline beyond anything we could have imagined. After two years, the Vineyard Fellowship completed the purchase of the building, and we went from owner to renter. New building, big plans Nearly four years elapsed from the time we accepted the offer from our friends in the Vineyard Fellowship to our first Sabbath in our new building. We wanted to stop paying rent as soon as possible so that money could go into paying for the new building. We started with two million dollars. Those funds came from selling Fir Grove School to the Vancouver School District and from selling the old church to the Vineyard Fellowship of Vancouver, and many of our members at that time had been giving sacrificially for several years. We wanted a church that could become an evangelistic center for Clark County. We also wanted one that could be well located and be attractive to people to visit. What we really wanted would have cost us eight to nine million dollars but we knew that was not practical. In the end, we designed and built a facility that cost about six million dollars. Later, when the land next door became available for additional parking, we borrowed and bought that for $625,000. Clearing the debt We didn't have a lot of wealthy members in our congregation, so with God's help we each chipped in as much as we could. When it was all said and done, we still needed about $2,250,000 to finish the building and buy the parking lot land. That money was borrowed from the North Pacific Union Conference Association Revolving Fund in two different 20-year loans. We have been making payments on those loans for a number of years, but if they go full term, the last payment will not be made until 2026. Our mortgage payments are $19,541 per month. Since May 2011 our church member offerings to the building (mortgage) fund have been averaging $14,598, nearly $5,000 per month less than the payments. Here is what it looks like (blue=member donations, maroon=mortgage payments): If we continue to give to the building fund at this rate, we will quickly use up the reserves we have set aside to be able to continue making our payments on time each month. Please search your hearts (and personal budgets) and see what God and you together in partnership can do to make this a better picture. As we have learned in recent sermons, you cannot out-give God. He will bless your faithfulness. Donations to help with the mortgage payments should be marked on the tithe envelop on the line labeled "Building Fund". If you would like to make a major gift to help pay off the mortgages, the parking lot loan currently has a balance of $448,000 and the church loan currently has a balance of $1,668,000. Donations of $50,000 or more allow us to pay down the balance of the small loan and reduce our monthly payments. Malachi 3:10-12 "...'Test me in this,' says the LORD Almighty, 'and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. 11 I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it is ripe,' says the LORD Almighty. 'Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land,' says the LORD Almighty." | | Sorrow in our family Reporting the deaths of: >Greg Hamilton's father, Duane K. Hamilton >25-year-old Vytaus Leonavichus, son of Leta Ayres >20-year-old Nathan Hettman, son and stepson of Dan and Stephanie Hettman What's happening >Friday, Apr. 20, 7:00 pm: Songs of Ascent, The gospel through word and song. Pick up a LIFE Journal bookmark at the greeter's desk in the foyer. >Future concerts: • June 23, 7:30pm, King's Heralds THIS WEEK Wednesday, Apr. 18 4:00 Budget 6:30pm Youth Bible Study Thursday, Apr. 19 7:00pm The Journey Friday, Apr. 20 6:00pm Shabbat Service 7:00pm Songs of Ascent Concert Sabbath, Apr. 21 9, 11am Pastor Roger Walter What is Tolerance? Part 1 10:00am Sabbath School 3:30pm Marguerite Barger Memorial Service 7:00pm Prophecies of Hope NEXT WEEK Sunday, Apr. 22 9:00am Men's Group 7:00pm Prophecies of Hope Monday, Apr. 23 7:00pm Prophecies of Hope Tuesday, Apr. 24 7:00pm Prophecies of Hope Wednesday, Apr. 25 4:00 Discoverers, Adventurers 6:30pm Youth Bible Study 7:00pm Church Board 7:00pm Prophecies of Hope Thursday, Apr. 26 7:00pm The Journey 7:00pm CAA Board Friday, Apr. 27 6:00pm Shabbat Service 7:00pm Prophecies of Hope Sabbath, Apr. 28 9, 11am Pastor Roger Walter What is Tolerance, Part 2 10:00am Sabbath School 7:00pm Prophecies of Hope |