MARCH 13, 2012
From Pastor Roger - Community, Part 4 If you were at church Sabbath, you learned that we shared the first in a 4-week series. If you weren't at church, we want you to know that we started a 4-week series. I encourage you to listen to these sermons. You can find them on our website or get DVDs through the church library. There's a very good reason why the back of our bulletin lists 'Everyone' as Ministers – because you are. Each of you ministers, to others within our church community as well as to the community at large. There are some ministries in the church that are dictated by policy, tradition or normal church function. But many ministries in our church community sprouted up because someone saw a need, or had a passion for a particular service, or felt called to a ministry even though they felt there were others better suited. We often quote the first part of Romans 8:28 as a comforting thought: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him…"NIV And it is comforting. It is one of the best loved, most quoted texts in the Bible. There's more. Paul finished the sentence saying "…who have been called according to his purpose." What is God calling you to do? As we study together over the next three weeks, spend time asking God during your personal devotions asking for guidance on how you can serve within your community. "Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them." John 13:17NIV | What's happening >Thursday, 7pm - Tribute Quartet. >SHAMROCK celebration, 6:00 pm. Please RSVP to Karen Coppes ( or 360.326.8996) so we'll be sure to have enough potatoes! THIS WEEK Tuesday, Mar. 13 NEXT WEEK - CAA/PAA Spring Break - Tuesday, Mar. 20 |