JANUARY 31, 2012
From Pastor Roger - Practice makes perfect Malcolm Gladwell, in his book Blink, explores actions people take, seemingly without thinking, in the blink of an eye.In the chapter, "Seven Seconds In The Bronx", Gladwell describes several situations where people describe how time or action seemed to slow down, and peripheral sounds and objects faded away. He also describes the opposite, where people failed to process information and respond appropriately. He writes, "You must rehearse it … because only if you have rehearsed it will it be there." Later, he says, "…we are able to develop our rapid decision making with training and experience." He describes a police officer's decision not to fire his gun in a critical situation, calling it "…the gift of training and expertise —the ability to extract an enormous amount of meaningful information from the very thinnest slice of experience." Gladwell says "Every moment — every blink — is composed of a series of discrete moving parts, and every one of those parts offers an opportunity for intervention, for reform, and for correction." Paul wrote to Timothy that "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16,17 If we haven't trained ourselves in Scripture, developing understanding and the ability to pull key texts at critical moments, we'll be like the person Gladwell writes about, forgetting to hit the call button on a 9-1-1 call. We're asking for help but not connecting with the Helper. One month has gone by in this new year. Some of you have been diligently following your Bible reading plan. Others have been pulled every which way by life, family, even church work — important things that need to be handled. You may have missed a day or more of Bible study. I want to encourage you: God is still there. If you missed study, pick up your Bible and start again. And again. And again. As often as you stop. God will always be there. | What's happening SAVE THE DATE: Feb. 23, 7pm - Keepers of the Faith Quartet. THIS WEEK Tuesday, Jan. 31 NEXT WEEK |