Nehemiah 4:20 (ESV) In the place where you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there. Our God will fight for us."
Last night we began our Amazing Prophecies Seminar with Mark Fox. We had about 200 adults there, plus volunteers. So the start was pretty good. Tonight, night number 2, is just as vital to the outcome as the opening night. When the guests find the audience numbers staying high, they are more likely to stay up with things too! So, we want to invite you to come support the seminar - the trumpet has been blown and the we need support. Tonight's message is about 10 prophecies that affect America. Many of you have heard it before, but we need people who will pray for the seminar. We need people who will come out and meet people. We need people who will help and rally the support where God is fighting for us. Please plan to come. Please plan to join us! God is doing a great thing and the devil is doing all he can to stop us.
Mark is preaching a message of God's truth bound up in his everlasting love and grace. I'm excited to see what God will do here - not just to reach people who haven't yet come, but also for people who are already members. This kind of seminar is not just about reaping, but also about REVIVAL of our own members. Plan to come, bring a friend, and if you know anyone that does not get email, call them and invite them to join us tonight as well.