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From Pastor Roger ... This is the perfect time to plant crocus bulbs. You dig about 2 inches deep and set them 2 inches apart. Then you probably forget all about them until they surprise you one February morning as you shiver in the cold enjoying their cheerful colors amid winter's gloom, a sure sign that Spring is coming. Every one of us has witnessed the death and burial of a loved one. And all around us are signs that the day when we are reunited with them is closer than ever. In Revelation 22, we read "I am coming soon!" three times. When something is repeated in the Bible, it's important. In verse 17 (TNIV), we read, "The Spirit and the bride say, 'Come!' And let those who hear say, 'Come!' Let those who are thirsty come; and let all who wish take the free gift of the water of life." There are many who are thirsting, literally dying to have water of life. They can't read the signs, if they even knew signs existed. We have the privilege of sharing our knowledge, of helping to quench their thirst – we can show them how to read the signs. Learn how give Bible studies. Join the classes by Chris Camacho in the Fireside Room. They meet Monday and Thursday nights at 7 p.m. and will last 1 hour. Call Carolyn Karlstrom at 573-9872 if you have questions. Be praying now for your family, friends, acquaintances, coworkers – anyone you know whom you can invite to the Amazing Prophecies meetings beginning November 12 here at the church. Pray also for guidance on what you can do during the meetings. I don't know if crocuses will bloom all year long in heaven, but I do know that the lives brought to Jesus and changed by Him will blossom throughout eternity. Let us all be gardeners for heaven. | | What's happening: THIS WEEK Wednesday, Oct. 26 6:30pm Youth Night 7:00pm Finance Committee 7:00pm Evangelism Team meeting Thursday, Oct. 27 7:00pm Bible Study class Friday, Oct. 28 6:00pm Shabbat Service Sabbath, Oct. 29 9, 11am Pastor Jeff Richards 10:00am Sabbath School NEXT WEEK Sunday, Oct. 30 3:00pm Piano Recital Monday, Oct. 31 6:00pm Family Fun Night 7:00pm Pathfinders 7:00pm Bible Study class Wednesday, Nov. 2 4:10pm Adventurers 6:30pm Youth Night Thursday, Nov. 3 7:00pm Bible Study class Friday, Nov. 4 6:00pm Shabbat Service Sabbath, Nov. 5 9, 11 am Pastor Roger Walter 10:00am Sabbath School |