O C T O B E R 1 1, 2 0 1 1
From Pastor Roger .. Whose job is it?
Have you ever asked someone for service and were told, "It's not my job"?
The Ritz Carlton Hotel in Dallas has been recognized by many organizations as outstanding for customer service. Companies send representatives to the hotel to learn their secret. It's not really a secret.
Employees wear a button that reads, "It IS my job!" You can ask any employee for whatever you need, and they'll see that you get it, or a very good reason why you can't.
Whose job is it to greet guests at church and help them feel welcome and comfortable?
Whose job is it to visit ailing members?
Whose job is it to pray for and with other members?
Whose job is it pick up things that are out of place?
Whose job is it to help the parent trying to corral or quiet a restless child?
Whose job is it to work with the children and young people of the church?
Whose job is …
Do you see where this is going? Yes, there are officially appointed members for specific roles, but real growth, real family is built when each one of us becomes personally involved.
'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!' Matthew 25:21 NIV.
What's happening:
| | TODAY 10/11
| WEDNES. 10/12
| THURSDAY 10/13
| FRIDAY 10/14 | SABBATH 10/15 |
| | | 6pm Youth Night
| | 6pm Shabbat Service
| 9, 11 am Pastor Roger Walter
| | | 7pm Elders
| | 7pm Pathfinder Induction
| |
SUNDAY 10/16
| MONDAY 10/17 | TUESDAY 10/18
| WEDNES. 10/19 | THURSDAY 10/20
| FRIDAY 10/21
| SABBATH 10/22 |
| 7pm Pathfinders
| | 4pm Discovery & Adventurers
| 7pm Bible Study Class
| 6pm Shabbat Service
| 9, 11am Pastor Jeff Richards
| 7pm Bible Study Class
| | 6pm Youth Night 7pm Finance Committee
| 7pm CAA Board
| | |