Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Vancouver Today - e.Update, April 19, 2011

April 19, 2011

From Pastor Roger ...

There is nothing like seeing a baptism. At every baptism I am taken back to my original decision for Christ. As I watch people now make decisions to come and follow the Lord, and to follow the truths as you and I understand them, I am moved by the power of the Holy Spirit. Clearly, lives are being changed.

There is a baptism this Friday night at 7:15pm. You really won't want to miss.

One of the most important things I have seen is how evangelism changes the community. Each time you get someone off of drugs, it changes the community. Each time you see someone give up alcohol, it changes the community. Each person that decides to quit living an immoral lifestyle, it changes the community. Every person who begins to attend church, it changes the community. What we are doing each evangelistic series, is not only growing our church, not only seeing a number of people get baptized, but it's also having a larger impact on what the shape of the community is like.

During this series, we had over 100 people hear a gospel presentation and asked to turn their lives over to Jesus. We had about 75 new people hear the Sabbath for the first time. We've also seen quite a number of people decide to follow Jesus all the way - with their whole lives. It's always amazing to me to see how people's lives are changed so quickly.

But now is when we must gather around those people. Life Changing decisions happen at events like this, but LIFE-CHANGE happens best in a small group - where people gather around to support these new people. You can play a part in helping them stay here as part of the church. See Pastor Jeff and get in a group, or start a new group right away.

* * * * * * *

What's happening: Sabbath, April 30, 4:30 pm - Oregon Adventist Men's Chorus Spring Festival. Invite your friends!

  • Friday, 7:15 -  Baptism
  • Sabbath - Richard Halversen - "He's alive!"
  • Wednesday (tomorrow), 7 pm; Finance Team
  • Wednesday (tomorrow), Baptismal Class for those interested in getting baptized
  • Wednesday, April 27 (next week) - Church Board Meeting
  • Sabbath, April 30, 10 am - Bible Marking Class begins in the Choir Room behind the stage
