Tuesday, April 13, 2010The Mission of the Adventist Community Church is to Reach Deep in Discipleship, Reach Out in Evangelism and Reach Up in Worship.Exciting Seminar Update So much has happened since the last email was sent out that it's hard to even imagine how it has all come together. But it has only happened on the power of the Holy Spirit. God is doing something mighty in Vancouver and it's clear that he is showing He is still in charge! PTL! On Friday night, the message about the Sabbath was presented. Saturday night showed the change of the Sabbath from Sunday. Then last night finished a climactic weekend with the message of the Mark of the Beast.
We had 36 decisions to keep the Sabbath at last night's meeting. Some say it doesn't happen anymore, But God is still good! All the time! Not all of those will follow-through with that decision, but others will step up that haven't yet stepped up. So, please pray for those people and the decisions that they are making. Please pray for the people as you attend or as you are at home. The devil will work hard to keep them away from the Lord and His way. This Sabbath, we are inviting people to come to church. There will be a single Sabbath School class in the auditorium (rather than the usual two) and it will be taught be Pastor Halversen who will be sharing from the book of Daniel and some of his trip to the Holy Land. Those coming to the 2nd service, please park - as able - the back parking lot. Right now it's just grass, but will soon be paved. But please park there and save parking spaces for our incoming guests so they find a place to come worship with us. There is also a potluck this weekend for you and our guests. It's a great place to come and meet with people who are new and make a new friend.
I love being your pastor! |
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