Let people Reach Jesus
The church has 3 basic functions: Discipleship, Evangelism and Worship. Discipleship happens on the large level and the individual level. Evangelism does too. And of all things, so does Worship. As you've heard the last few messages at the Adventist Community Church - from Pastor Roger on the LIFE Journals/Personal Devotions and Ginny Allen's on the same basic topic - primarily prayer, you've heard the emphasis on discipleship. Stay tuned as we develop a discipleship plan that will help everyone in the church put their spiritual roots down deep.
Revival Happens in this LIFE!
The best way for a revival to happen is to get it done personally. Join the LIFE Journal Revolution and begin to feed yourself spiritually. Isn't it time you took your spiritual life into your own hands? For more information, go to our website to find all the information you need....
This Sabbath - Interactive Event (Live - kind of)
You'll want to join us for this "Live" event this week. If you have a web-enabled phone, you can either download the app, or go to http://read.ly/e/z6 and join the live event on your computer. You'll be able to see the scriptures, share your prayer requests and take notes - all during the service. Plan to join us this Sabbath! So, bring your phones or your computers this Sabbath - and join us as we experiment!
Simply go and begin taking part in this simply interactive part of our service....
FYI - What's Happening
- Sabbath 1/9 - New Message Series - "Back to the Basics" Come on out and hear this 4-part series by Pastor Roger as we get back to the basics of what a Christian really is.
- Sabbath 1/9 - Potluck this Sabbath. It's that time of month to bring your lunch to church - we'll group it together with everyone else's and make a potluck out of it. Bring extra if you are able, please!
- Monday 1/11 - Mission/Vision Committee meeting @ 6:30 PM
- Monday 1/11 - Evangelism Committee @ 7:00 PM
- Tuesday 1/12 - Worship Committee @ 7:00 PM
- Wednesday 1/13 - Elder's Meeting @ 6:30 PM
- January 16 - His Praise Gospel Quartet Concert - you'll want to come out and hear this old-time praise music with some of your own church members leading the songs. Come out, bring a friend and enjoy this concert!
- January 20 - Finance Committee
- January 26 - Oregon Conference Town Hall Meeting @ our Church! 7:00 PM
- January 27 - Church Board Meeting
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