Tuesday, January 26, 2010

FYI - Vancouver


Back to the Basics
This week we conclude our four week study into the Back to the Basics message series with a look at Forgiveness.  Do you need God's forgiveness?  Do you need to forgive someone?  Then you need to come to one of our services this week and listen to this message....

Town Hall Meeting
The Oregon Conference is holding a Town Hall Meeting to talk about current issues going on around Oregon and Southwest Washington Tuesday January 26 at 7:00 pm.  Of course the biggest issue to talk about is the key issue on everyone's minds today - Finances.  Please plan to come and take part in this Town Hall Meeting.  There will be people from all around the Portland and Vancouver area and much discussion will take place. 

The meeting is for any interested member to attend and participate in the discussion.   Al Reimche, President; Dave Allen, Vice President for Administration; Jon Corder, Vice President for Finance; and Scott Lemert, Assistant to the President will be leading out in the meeting.

Home School/Family Encouragement Conference
Encouragement for the WHOLE Family!  Everyone is welcome at this seminar - whether they homeschool, public school or private school.  This will be encouragement for the whole family and the whole church!  Home Schoolers need encouragement.  Some of the biggest names in Christian Home Schooling are coming to the Adventist Community Church in February - February 1st to be exact.  Don't miss out - if you are thinking about homeschooling, or need encouragement in raising your kids - plan to come and see what this one evening seminar is all about.  7:00pm on February 1st.

Student Aid
At Vancouver, we've always made a pretty serious commitment to Adventist Education.  Combined with the subsidy and student aid, we commit quite a few dollars in support of our schools and the kids who attend.  We've currently made a commitment to nearly $5000/month to student aid.  None of the kids we're supporting are slacking and their requests were reasonable and good.   The Education Committee took a step in faith that these kids needed to be at our local school - Meadowglade.  They also took a step of faith to say we would support them.   Currently our financial aid to the students currently enrolled is about to run out.  We need close to $5000 per month, but we currently have about $1600 in it.  If you'd like to help support the student aid fund, you can go to our website and give or you put something in the tithe and offering envelope at church. Thanks for your support.... 

ADRA Ramps up Response in Haiti
SILVER SPRING, Md. —A shortage of medical attention, medicines, and supplies remains a major challenge in earthquake devastated Port-au-Prince, eleven days after more than 111,000 died and thousands others were injured in one of the worst catastrophes in modern times, reported the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA).

According to ADRA staff coordinating the agency's response in the Haitian capital, medical facilities are still in need of medical supplies, specifically surgical tools, such as sterilization equipment, bone saws, and disposable medical supplies that include gloves, bandages, and masks. Click here to read the complete story. 

FYI - What's Happening
  • Tonight - Oregon Conference Town Hall Meeting at our Church, 7pm
  • Tomorrow (Weds, 1/27) - Church Board Meeting at 7pm
  • Sabbath 1/30 - Back to the Basics at 8:45am or 11:10am
  • This weekend - Praise Guitar Workshop (Ask Larry Gibson for more info)
  • Monday 2/1- Home School Encouragement Conference - 7pm
  • Wednesday 2/3 - Pathfinder Meeting
  • Sabbath 2/6- Pathfinder Lock-in
  • February 
  • Feb 10 - Elder's meeting at 6:30pm
  • Feb 10-12 - Health Seminar, by Laura Hamilton at 7pm

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fwd: Legend Pastor Arthur Griffith

From: Judy Johnson <johnsonjdteddy@msn.com>
Date: January 21, 2010
Subject: Legend Pastor Arthur Griffith

Dear Vancouver SDA church,
Do you know our deaf pioneer retired Arthur Griffith? He was passed away last week on Sabbath, January 16. We will have a memorial service for him at our Vancouver SDA church on January 31 at 11 am. Meal serving at 12:30 pm. Grave service at 2:30 pm at Amboy few miles north of Battle Ground to be buried beside his loved deaf daugther that was died from her bike accident. He wanted to be there at resurrection to hug her and welcome her back to the family.
It is going to be a legend service because he was our first deaf full ordained pastor for a whole North America history! My parents will be here to attend. Many important people, such as Larry Evans, Under Secretary from General Conference, and Thompson Kay, he is head of program for children with dyslexis, and the several other deaf pastors from the east coast and central will be coming. Of course, there will be voice interpreter because lots of hearing people included my parents will be also attending.
My parents, Pastor John and Alberta Blake have a story about Arthur Griffith in my father's own words,
"A real pioneer in ministry to deaf. Knew him for about 35 years and worked together for 3 years at the Christian Deaf Center in Arkansas. Arthur was the first ordained SDA deaf pastor in the Adventist church. He worked with the North American Division on a set of 16 mm movie Bible studies. A pioneer in so many areas.
Arthur was originally a machinist, but developed a passion for ministry with his fellow deaf. Gradually, he became a pastor, then ordained as one. Arthur had an inventive mind, and was into video, the internet, etc. He was a great encouragement to many people around the world."
You can see Arthur Griffith on Adventist Deaf Minsitry website link
As for me, Arthur is so wonderful to me and my family. I have known him since I was 9 when I realized who he was. He was also strong in believe in the faith of Lord. We would never forget him! He is like a father figure to our deaf Adventist people.
If you like to give a support, welcome to attend with us!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

FYI - Update

****Just a quick update to the email that went out earlier today.  This should have gone out in that email.****

At Vancouver, we've always made a pretty serious commitment to Adventist Education.  Combined with the subsidy and student aid, we commit quite a few dollars in support of our schools and the kids who attend.  We've currently made a commitment to nearly $5000/month to student aid.  None of the kids we're supporting are slacking and their requests were reasonable and good.  

The Education Committee took a step in faith that these kids needed to be at our local school - Meadowglade.  They also took a step of faith to say we would support them.  

Currently our financial aid to the students currently enrolled is about to run out.  We need close to $5000 per month, but we currently have about $800 in it.  If you'd like to help support the student aid fund, you can go to our website and give or you put something in the tithe and offering envelope at church.

Thanks for your support....

roger walter
Senior Pastor Seventh-day Adventist Community Church of Vancouver
          Join the LIFE Journal Revolution

Make a Difference Blog:

FYI - Vancouver!


Mission/Vision Update
The Mission/Vision Team met again last night and put some of the finishing touches on our strategic vision.  This vision will encompass the next three years - from January 2010 to December 2012.  And in this vision, we have defined (Click Here for More)

Operation Vancouver Invasion
Our goal in the Vancouver Invasion is to hit every home in Clark County with an invitation to come hear the message of Jesus and the message of the 3 Angel's of Revelation 14.  It's part of our overall evangelism strategy.  But in order to do that, we've been trying to raise an additional $25,000.  You can read more about it by clicking here.

Family Conference
Plan to come to the family conference that we are holding on February 1st at 7pm.  It's called "Home School Encouragement Conference" in order to encourage the home schooling families, but it's really for everyone with families.  You can read more about it by clicking here.  Or you can download the flier to pass on to a friend by clicking here.

Love and Logic
If you'd like to know more about a balanced program for managing children's behavioral issues, you should plan to come to the Love and Logic Refreshers.  If you'd like more information, click here.

Conference Town Hall Meeting
The oregon Conference will be using our church on Tuesday of next week (January 26th) and will be inviting people from all the area churches to come to dialog with them about the future of the Conference mission and vision, to talk about where the conference is financially, and listen to you.  Everyone is invited.  For more information, please click here.

FYI - What's Happening!
  • 1/20 - Finance Committee at 7:00pm
  • 1/20 - Weekly Pathfinder's Meeting
  • 1/23 (Sabbath) - Don Albertsen Funeral at 3:30pm
  • 1/25 - Evangelism Team Meeting at 7:00pm
  • 1/26 - Conference Call Prayer Meeting at 6:30am
  • 1/26 - Town Hall Meeting at 7:00pm
  • 1/27 - Church Board Meeting at 7:00pm
  • 2/1 - Home School Encouragement Conference at 7:00pm

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Fwd: Special Haiti Offering this Sabbath

FYI - pray for the recovery efforts please. Here's how you and I can help - see attached. 

Make a difference!

Senior Pastor
Adventist Community Church
-Sent from my iPhone-

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Erin Brunese" <Erin.Brunese@oc.npuc.org>
Date: January 14, 2010 3:39:32 PM PST
Subject: Special Haiti Offering this Sabbath

Pastors –

I have been asked by Jon Corder to send out this e-mail with the info. listed below to include in your bulletin and if possible announce it during Offering call. The codes will help with identifying where dollars should go. Thanks for your help with such short notice.





 Enclosed as attachments are the ADRA promotions to the local churches for THIS SABBATH.  As money comes into the system from the local church to the conference within the remittance system the code will be:


3613 ADRA – Haiti


Most likely there will be an offering to support the church work (members and institutions) in Haiti in a week or so.  Presidents Cabinet will decide on that Tuesday.  If folks want to send money to the NAD the code is:


3737 Haiti Disaster Relief (SDA)




Tom Evans



Erin T. Brunese

President's Office/Treasury Department

Oregon Conference

( Phone: (503) 850-3503

2  Fax: (503) 850-3403

8 E-mail: erin.brunese@oc.npuc.org


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fwd: Haiti Earthquake

Be a Difference Maker!

roger walter
Senior Pastor http://bit.ly/qO3Vg
Adventist Community Church


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Lee Haynes" <Lee.Haynes@oc.npuc.org>
Date: January 13, 2010 2:41:11 PM PST
Subject: Haiti Earthquake


St Pete Beach, FL
Dear Family and Friends,
Reports re Haiti are sketchy at best but the picture we are getting is not good. Communication is very poor.  The airport tower was destroyed.
We have 1000 churches in the area and about 330,000 members.  We do know that two of our largest churches near the presidential palace were destroyed—five congregations met in these churches.  One of those churches had a school and there are serious concerns for the children who were attending school at that time.  It is believed that the union president is alive but contact has not been made.  The union office is not damaged seriously. One union worker was killed when a wall fell on him. There are two IDEs (missionaries) in Haiti and they are alright but shaken.  Serious damage has been sustained by our university but the lawns of our university and hospital campuses are being used by many for a sleeping area as a place of safety.  Fortunately despite the economic challenges our churches did take out earthquake insurance and that will help some with the many economic challenges now facing our work in the area.  ADRA along with the division will be working to assist members and the public alike.  No doubt more complete reports will be coming.  Your prayers for the people of Haiti and those who are working to assist them would be much appreciated.
Larry R Evans

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

FYI - What's Happening!


Back to the Basics
Join us this weekend as Roger continues with the journey of Back to the Basics.  This week we're talking about what it means to be born again.  What does that phrase really mean?  Why should it make a difference in your life?  Who do you know that needs to hear the message?

Join us also for the second LIVE Event on You Version - information on our website for you to join in on your web-enabled phone or laptop.  You can listen to the sermon in the auditorium and then join the LIVE event to take notes, give an offering, or send up prayer requests.  Plan to join us there.  Simply go to your YouVersion Bible and choose the live event and search on our zip code 98665 - and you'll see us and be able to join!

FYI - What's Happening!
  • Tonight - Worship Team Meeting - 7pm
  • Tomorrow - Elder's meeting - 6:30pm
  • Tomorrow - Pathfinders @ 7:00pm
  • Friday 1/15 - The Gathering - a young adult get-together for all ages.  6pm
  • Sabbath 1/16 - His PRaise Quartet Concert at 4pm
  • Monday 1/18 - Mission Vision Team Meeting at 6:30pm
  • 1/20 - Finance Committee at 7pm
  • 1/23 - Don Albertson Funeral - 3:30pm
  • 1/26 - Oregon Conference Town Hall Meeting at Vancouver - 7pm - EVERYONE is invited and people will be coming from all area churches.
  • 1/27 - Church Board Meeting at 7pm

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

FYI - in Vancouver!


Let people Reach Jesus
The church has 3 basic functions: Discipleship, Evangelism and Worship.  Discipleship happens on the large level and the individual level.  Evangelism does too.  And of all things, so does Worship.  As you've heard the last few messages at the Adventist Community Church - from Pastor Roger on the LIFE Journals/Personal Devotions and Ginny Allen's on the same basic topic - primarily prayer, you've heard the emphasis on discipleship.  Stay tuned as we develop a discipleship plan that will help everyone in the church put their spiritual roots down deep.

Revival Happens in this LIFE! 
The best way for a revival to happen is to get it done personally.  Join the LIFE Journal Revolution and begin to feed yourself spiritually.  Isn't it time you took your spiritual life into your own hands?  For more information, go to our website to find all the information you need....

This Sabbath - Interactive Event (Live - kind of)

You'll want to join us for this "Live" event this week.  If you have a web-enabled phone, you can either download the app, or go to http://read.ly/e/z6 and join the live event on your computer.  You'll be able to see the scriptures, share your prayer requests and take notes - all during the service.  Plan to join us this Sabbath!  So, bring your phones or your computers this Sabbath - and join us as we experiment!

Simply go and begin taking part in this simply interactive part of our service....

FYI - What's Happening
  • Sabbath 1/9 - New Message Series - "Back to the Basics"  Come on out and hear this 4-part series by Pastor Roger as we get back to the basics of what a Christian really is.
  • Sabbath 1/9 - Potluck this Sabbath.  It's that time of month to bring your lunch to church - we'll group it together with everyone else's and make a potluck out of it.  Bring extra if you are able, please!
  • Monday 1/11 - Mission/Vision Committee meeting @ 6:30 PM
  • Monday 1/11 - Evangelism Committee @ 7:00 PM
  • Tuesday 1/12 - Worship Committee @ 7:00 PM
  • Wednesday 1/13 - Elder's Meeting @ 6:30 PM
  • January 16 - His Praise Gospel Quartet Concert - you'll want to come out and hear this old-time praise music with some of your own church members leading the songs.  Come out, bring a friend and enjoy this concert!
  • January 20 - Finance Committee
  • January 26 - Oregon Conference Town Hall Meeting @ our Church!  7:00 PM
  • January 27 - Church Board Meeting

Monday, January 4, 2010

Free Webinar for anyone who wants to attend

FYI - See below....

Be a Difference Maker!

roger walter
Senior Pastor http://bit.ly/qO3Vg
Adventist Community Church

Begin forwarded message:
Date: January 4, 2010 10:17:43 AM PST
Subject: First Growing Churches Webinar -- Please forward to pastors
