Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Vancouver eNews


Sad News
By now many of you have heard that last Sabbath Bob Case passed away.  It's unclear exactly what happened or why it happened.  Sometime Sabbath morning, Bob passed away in his sleep.  Bob was a tremendous man, outstanding father, and great friend.  He will be missed and will be mourned by all.  

The funeral for Bob will be this Sabbath afternoon at the Seventh-day Adventist Community Church of Vancouver - at 4:00pm.  All are encouraged to attend if at all possible.

Please pray for Joyce.  Please pray for their sons and the extended family.  God will emerge in this tragedy and will hold them tightly through this process.

New Sermon Series
Flowers represent LIFE.  Fresh flowers represent new life.  flower in the log of this email - it's the same that will be on the cover of our bulletin the next few weeks.  The new sermon series is called - "Doing LIFE Together."  You don't want to miss the next two messages as we begin a journey together that will take us all of 2010 to complete.  It promises to be a LIFE-changing experience, one that will deepen your spiritual roots.  December 12 and 19.  On the 19th, come get a Christmas present from your church.

FYI - What's Happening
  • Today - 6:30 AM - Conference Call Prayer Meeting - Dial-in Number:1-518-825-1300 (East Coast), Participant Access Code:558256
  • Wednesday - Elder's meeting at 6:30 pm
  • Sabbath - Dec. 12 - Fountainview Academy will be presenting a musical service this Sabbath and Pastor Roger will begin his sermon series - Doing LIFE Together
  • Potluck immediately after the service - Organized Haystacks - Contact Chris Price for more information
  • Sabbath - 4:00 pm - Bob Case Memorial Service
  • Sunday - 5:00 pm - Baby Shower for Nate and Heidi Nelson and their new baby
  • Dec. 16 - 7:00 pm - Finance Committee
  • Wednesdays - Pathfinders - check the church calendar for more information (www.VancouverAdventist.com)

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