This morning, I was struck with the idea of how God's message has always been the same, that it's a message of grace that saves us. I was reading in Jeremiah and read these words:
Jeremiah 3:12 "Go and shout this message to my people in the countries in the north.26 Tell them,
'Come back to me, wayward Israel,' says the Lord.
'I will not continue to look on you with displeasure.27
For I am merciful,' says the Lord.
'I will not be angry with you forever.
3:13 However, you must confess that you have done wrong,28
and that you have rebelled against the Lord your God.
You must confess29 that you have given yourself to30 foreign gods under every green tree,
and have not obeyed my commands,' says the Lord.
We need to create a community of grace - where people can hear the message - God will accept you back from wherever you've been, whatever you've done, whenever you've done it. Just confess and God will take you back. Sounds a lot like 1 John 1:9 - if we confess, he forgives. Old and New - both testaments proclaim the same gospel message of grace. Everyone in our community needs to hear it.
FYI - What's Happening (find more information the church calendar on our website)
- Tonight (8/10) - Nominating Committee Meeting at 6:30 PM
- Tuesday (8/11) - Conference Call Prayer Meeting - check the website for log-in details - 6:30 AM
- Wednesday (8/12) - Binding the Wounds - 7:00 PM
- Wednesday (8/12) - Elder's Meeting - 7:00 PM
- Friday (8/14) - Shirley's last day as church secretary. The Job description is being re-written, and if you'd like to receive a copy of it and an application when it is ready, please take a minute and send us a note to the church office at
- 8/17 - Mission/Vision Team Meeting - 6:30 PM
- 8/18 - Ministry Dashboard Team Meeting - 7:00 PM
- 8/19 - Finance Team Meeting - 7:00 PM
- 8/22 - Community Groups Training - You can register on our website for this all important training time where we will establish the Community Groups as the social, care and discipleship arm of the church. 2:00-6:00 PM
- 8/22 - Mt. Damavand Climbing Adventure with Ron Oliver - Bring a Friend to hear about this story and see the pictures of Iran and one of it's tallest peaks. 7:00 PM
- 8/26 - Church Board Meeting - 7:00 PM
- 8/29 - Darmody and LaMountain Concert at 7:00 PM. Bring a friend and invite them along to hear the gospel in song.
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