Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Corrected: 2009-12-30 News

Corrected Version  

Upcoming Evangelism
Reaching Out in Evangelism is part of our mission.  It's the part that helps people find Jesus as their personal savior.  It's the part that points out our distinctive beliefs.  It's the part that helps people catch a glimpse of the hope that we have for the future.  And the mission of our local church is to reach as many people as possible with the message of Jesus as found in the Three Angel's Messages as found in Revelation 14.  This last seminar, we saw just a small taste of what could be.  Coming at the end of March 2010, we're having Richard Halversen coming to do a very professional series.
Our goal is to mail a brochure (on time this time) to everyone in Clark County.  Imagine with me if we would have the kind of response we want - 150 guests would show up opening night.  We'd baptize 20+ people at the end of the series.  And longterm we'd keep most of them because we're building a strong discipleship base for them now.
But in order to do that, we need to raise about $25,000 from within our local church.  That may sound like a lot.  But if you broke that down into our active membership - that's only $63/person over the next three months.  That's only $21/month.  And that's only $.70/day.  That's less than the price of a can of pop.  For a family of four, that's less than the price of a single Starbucks or less than 3 bean burritos from Taco Bell.  Could you give up the price of a Starbucks or a few Taco Bell Burritos to share the message of Jesus?  
Truly, $21/month per person is only the price of a couple of nights out to eat.  Would you be willing to go without a couple of good meals out to eat, to share the story of Jesus with someone?  Would you be willing to give to the "Evangelism Fund" in order to help us reach our goal of $25,000 by March of this year?
Please mark your Offering in the envelope "Evangelism".  Thanks for your support!

Revival Happens in this LIFE! 
The best way for a revival to happen is to get it done personally.  Join the LIFE Journal Revolution and begin to feed yourself spiritually.  Isn't it time you took your spiritual life into your own hands?  For more information, go to  Simply click on the LIFE Journal page - from there you can listen, read, download or more.  Join in now - and start with the rest of us on January 1st!

YouBible Event!
If you have a web-enabled phone, plan to join us for the next sermon series called: "Back to The Basics."  Just point your phone to and download the Bible app on your phone and get started.  We'll have a LIVE Event going on during the service next week (1/9/10).  You can also join in with your laptop if you point it to our website (more info later).  No, this Live event does not include a video/audio feed, but is an interactive way to share in the experience at church.  There will be polls, message outlines, questions to ponder, a place to give, and much more.  Watch your email for more info.
The app/website also allows you to read the LIFE Journal Reading Plan on your Phone/Computer.  Join the Revolution of personal Devotions through the LIFE Journal.

FYI - What's Happening
  • New Years Eve!  We hope you have a pleasant and joyous and safe New Years - what New Year's Resolutions are you planning on adding to your life - let us hear it at: 
  • Friday - Start the New Year right by celebrating this Friday evening communion on January 1st at 7:00 pm
  • Sabbath - a special day with a special emphasis on prayer.
  • Pray for our Oregon Conference and it's financial issues that is part of the tail of the lagging economy.
  • January 9 - 4 Part "Back to the Basics" Message series presented by Pastor Roger begins.
  • January 9 - Interactive Mobile Event during the church service - more info next week.
  • January 11 - Evangelism Committee at 7:00 pm
  • January 11 - MGAES Board Meeting
  • January 16 - Old Time Gospel Concert by "His Praise Quartet" - see the church calendar for more information - @ 4:00 PM
  • January 26 - Town Hall Meeting presented by the Leadership of the Oregon Conference.  Plan to come and find out exactly how the budget shortfall affects all of our churches.

2009-12-30 News

Upcoming Evangelism
Reaching Out in Evangelism is part of our mission.  It's the part that helps people find Jesus as their personal savior.  It's the part that points out our distinctive beliefs.  It's the part that helps people catch a glimpse of the hope that we have for the future.  And the mission of our local church is to reach as many people as possible with the message of Jesus as found in the Three Angel's Messages as found in Revelation 14.  This last seminar, we saw just a small taste of what could be.  Coming at the end of March 2010, we're having Richard Halversen coming to do a very professional series.
Our goal is to mail a brochure (on time this time) to everyone in Clark County.  Imagine with me if we would have the kind of response we want - 150 guests would show up opening night.  We'd baptize 20+ people at the end of the series.  And longterm we'd keep most of them because we're building a strong discipleship base for them now.
But in order to do that, we need to raise about $25,000 from within our local church.  That may sound like a lot.  But if you broke that down into our active membership - that's only $63/person for each of the next three months.  That's only $21/month.  And that's only $.70/day.  That's less than the price of a can of pop.  For a family of four, that's less than the price of a single Starbucks or less than 3 bean burritos from Taco Bell.  Could you give up the price of a Starbucks or a few Taco Bell Burritos to share the message of Jesus?  
Truly, $21/month per person is only the price of a couple of nights out to eat.  Would you be willing to go without a couple of good meals out to eat, to share the story of Jesus with someone?  Would you be willing to give to the "Evangelism Fund" in order to help us reach our goal of $25,000 by March of this year?
Please mark your Offering in the envelope "Evangelism".  Thanks for your support!

Revival Happens in this LIFE! 
The best way for a revival to happen is to get it done personally.  Join the LIFE Journal Revolution and begin to feed yourself spiritually.  Isn't it time you took your spiritual life into your own hands?  For more information, go to  Simply click on the LIFE Journal page - from there you can listen, read, download or more.  Join in now - and start with the rest of us on January 1st!

YouBible Event!
If you have a web-enabled phone, plan to join us for the next sermon series called: "Back to The Basics."  Just point your phone to and download the Bible app on your phone and get started.  We'll have a LIVE Event going on during the service next week (1/9/10).  You can also join in with your laptop if you point it to our website (more info later).  No, this Live event does not include a video/audio feed, but is an interactive way to share in the experience at church.  There will be polls, message outlines, questions to ponder, a place to give, and much more.  Watch your email for more info.
The app/website also allows you to read the LIFE Journal Reading Plan on your Phone/Computer.  Join the Revolution of personal Devotions through the LIFE Journal.

FYI - What's Happening
  • New Years Eve!  We hope you have a pleasant and joyous and safe New Years - what New Year's Resolutions are you planning on adding to your life - let us hear it at: 
  • Friday - Start the New Year right by celebrating this Friday evening communion on January 1st at 7:00 pm
  • Sabbath - a special day with a special emphasis on prayer.
  • Pray for our Oregon Conference and it's financial issues that is part of the tail of the lagging economy.
  • January 9 - 4 Part "Back to the Basics" Message series presented by Pastor Roger begins.
  • January 9 - Interactive Mobile Event during the church service - more info next week.
  • January 11 - Evangelism Committee at 7:00 pm
  • January 11 - MGAES Board Meeting
  • January 16 - Old Time Gospel Concert by "His Praise Quartet" - see the church calendar for more information - @ 4:00 PM
  • January 26 - Town Hall Meeting presented by the Leadership of the Oregon Conference.  Plan to come and find out exactly how the budget shortfall affects all of our churches.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

FYI What's Happening in Vancouver


When is Christmas?
A good friend of mine write this a year or more ago....
"Within the universe created by the Peanuts comic strip, Schroeder is known as the toy-piano virtuoso and Beethoven's biggest fan.  When December 16 rolls around, Schroeder is found celebrating Beethoven's birthday (much to the distress of the love-struck Lucy who prefers his attention for herself).  It turns out, however, that Schroeder may have been celebrating on the wrong day.

"While historians are certain that Ludwig van Beethoven was baptized on December 17, 1770, his birth date remains unclear.  It might have been December 16 or even earlier.  Unless you're planning to join the Peanuts' resident musician in holding a Beethoven birthday bash, it hardly matters.  What really matters is the impact the man's music had in its time and still has today.

"Even people who know nothing about classical music are familiar with the famous four-note opening to Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.  Beethoven himself described that powerful "bom bom bom bommmmm" as the sound of "fate knocking at the door."

"The birth date of a much more important person is unclear as well.  Somewhere around 2,011 years ago, Jesus was born.  Most of the Christian world celebrate His birth on December 25 (some Orthodox Christians prefer January 6), but no one knows for sure.  It's probably just as well that we don't know the exact date, but it is truly wonderful that every year, billions of people in every country on planet earth celebrate the amazing gift of a loving and sovereign God:  His own son born into the human race to redeem us from our sins.

"Beethoven's "bom bom bom bommmmm" pales when compared to the angel's announcement to a group of shepherds near Bethlehem, "I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people:  A Savior has just been born in David's town, a Savior who is Christ the Lord."  Every year at this time, fate knocks at the door of my heart and I renew my decision to worship and adore Him.  I can't express how deeply I appreciate God's gift, and I choose again to worship Him forever.  I hope you'll join me."

A Wonderful little Christmas Video
If you haven't seen this one yet, it's worth going to see.  It's an amazing set up of Christmas lights expressing God's Amazing Grace!

FYI - What's Happening in Vancouver
  • Most of you know by now that Sabbath we held a Memorial for Bob Case who died unexpectedly the week before.  Pray for Joyce and the family
  • Also, in similar news, Frances Blahovich and Don Albertsen have also passed away.  Please pray for these families as well.
  • Friday - 6:30pm - The Gathering of Young Adults - singing Christmas Carols.
  • Sabbath - Pastor Roger Completes his 2-part sermon series called, "Doing LIFE Together" and will give away an early Christmas present to everyone who comes....
  • Dec. 24 - Christmas Eve
  • Dec. 25 - Christmas
  • Dec. 26 - Christmas Program at Church
  • January 2, 2010 - Special Prayer Emphasis Day - More info later.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Oregon Conference Financial Picture - Prayer Needs

Here is a note from the President of the Oregon Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.  Please read it, and please keep the whole conference in your prayers.

roger walter
Senior Pastor -
Adventist Community Church

Feed Yourself!  Break the Famine (Amos 8:11)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
This past Monday morning Jon Corder shared with our staff the same financial picture he presented to you at Twin Rocks. These are challenging times and as such we feel a very strong need for God's direct guidance as we navigate through uncharted waters here in the conference. Our administrative group has spent time in prayer previously but felt that there would be great benefit if as a whole conference we were seeking God's will for the decisions and directions we need to take. As a result we have asked our conference staff to take time each day at 11:06 am to seek God's direction.

Yes, I know it sounds like a strange time to pray but just as a reminder the 06 means remember OC at 06, and after we had set the 11 am hour someone reminded me that we are in the 11th hour in this world's history. However you do it, please share this call to prayer with our members and join us here at the office in asking God for His direction.

I believe that God has great plans for this area of His vineyard and we want to be fully in tune with His leading.


Al Reimche


Oregon Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

19800 Oatfield Rd

Gladstone, Oregon 97027

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Vancouver eNews


Sad News
By now many of you have heard that last Sabbath Bob Case passed away.  It's unclear exactly what happened or why it happened.  Sometime Sabbath morning, Bob passed away in his sleep.  Bob was a tremendous man, outstanding father, and great friend.  He will be missed and will be mourned by all.  

The funeral for Bob will be this Sabbath afternoon at the Seventh-day Adventist Community Church of Vancouver - at 4:00pm.  All are encouraged to attend if at all possible.

Please pray for Joyce.  Please pray for their sons and the extended family.  God will emerge in this tragedy and will hold them tightly through this process.

New Sermon Series
Flowers represent LIFE.  Fresh flowers represent new life.  flower in the log of this email - it's the same that will be on the cover of our bulletin the next few weeks.  The new sermon series is called - "Doing LIFE Together."  You don't want to miss the next two messages as we begin a journey together that will take us all of 2010 to complete.  It promises to be a LIFE-changing experience, one that will deepen your spiritual roots.  December 12 and 19.  On the 19th, come get a Christmas present from your church.

FYI - What's Happening
  • Today - 6:30 AM - Conference Call Prayer Meeting - Dial-in Number:1-518-825-1300 (East Coast), Participant Access Code:558256
  • Wednesday - Elder's meeting at 6:30 pm
  • Sabbath - Dec. 12 - Fountainview Academy will be presenting a musical service this Sabbath and Pastor Roger will begin his sermon series - Doing LIFE Together
  • Potluck immediately after the service - Organized Haystacks - Contact Chris Price for more information
  • Sabbath - 4:00 pm - Bob Case Memorial Service
  • Sunday - 5:00 pm - Baby Shower for Nate and Heidi Nelson and their new baby
  • Dec. 16 - 7:00 pm - Finance Committee
  • Wednesdays - Pathfinders - check the church calendar for more information (

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

FYI in Vancouver!


This week the pathfinders are organizing a team of people who will walk through the neighborhoods and collect canned goods and non-perishable food items.

Inter-services Walk 'n Knock Food Drive, December 5th.  This is a countywide food drive benefiting the area food banks (including Clark County Adventist Community Services Center).  Volunteers are needed to cover the church's area this year.  We will meet at 8:45 AM in the Service Center and disperse from there.  All food collected will remain at the Service Center.  Walkers, drivers, kids and adults.  All are needed to help.  For more information, contact Ben Wolfswinkel, Area Captain:  360-256-6632.

For those who would like to make a food donation, but don't want to leave it on the porch, bring all donations to the church on Dec. 5th, and it will be added to the Service Center collections.  Donations of nonperishable foods (such as beans, pasta, canned fruits and vegetables, soups, boxed dinners, ramen noodles, cereals), and baby supplies (diapers, formula) are welcome.

Creation Fest/CAA Music Fest
This is a BIG weekend at the Adventist Community Church.  Friday evening it begins at 7:00pm.  Doug Newton is bringing tables and tables full of artifacts for the creation seminar.  He is encouraging a hands on approach to much of what he has as well as encouraging you to bring your camera to photograph the artifacts.  

The creation seminar will begin again on Sabbath morning at 9:30am (no early service).  And will continue through church where Columbia Academy will have much of the worship service musically.  Then a potluck afterwards (HAYSTACKS) and the creation seminar will begin again and run to about 6:30pm in the evening.  

If you'd like to know more information and download the flier (or forward it to your friends to invite them as well) click here.

FYI - What's Happening!
  • Wednesday - December 2 - School Board Member's meeting with Pastor Roger and Jeff at 7:00 pm in Pastor Roger's office.
  • Friday 7:00pm - Creation Seminar
  • Sabbath 9:30am - Creation Seminar
  • Sabbath 11:00am - Church with CAA and Creation Seminar
  • Sabbath - Potluck - Planned Haystacks - please email Marella Rudebaugh for more information....
  • Dec 7 - 6:30pm - Mission/Vision Team
  • Dec 9 - 6:30 pm - Elder's meeting
  • Dec. 12 - Fountainview Academy church Service
  • Dec. 12 - Pastor Roger Begins a two-part sermon series that will lead to an early Christmas gift for everyone on Dec. 19th.
  • Dec 16 - Finance Committee Meeting
  • Dec 25 - Christmas!
  • January 2, 2010 - Special Prayer Service!
  • March 26 - Halversen Evangelistic Seminar begins.  We're looking for financial partners to make this happen at the largest level possible!  Contact pastor Roger if you are interested in joining this project!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

creation flier

Some have asked for this info so the could pass on to their friends.
Please invite! Potluck meal afterwards.

Make a difference!

Senior Pastor
Adventist Community Church
Sent from my iPhone

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Security Update....

This is just a quick note to all the members of the Adventist Community Church of Vancouver.  Our Pastoral Assistant, Doris, had her home broken into this last Sabbath while she and her husband were in church.  One of the the things they stole was a whole drawer in her desk.  In that desk drawer was a list of member of our church with addresses and phone numbers.  Please be advised that this leaves open a list of names of people who may not be in their homes on Saturday mornings.  You may feel more comfortable asking your neighbors to keep an eye out for your home in the near future.

Hungry? Feed Yourself!  Break the Famine (Amos 8:11)

roger walter
Senior Pastor Seventh-day Adventist Community Church of Vancouver
          Join the LIFE Journal Revolution

Make a Difference Blog:

Monday, November 23, 2009

FYI - What's Happening in Vancouver


Two Big Weekends Coming Up

December 4-5 - Creation Weekend.  Bring your cameras to take pictures of the artifacts.  Bring your notepaper to write down some incredible information.  Bring your ears and listen like crazy - this weekend is going to be TOPS!  The creation weekend begins on Friday evening at 7:00 pm.  Then on Sabbath it begins again at 9:30 am (Yes, that's really 9:30 am).  Church will be a panoply of music and performance by Columbia Adventist Academy with the sermon by our creation speaker - Doug Newton.  Potluck following church (BRING LOTS OF FOOD, THERE WILL BE PLENTY OF GUESTS - PLENTY!) Then the creation weekend will begin again at 2:00 pm and end around 6:00-6:30 pm.  

Please note: There will be no adult Sabbath school classes on Dec. 5 and there will be no Early service at 8:45 am.

Second Weekend - December 12 - Fountainview Academy will be doing a musical program for us on December 12 and Pastor Roger will begin a two part series that will end with a Christmas Present given to everyone attending on the 19th.  This sermon series will cut to the heart of your Christian experience and get you launched on a journey that will take you through all of 2010.  The growth you will experience from following through on Pastor Roger's 2-Part December series call, "Doing LIFE Together" will be an unbeatable experience.

FYI - What's Happening!
  • Tonight - Photo Directory pictures are still taking shape (and tomorrow).  If you need to schedule a picture, there are still some time slots open.  Please call the church office at 696-2511
  • Tonight - Evangelism Coordination Team Meeting at 7:00 pm
  • Tomorrow (Tues) - Photos Taken
  • Tomorrow (Tues) - Church Board Meeting at 7:00 pm
  • Thursday - TOFURKEY DAY!  Happy Thanksgiving!  Spend time praising God for all you have to be thankful for!
  • Sabbath - Church at 8:45 and 11:10 am.  
  • Nov. 30 - Worship Committee Meeting
  • Dec 2 - School Board Members Meeting in Pastor Roger's Office at 7:00 pm
  • Dec 3 - CAA Special Constituency Meeting
  • Dec 4 - 5 - Creation Seminar - Check Church Calendar for times - TELL A FRIEND!
  • Dec 5 - Columbia Adventist Academy doing our church music.
  • Dec 6 - Rose Ostrem Funeral at the church - 1:00 pm
  • Dec 7 - Mission/Vision Team Meeting
  • Dec 12/19 - Doing LIFE Together
  • January 2 - Special Prayer Weekend - More info later.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Re: Food Baskets for Thanksgiving

Oops - when you send the name to the church office, please also include the phone and address too....  Thank you.  Please don't send them to me, as I'm not compiling the list....  (see below for more info)

Thank you and God Bless!

Roger Walter
Senior Pastor
Adventist Community Church of Vancouver

On Nov 20, 2009, at 2:03 PM, Roger Walter wrote:

I just received a phone call from Wayne Alvarez, our Head Elder, and he knows of a company that is looking for 20-30 names of people who need a food basket for Thanksgiving.  They are willing to put together the basket and do the deliveries.  Praise the Lord for Christians in business!

If you have any names AND their need, please send it to  


Hungry? Feed Yourself!  Break the Famine (Amos 8:11)

roger walter
Senior Pastor Seventh-day Adventist Community Church of Vancouver
          Join the LIFE Journal Revolution

Make a Difference Blog:

Food Baskets for Thanksgiving

I just received a phone call from Wayne Alvarez, our Head Elder, and he knows of a company that is looking for 20-30 names of people who need a food basket for Thanksgiving. They are willing to put together the basket and do the deliveries. Praise the Lord for Christians in business!

If you have any names AND their need, please send it to the church office

Hungry? Feed Yourself! Break the Famine (Amos 8:11)

roger walter
Senior Pastor Seventh-day Adventist Community Church of Vancouver
Join the LIFE Journal Revolution

Make a Difference Blog:
