Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Vancouver Today — e.Update July 24, 2012

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                             July 24, 2012

From Pastor Roger - What if ...

What if before every test God presented our Bible heroes, they knew in advance everything was going to turn out just fine?

What if Abraham knew before he took off with Isaac that God would provide a solution, just in the nick of time to save his son?
What if Daniel had been told the lions were well fed and wouldn't be at all interested in him?

What if Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego had known in advance that the fire wouldn't touch them, that only the ropes tying them would burn?

What if ...

We ask God for many gifts when we pray, but only one gift requires nothing but acceptance. Salvation is free, with no strings attached other than we accept it as a gift.

Faith is built step by step through moving ahead as you are led. Sometimes those steps go through thick, dirty, smelly mud. We can't see the other side, but we continue moving. There's no guarantee we will make it through the murk intact.

When you read Hebrews 11, every person named there went through something dark, something unpleasant. Their names are there because they went through the rough stuff and didn't give up on God.

Sometimes, the really hard part is still trusting that God is in control after you make it through life's rough patches.

Faith doesn't grow when everything is rosy. Faith doesn't get stronger when things are perfect.

True faith develops in the dark times. God is not the author of darkness, but He never leaves us when we are struggling.

The story of Job is full of tragedy. It is also a story of triumph. In Job 13, it is clear that Job doesn't get it. He doesn't understand why all of these awful things are happening to him. He lists his grievances and challenges God to stop ignoring him and give him some answers.

But, in the middle of his list, he says very clearly, "Though He (God) slay me, yet will I hope in Him." (Job 13:15)

How's your faith today?


What's happening

>Church Board - Tomorrow, July 25 @ 7:05pm

>All About Jesus Seminar, Aug. 30-11. More information on the church website

>Annual Church Picnic, 11 am, Lewisville Park, Battle Ground

>Chuck Neighbors, Aug. 25 worship services


Tuesday, July 24 
6:30 Youth Bible Study 

Wednesday, July 25 
7:00pm Church Board  

Friday, July 27            
6:00pm Shabbat Service  

Sabbath, July 28 
9, 11 am Pastor Danny Kim
10am Bible Study and Children's Programs



Sunday, July 29 
11:00 Annual Church Picnic, Lewisville Park

Tuesday, July 31 
6:30 Youth Bible Study 

Wednesday, Aug. 1 
7:00pm Church Board  

Friday, Aug3            
6:00pm Shabbat Service
7:00pm All About Jesus seminar with Lee Venden

Sabbath, Aug. 4 
9, 11am Lee Venden
10am Bible Study and Children's Programs
7:00pm Lee Venden


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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Vancouver Today — e.Update July 17, 2012

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                             July 17, 2012

From Pastor Roger - Let's go fishing

"As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 'Come, follow me,' Jesus said, 'and I will send you out to fish for people.' 20 At once they left their nets and followed him". Matt. 4:18, 19

Todd Gessele, North Pacific Union, videotaping in the Alaska Conference, sent this report:

"When I awoke this morning, I pulled on my rain gear over my pajamas, grabbed my camera and discovered Joe Chythlook was mending his nets on the back deck of 'Miss Molly'. As I pointed my camera at him, he shared with my TV viewers how our lives are like fish nets. They have lots of holes and tears, and can't catch the attention of others for Christ as well as they should, but God promises to mend our lives/nets if we'll let him. Then we'll be much more effective, when it sets us where he need us to serve.

Joe Chythlook's simple illustrations and wise way of explaining what he's learned as an Alaskan native fisherman are powerful. I can't wait to edit what I caught on film this morning.

I've learned that fishermen have a sense of humor, love adventure, observe nature, are extremely tough when absolutely miserable. They soak up a memorable story and are eager to share the lessons they've learned the hard way. Now I can see why Christ decided to pick—as his first selection—fishermen who were busy mending their nets."

What a great picture Todd and Joe painted about God mending the net of our lives.

Jesus has called each of us to Reach Out. We like to fish for people in our own way. It's a pretty common philosophy in today's world that we should work from our strengths. For the most part, I agree that we do best when leading from our strengths. But over and over, the Bible tells of people God has used after they have submitted their strengths to Him. And He used their weakness for His glory.

Turn your net over to God. Let Him mend the holes and tears and use you in His way. Prepare to be amazed at what God will do.


What's happening

>Oregon Conference Camp Meeting, Gladstone Park, Jul. 17-21. Daily campmeeting schedule

>All About Jesus Seminar, Aug. 30-11. More information on the church website

>Chuck Neighbors, Aug. 25 worship services


Tuesday, July 17 
7:00pm Campmeeting begins at Gladstone Park 

Wednesday, July 18 
7:00pm Finance Committee  

Thursday, June 21            

Friday, June 22            

Sabbath, July 21 
10am Abbreviated Sabbath School and Worship service at Vancouver 


Tuesday, July 24 
6:30 Youth Bible Study 

Wednesday, July 18 
7:00pm Church Board  

Friday, June 22            
6:00pm Shabbat Service  

Sabbath, July 21 
9, 11 am Pastor Danny Kim
10am Bible Study and Children's Programs


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Battlefield Hollywood at Whipple Creek on Friday Evening

This is good information from these guys. You may want to plan to see them at Whipple Creek @ 7pm on Friday night.

Vancouver Today — e.Update July 11, 2012

e-Newsletter header graphic
                             July 11, 2012

From Pastor Roger - Why can't young people ... (fill in the blank)?

The generation gap – "Why can't young people ..?" On the other side of the coin, you'll hear "Why can't older people …?"

Whatever you put in your blank, the answer is: They can. And they do. Often.

They may not be doing it the way you think it ought to be done, whatever "it" is. That doesn't mean they don't believe, have faith, understand – whatever you think the hold up is.

For every Biblical example of things the 'young generation' did wrong, you can find as many examples of what they did amazingly right. And the same thing applies to the older generations.

The children of Israel wandered 40 years in a small desert they could have easily crossed in days. For 40 years, they were tantalizingly close to the Promised Land. They could have thrown a small stick across the Jordan River to the land that would be theirs. But they were stuck because they – the mature adult population of Israel – lacked faith, wisdom and foresight.

They also lacked the flexibility to accept change, and the difficulties that can come with change.

Hold on – before you get too eager to say, "I told you so, older people can't change," let's think about Jacob and Esau. Neither was a young man when Jacob returned with his family. He was sure Esau would extract revenge, and so was Esau.

We reviewed this story a few weeks ago. Jacob wrestled all night, with God most scholars believe. At the end of the night, he was changed, along with his name and his health. (Genesis 32)

And Esau, backed by 400 men, ran to meet Jacob, embracing him and weeping. He, too, had changed during the night.

On the other hand, the story we know as the "Rich Young Ruler" (Mark 10:17-23) shows that age is not necessarily a factor in whether or not someone is willing to accept change, progress, or whatever word you want to apply.

Jesus wasn't really concerned about the young man's wealth. Wealth didn't matter for Nicodemus or Joseph of Arimathea, because wealth didn't matter TO them. It mattered a great deal to the young man.

I have heard some in our congregation express their concerns that one or another group is stuck. We all need to be open to God's leading and being willing to bend, change, turn in a completely new direction, if we are led by God.

That's the key. Are you being changed by God?

Ephesians 4: 22-24: You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.


What's happening

>Oregon Conference Camp Meeting, Gladstone Park, Jul. 17-21. Daily campmeeting schedule

>All About Jesus Seminar, Aug. 30-11. More information on the church website

>Chuck Neighbors, Aug. 25 worship services


Wednesday, July 11 
10:30am Women's 51+ Bible Study 
7:00pm Elders Meeting  

Thursday, July 12 
6:30pm CHIP Alumni 

Friday, July 13  
6:00pm Shabbat Service 

Sabbath, July 14 
9, 11am Pastor Roger Walter - "Mercy and Judgement". Communion
10:00am Sabbath School 


Tuesday, July 17 
7:00pm Campmeeting begins at Gladstone Park 

Wednesday, July 18 
--Campmeeting at Gladstone Park-- 
7:00pm Finance Committee  

Thursday, June 21            
--Campmeeting at Gladstone Park--    

Friday, June 22            
--Campmeeting at Gladstone Park--
6:00pm Shabbat Service  

Sabbath, July 21 
--Campmeeting at Gladstone Park--
10am Abbreviated Sabbath School and Worship service at Vancouver


