Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Vancouver Today — e.Update June 26, 2012

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                             June 12, 2012

From Pastor Roger - The Look of Love

The Look of Love

Back in the 70's, there was a popular song about the look of love, a look that said "so much more than words could ever say."

What does love look like? To a five-year-old, love might be a warm cookie, a sloppy kiss, a hug, a story or a picture on the refrigerator door. To a 95-year-old, love might also be a kiss, a warm cookie, a hug, a story, or a picture on a refrigerator door. In between, love takes the form of gifts, flowers, candy and, yes, a kiss, a warm cookie, a hug …

About 30 years go, a report was published about orphans in Romania. While some were thriving, many were not developing at normal rates. The study concluded that children who were held frequently did better than those who went without human contact.

We never outgrow our need for love, because we were created from love for love. We're hard wired to receive love. We're programmed to give love. We are nourished by love. We wither without it.

How often have you seen couples or parents and children exchange a look that sends buckets of love at a glance?

In Luke 19:5, Zaccheus climbed a tree so that he could see Jesus. When Jesus passed under the tree, he looked up at Zaccheus. Zaccheus found no condemnation in that look, only compelling love that led him to surrender all, in that moment.

In the song, "How Beautiful," we hear of "eyes that forgave and never despised." Zaccheus knew that look. So did Peter, meeting Jesus' eyes after cursing anyone who associated him with Jesus.

A college student got in trouble and received a suspension. She told her friends that what hurt worst of all was the look on her father's face when she told him what she had done. She could have dealt with anger and condemnation, but his love, tinged with disappointment, was more than she could bear.

It's that look that will have some of us lifting our arms to receive him and others calling for rocks to fall on them. Will you see the look of Love or disappointment?

You get to choose - will you choose Jesus' Love or fight against it today?


What's happening

>Lifestyles for Excellent Health: Natural Healing, Raw Foods Classes with Danny Vierra, begins Friday, 6:30 pm. More information on the church website.


Wednesday, June 27            
10:30am Women's 51+ Bible Study 
6:30pm Youth Bible Study  

7:00pm Church Board          

Wednesday, June 28 
6:30pm CHIP Alumni  

Friday, June 29               
6:00pm Shabbat Service
6:30pm Lifestyles for Excellent Health 

Sabbath, June 16 
9, 11am Lifestyles for Excellent Health: Natural Hygiene Revolution 
10:00am Sabbath School
2:30pm Lifestyles for Excellent Health: Can Attitude Affect Your Feeling
4:00pm Lifestyles for Excellent Health: Bible Prophecy and the Standard American Diet 


Sunday, July 1   
1:00pm Lifestyles for Excellent Health: Cooking Demonstration                    

Wednesday, July 4              
Happy Fourth of July 

Friday, July 6                     
6:00pm Shabbat Service

Sabbath, July 7              
9, 11am Pastor Roger Walter: Mercy and Judgement
10:00am Sabbath School  

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Vancouver Today — e.Update June 12, 2012

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                             June 12, 2012

From Pastor Roger - My Way or the highway?

It is hard to imagine what our lives would be like without the Interstate freeway system. Well, maybe during rush hour traffic, it wouldn't seem like such a bad idea to go back to a time before freeways. But, for the most part, the US freeway system allows us to have a quality of life that surpasses most others.

Pretty much everything we eat, drink, wear, watch, listen to — every aspect of our lives, comes to us through a freeway.

As of 2010, the total length of the US Interstate system is 47,182 miles, built over 35 years, at an estimated cost of $425 billion. Richard Weingroff, in "The Genie in the Bottle: The Interstate Syste and Urban Problems," calls it the the "largest public works program since the Pyramids."

Some people have to drive a long ways to reach an interstate. We have it pretty easy here. Our church sits about 2 miles from an entrance to either Interstate 5 or 205.

About 6 miles away, we can jump onto Interstate 84 and, with a merge here and there, drive all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. Or, we can stay on Interstate 5 and go south to Mexico or north to Canada.

If you have any question about how to get where you want to go, you could fall back on the trusty Rand McNally Atlas, or program your GPS or smart phone.

With all of these highways, easy access, GPS, maps and SIRI, why are we so lost?

Could it be that we're reading the wrong maps? Listening to the wrong voices?

There's a road in the old city of Jerusalem called the Via Dolorosa. The translation from Latin means "Way of Grief" or "Way of Suffering." You probably know it as the title of a song. Christian pilgrims come from the world over to walk this famous road.

The current route has been pretty much the same since the 18th century. Is it really the road Jesus traveled on the way to Calvary? Who knows. And really, does it matter?

We like these roads we can see. We can get our minds around something tangible, like the Via Dolorosa. Like the Interstate system.

In one of the favorite texts of Adventists, John 14:1-3, Jesus says He is going to prepare a place for us. It's a beautiful promise, but it's not the first time He talked about preparing a place for His people.

Way back in the time of Moses, God said, "See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared." Ex. 23:20 NIV (italics supplied)

How do we find the way? We have our answer in John 14:6 "… I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Are you on His Way or the highway?


What's happening

>June 23, 7:30pm, King's Heralds            

Future events:
Natural Healing, Raw Foods Classes with Danny Vierra, June 29-July 1. More information on the church website

ATTENTION: PRAYER WARRIORS! 40 days of prayer leading up to Camp Meeting begins Friday! Learn more.


Wednesday, June 13 
10:30am Women's 51+ Bible Study 
6:30pm Youth Bible Study  

7:00pm Elders Meeting 

Friday, June 15  
6:00pm Shabbat Service 

Sabbath, June 16 
9, 11am Pastor Roger Walter - "Turbulance"
10:00am Sabbath School 


Monday, June 18 
7:00pm Pathfinders             

Wednesday, June 20 
11:30am Women's 51+ Luncheon  
6:30pm Youth Bible Study 

7:00pm Finance Committee  

Thursday, June 21            
6:30pm CHIP Alumni
7:00pm CAA Board 

Friday, June 22            
6:00pm Shabbat Service

Sabbath, June 23 
9, 11am Pastor Roger Walter - "Just Do It"
10:00am Sabbath School
7:30pm King's Heralds Quartet 


What difference can forty days make? A lot, if you are praying, says Dennis Smith, author of the "40 Days" books. The Oregon Conference invites you to join us on a forty day spiritual journey that will change your life leading up to the first evening of Gladstone Camp Meeting. Here is what to do:

1. Get one of the three "40 Days" books and/or find the "40 Day Prayer Challenge" online at www.oregonconference.com, beginning on June 8.

2. Choose a prayer partner or form a small group to study and pray together June 8 through July 17 using the above.

3. Come to the "Prayer Connection" workshops in Zull Hall on Wednesday through Friday at 10:30 a.m. during Camp Meeting to delve deeper and to share what God has done.

You missed the starting day? Start as soon as you can.


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Vancouver Today — e.Update June 6, 2012

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                             June 6, 2012

From Pastor Roger - Who is my neighbor?

You know the story (Luke 10). An expert in the law is trying to set Jesus up and justify himself. Jesus turns the tables, quoting Deut. 6:5 and Lev. 19:18, which summarize the law into its two over-arching themes: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind," and "Love your neighbor as yourself."

Aha, thinks Mr. Wise Guy, I've got Jesus trapped now. "And just how am I supposed to know who is my neighbor?" he asks.

So, Jesus tells him the story – which you have heard all of your lives. If this were the outline for a modern screenplay, it might read like this:

  • Guy runs into a bunch of Bad Guys, gets beat up and left for dead.
  • Guy Number 1 walks by, but he's just a bit too good and can't afford to get dirty, so he walks around Banged-up Guy.
  • Guy Number 2 walks by, but he has too much work to do for God and can't spare the time. So he also walks around Banged-up Guy.
  • Guy Number 3 comes onto the scene. This guy doesn't get invited to the in-crowd parties. They don't consider him good enough to glance upon, let alone know by name. But Guy Number 3 doesn't walk by.
  • Guy Number 3 not only helps on the scene, but he takes Banged-Up Guy to the ER, and he pays for the hospital bill.

Then Jesus places the burden back on Mr. Wise Guy: "Who do you think was a neighbor…?"

As we get more people involved in the day-to-day operations of the church, we're finding that many members don't know about two funds that are used to help us be a good neighbor.

The church office gets an average 2 to 3 calls a week asking for help. Usually the request is for money to pay rent or lodging, buy gas, purchase medicine. Sometimes the caller just needs a ride, sometimes someone to talk to, but mostly, people need money.

We want our church to be a good neighbor, but the reality is that our coffers are limited and some of the requests are not true cries for help.

We want to be good stewards of God's funds, money which comes from God's blessings to you. The church has a system in place to help us be a good neighbor and good stewards.

Anyone requesting help must fill out a form, which is reviewed by a committee that is scheduled to meet twice a month. The form has helped us narrow the field of requests to those who are in real need.

Requests are funded through two funds. A benevolent fund is set up to serve members in need. This fund was established through a very generous donation from one of our church members and has helped several of our own church families through tough times.

Our poor fund is designed to help members of the community who need help. Money in this fund comes from the collection taken up at the door as you exit on Communion Sabbaths.

Would you like to help us continue to be a good neighbor?

Both funds are always in need of extra boosts. You can mark your tithe envelope for the Benevolent Fund or the Poor Fund, or put in an extra amount at the next Communion Sabbath (July 7).

The Financial Aid review committee could use one or two more members. Contact the church office at 696-2511 or vancouveradventist@gmail.com if you are willing to serve.


What's happening

>3:30 pm Memorial Service for Lester Zundel

Future events:
• June 23, 7:30pm, King's Heralds
Natural Healing, Raw Foods Classes with Danny Vierra, June 29-July 1. More information on the church website

ATTENTION: PRAYER WARRIORS! 40 days of prayer leading up to Camp Meeting begins Friday! Learn more.


Wednesday, June 6
10:30am Women's 51+ Bible Study
6:30pm Youth Bible Study

Friday, June 8 
6:00pm Shabbat Service

Sabbath, June 9
9, 11am Pastor Jeff Richards - "Conversion: Religion vs Love"
10:00am Sabbath School
3:30pm Lester Zundel Memorial


Monday, June 11
7:00pm School Board 

Wednesday, June 13
10:30am Women's 51+ Bible Study
6:30pm Youth Bible Study 

7:00pm Elders Meeting

Friday, June 15 
6:00pm Shabbat Service

Sabbath, June 16
9, 11am Pastor Roger Walter
10:00am Sabbath School


What difference can forty days make? A lot, if you are praying, says Dennis Smith, author of the "40 Days" books. The Oregon Conference invites you to join us on a forty day spiritual journey that will change your life leading up to the first evening of Gladstone Camp Meeting. Here is what to do:

1. Get one of the three "40 Days" books and/or find the "40 Day Prayer Challenge" online at www.oregonconference.com, beginning on June 8.

2. Choose a prayer partner or form a small group to study and pray together June 8 through July 17 using the above.

3. Come to the "Prayer Connection" workshops in Zull Hall on Wednesday through Friday at 10:30 a.m. during Camp Meeting to delve deeper and to share what God has done.

You missed the starting day? Start as soon as you can.

