Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Vancouver Today - e.Update, September 27, 2011

S E P T E M B E R  2 7 ,  2 0 1 1

From Pastor Roger ...

And he said to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." Luke 10:2 ESV

We have such a laborer coming to our area in November. You don't want to miss. But more than that, you can be a part of the great work of God - being a laborer with us. You can begin to pray for 10 people who you could invite, or whom we could personally invite for you. Would you begin praying now for people who need to hear this last day message from God. Take a look at the video link below and see who we're bringing in. Mark Fox is the best evangelist we've brought in so far. You really don't want to miss..... YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

What's happeningThursday, Oct. 6, 7:30pm Triumphant Quartet, an evening of gospel music. Meet and greet at 5:30, doors open at 6:30, concert at 7:30. Order tickets online at www.imccconcerts.com  or www.southerngospelpdx.com, or calling 800.965.9384 or 360.883.9342. 

    TODAY 9/27
      7pm Church Board
    9, 11am Pastor Roger Walter, Communion
  7pm Pathfinders
  4:10pm Adventurers
7:30pm Triumphant Quartet Southern Gospel concert 
6pm Shabbat Service
9, 11am Worship Services

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fwd: News from Laura

Hey all, this is a new ministry starting up at our church - thought you'd like to hear some more about it! Awesome idea!
From: "Laura L Pascoe"

Hi Friends and Family,
Let me tell you something I am so very excited about.  I am participating in the core leadership team working together to open a local chapter of God's Closet. God's Closet is an outreach service that began in Spokane, Washington and is now opening chapters in other states as well. Please visit their website at http://www.godscloset.us/index.php. Soon we will be featured on their website as yet another location serving its community!!
God's Closet hosts a quarterly event welcoming families with need to pay one dollar only for the opportunity to fill a couple of grocery bags full of clothing for their household members who are aged 18 and younger. We are looking to keep our overhead costs very low, but the one dollar does help us with the cost of running the program. The Spokane chapter serves hundreds of families at each one of their events and we anticipate growing rapidly as well.
One of our biggest needs now is clothing donations. We will be hosting our first event this November 11, before the holidays, and we very much need clothing items. As this event grows we anticipate sponsorship and donations from many sources. But if you are looking for a way to help meet the needs of others in Clark County and the great Portland Metro area, then please consider contacting me regarding your clothing donations. I am happy to pick them up. Our chapter is already setup to provide tax receipts and so let me know if you'd like one for your donations.
Another way to help is in the area of storage.  We are also looking for donated storage bins with lids. If you have recently purged or moved and have empty storage bins, we will gladly accept those as we need a way to store and organize clothes between events.
Is there a way you could help that we haven't thought of yet?  If so, please contact me!  J  We are open to your suggestions.
If you know any families who may benefit from our quarterly events, please check back at the God's Closet website for updates regarding time and location.
Thank you so much for considering helping us out.

Laura Pascoe

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Vancouver Today - e.Update, September 13, 2011

S E P T E M B E R  1 3 ,  2 0 1 1

From Pastor Roger ...

Where were you on 9/11? As you remember and look forward, do you fear what lies ahead? Ron Edmondson shares "5 Reminders for Ridding Your Life of Fear":

Most of us live our lives with some kind of fear. That's probably uncontrollable to a great extent. We live in a very fearful world. The title of this post may be a bit misleading; fear may always be with us, but I think it should be a challenge to have less fear of this world in our life.


What would it be like to live your life apart from fear or with less fear?

Here are some points of understanding which can help us become less afraid of the unknown situations of life:


Life can be uncertain -

There are lots of unknowns in the world. That makes people afraid. Most people would prefer to know the outcome of a situation and yet many times, probably most of the time, we do not get that privilege. Most of the horrifying experiences of my life seem to come upon me suddenly. We tend to want the expected to occur, but we should always be prepared, at least emotionally, for the unexpected.


Fear is an emotion and not necessarily a reality -

Someone actually defined fear as a felt reaction to a perceived danger. We innately have the ability to respond quickly to danger. Sometimes we can feel that a situation is going to be scary before it actually is. Our reaction to that sense of fear often determines how well we handle the situation.


We must keep ourselves from allowing negative scenarios to build in our mind. People often take a fear and begin to build scenarios in their mind of what might, could, or is going to happen. Most often these scenarios are irrational. When the emotion of fear begins we must analyze its rationality and if it is based on an unknown occurrence we must dismiss it as strictly emotion and not reality.


Sometimes we must face our fears in order to receive victory over them -

We can't allow fear to alter God's plans for our life or steal our joy. We should not be too surprised if in our weakness and fear God encourages us to be strong. When Elijah was hiding out from Jezebel because he was terrified, God sent him back to face her again. (1 Kings 19) Elijah had to go back before he could go forward. God will often allow us to face our fears as well.


Ask yourself two questions:

• What fear do you need to face before you can get on with your life?
• Is fear holding you back from moving forward in some area of your life?

There are two consistent themes in the Bible. We are to walk by faith and we are not to be afraid. I think those two themes are related to each other. It takes doing the first to accomplish the second.


God has a plan even when our fear tells us that He doesn't -

Since fears are an emotional response and emotions are not always reliable, fears will often cause people to lose their trust and dependence on God. At the same time, God will often use fear to draw people to Him. Most people grow best when they are being stretched by life. God often uses faith-stretching events; times when people are most afraid, to grow and mature His people. One time Jesus made His disciples get into the boat, even though He probably knew as the Creator that a storm was approaching. Faith tells us that God's plan is secure, even when our fear says otherwise.


As we grow more in love with God, we fear less -

Perhaps the greatest secret to overcoming fear in the Bible is found in 1 John 4:18, which says, "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear." Perfect love casts out fear. If ever a person could perfectly know the love of God he would never have to be afraid again. Whenever we run from the challenges of life, God has to wonder why. He must wonder "Am I not enough? Do you think this is too big for me?" As we grow in our love for and our trust in God we will be better able to live our lives in a confident assurance that God is in full control.


To continue to mature as believers we must be working to rid our life of the fear that keeps us from completely following and trusting in God.

(c) RonEdmondson.com


What's happeningThursday, Oct. 6, 7:30pm Triumphant Quartet, an evening of gospel music. Ticketed event: www.southerngospelpdx.com, www.imcconcerts.com, or Gary Hagan, 360.883.9342. Bring 10 friends and get 2 tickets free. "Christ is the reason we sing," proclaims the members of The Triumphant Quartet. Their mission is to spread the Word of God through song and share the good news of Christ with other believers. Through the power of their beautiful harmonies, they testify to those who are searching and lost, with the hope that more souls will come to know Christ.

    TODAY 9/13
      7pm Elders Meeting
6pm Shabbat Service
9, 11am Greg Hamilton
1pm Burton Boundey funeral
7pm Pathfinders
  4pm Discovery and Adventurers
6pm Shabbat Service
9, 11am Pastor Roger Walter
      7pm Finance Committee

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 - Ten Years Later

I was with my family the morning of 9/11 when the phone rang and it was my associate pastor's wife saying, "Have you seen the news this morning...." Everything changed that day. Everything changed in my family, in our church and in our world. It was a defining moment for a generation. Past generations can remember where they were when they heard that JFK had been shot. Past generations can remember when the shuttle Challenger blew up. This generation will be defined by the 9/11 attack and America's longest running war post 9/11.

I believe Jesus wept when the 9/11 tragedy unfolded. I believe that He continues to weep as he sees the struggle continue in family member's minds as they ponder today the loss of their loved ones on that day. I believe he weeps when he thinks about the continued loss of all life in the middle east as the battle continues to rage on and on. What is the answer to all of this? Where do we go from here? How do we move? Do we move on? Should we move on? What is the answer?

The answer is in the cross. Jesus, incarnate God, died on a cross to save you and me. No one understood the cross. All wept. Yet, He died to save those who lost their lives in 9/11. He died to save anyone who was involved with the 9/11 tragedy and for those who died in the ensuing war beyond. All of us face all kinds of tragedies and disappointment every day. And those disappointments, like the cross, are huge. They are the valley of the shadow of death for us as found in Psalm 23. We can walk alone through those valleys, or we can walk through them with God. The cross was the pinnacle of God's process of salvation and it's direct answer was the resurrection - hope beyond the tragedy.

In other words, Jesus didn't stay dead. He rose from the dead and conquered death. "Oh death, where is your sting!" God turned the tragedy into something wonderful.

God can take the tragedy of 9/11 and turn it into something positive. We might not understand that, even now, 10 years post 9/11. But we can certainly trust that He has made other tragedies positive before. We can trust that the tragedy of the cross was turned around by the ecstasy of the resurrection. So, there are two ways to ponder the tragedy of a decade ago - with God, or without.

Today, as we remember, I will remember that God is at the center of this all, and I will trust him to turn this into something of resurrection quality someday, in His timing. God, in His timing will bring it all together in the ecstasy of the 2nd coming someday. Today, on the anniversary of 9/11 - as we remember heroes, tragedy and terror - I long for that day, the day when Jesus comes again!

roger walter
Senior Pastor - http://bit.ly/qO3Vg
Adventist Community Church

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fwd: Oregon Youth for Christ Conference (READ BEFORE SABBATH)

PRODID:-//Google Inc//Google Calendar 70.9054//EN
;CN=Jesse Norris;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:jesse.norris@oregonyc.org
DESCRIPTION:View your event at http://www.google.com/calendar/event?action=
LOCATION:Camp Kuratli\, Boring\, OR
SUMMARY:Oregon Youth for Christ: Wellness Reformation Conference

From: Jesse Norris <jesse.norris@oregonyc.org>
Date: September 8, 2011 1:24:54 PM PDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Oregon Youth for Christ Conference (READ BEFORE SABBATH)

Dear Friends and Pastors:

I know some of you may have already heard about this, I just wanted to be sure and invite you myself.
Just wanted to invite you all to register for Oregon Youth for Christ's 2011 Conference online at:  www.oregonyc.org  (all ages welcome, not just for youth)

Also, would you be so kind as to share about this with your church. I know it is kind of late to get you guys bulletin inserts, sorry about that, but could you at least give an announcement about it, you can download the flyer at our website. Thank you and you are in our prayers, as you guys are always in positions of leadership.

If you plan to attend (we'd be happy to see you all there!) even for the day, you will need to register prior to the event if possible.  Registration does not cost unless you are eating meals or staying on site.  There are limited tent sites and RV sites (no hook ups), as well as nice bathrooms and showers.  There are also cabins.  Some of you may have already registered and that is great!  I am just sending out a reminder email, letting you all know we'd love to see you at this year's conference!  Speakers include:  Neil Nedley, Dave Fiedler, Dr. Burnett, Lisa Puffer.  There will be yummy vegan meals and the surroundings are just really neat at this camp.

For more info:  www.oregonyc.org

If you have questions you can email us or call:  503-698-4622

Oregon Youth for Christ: Wellness Reformation Conference

Thu, September 15, 2:00pm – Sun, September 18, 9:30am GMT-07:00
Camp Kuratli, Boring, OR
(Guest list has been hidden at organizer's request)

We hope this email finds you all doing very well and having a wonderful week!  May God continue to bless you!


Jesse Norris

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Vancouver Today - e.Update, September 6, 2011

S E P T E M B E R  6 ,  2 0 1 1

From Pastor Roger ...

Steve Jobs, Apple CEO, on the Power of Death to Help Us Live Now

"When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: 'If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right.' It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?' And whenever the answer has been 'No' for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything—all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure—these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked."

Steve Jobs Best Quotes, The Wall Street Journal (8-24-11).

©Steve Jobs on the Power of Death to Help Us Live Now | Preaching Today

Clipped from: http://www.preachingtoday.com/illustrations/2011/september/2090511.html

What are you doing today? "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV)

What's happening

    TODAY 9/6
      4:10 Adventurers
6:30pm CHIP Alumni
6pm Shabbat Service
9, 11am Pastor Danny Kim
      7pm Pathfinders
  7pm Pathfinders
  7pm Elders Meeting
6:30 CHIP Alumni
6pm Shabbat Service
9, 11am Greg Hamilton
  7pm School Board

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fwd: Big Lake Evacuation

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Al Reimche" <areimche@ccwebster.net>
Date: September 3, 2011 12:11:41 PM PDT
To: <al.reimche@oc.npuc.org>
Subject: Big Lake Evacuation

Dear Pastors,

If possible share with your members to be praying about this.

I just received a note from Monte Torkelsen that Big Lake is being evacuated. A fire has been burning near our camp but the winds have been blowing away from our camp for the past couple of days. However, there appears to be a shift in the winds and the fire service has indicated that they will not be fighting the fire on the ground until it approaches our camp. The water bombers are attempting to hold things back and the ground crews are clearing a fire break around our camp. None of our staff appear to be in harm's way at this point and the family campers have been evacuated.

Please pray that God will protect our property at Big Lake and the crews that are fighting the fire.
