From: "" <>Date: June 28, 2011 7:04:40 AM PDTSubject: 'The Child' Update: Alabama Law Overturned
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"The Child" Update: Alabama Law Overturned
One of the accounts featured in Watchman Cinema's parental rights documentary "The Child" got a joyful epilogue this month.
On Friday, June 10, the Alabama Supreme Court struck down a state statute which allowed grandparents to sue for visitation rights without any showing of abuse or neglect on the part of the parents. It was the only law of its kind in the country, and is featured in the documentary as represented by Hunter and Cinda Godfrey, whose rights were violated by this law. (Good involved grandparents are a blessing, but it should not be the state's prerogative to overturn the decisions of fit parents, even using grandparents as their excuse.)
The majority opinion of the Court in Ex Parte ERG takes the same high view of parental rights as we endorse in the Parental Rights Amendment, and we are excited to see this fresh reaffirmation of parental rights at the state level. But the Godfreys had to go through conflicting rulings in both the trial and appeals courts before receiving this decision at the state Supreme Court level. It is just this inconsistency that the Amendment seeks to address.
Sadly, the standard upheld by the Alabama Supreme Court last week has not been applied by the U.S. Supreme Court for more than a decade, and its application in lower courts is eroding as well. Further, international threats like the Convention on the Rights of the Child will not just go away.
In fact, this internationalist threat was echoed even in the Alabama case. Justice Main dissented, "I would hold that the child's best interests, not the 'interests' of the parents, is the determinative standard for deciding whether to award visitation between a grandparent and a grandchild in the face of the contrary wishes of fit parents." Chief Justice Cobb joined Main in his dissent.
Fortunately, seven justices agreed with the traditional standard of parental rights: "[T]he Constitution requires that a prior and independent finding of parental unfitness must be made before the court may proceed to the question [of] whether an order disturbing a parent's 'care, custody, and control' of his or her child is in that child's best interest. The state's compelling interest is limited to overruling the decisions of unfit parents…. In the absence of clear and convincing proof that a parent is unfit, the state's basis for intervention through the judicial system evaporates."
The Court also cited and affirmed the standard from Wisconsin v. Yoder which serves as the basis for Section Two of our Amendment: "only those interests of the highest order and those not otherwise served can overbalance legitimate claims to a fundamental right" (emphasis added). We celebrate this victory for the Godfreys and for parents and children in Alabama.Action Items
Traditional parental rights will not be completely secure until we adopt the Parental Rights Amendment. They cannot just be taken for granted. In fact, they are still being fought for - and against! - in cases like the Godfreys'. Spread the word to everyone you know and urge them to sign the petition online and be ready to call their Congressman.
Also, consider making a part of your monthly budget with a recurring monthly donation. Help fund this vital effort to halt the Convention on the Rights of the Child and to secure the Parental Rights Amendment. Let's make court battles such as the Godfreys have gone through a thing of the past!
Michael Ramey
Director of Communications & Research
P.O. Box 1090 Purcellville, VA 20134 * (540)-751-1200 *
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Tuesday, June 28, 2011
'The Child' Update: Alabama Law Overturned
Monday, June 27, 2011
Vancouver Today - e.Update, June 28, 2011
June 28, 2011
From Pastor Roger ...
Graeme Keith, treasurer of the Billy Graham Association and Billy's lifelong friend, says: I was on an elevator with Billy when another man in the elevator recognized him. He said, "You're Billy Graham, aren't you?"
"Yes," Billy said.
"Well," the man said, "you are truly a great man."
Billy immediately responded, "No, I'm not a great man. I just have a great message."
This week Pastor Roger concludes his "Snapshots in Faith" series and talking about Matthew. Matthew was a great had a great message to share! Come and join us on Sabbath at 9am or 11am.
What's happening:
THIS WEEK | ||||||
6:45pm Walk Among the Lampstands | | 6:45pm Walk Among the Lampstands | 9 & 11am, Pastor Roger Walter | |||
NEXT WEEK | ||||||
| INDEPENDENCE DAY | 6:45pm Walk Among the Lampstands | 9am VBS | 9am VBS | 9am VBS | 9 & 11 am, Pastor Roger Walter, followed by church potluck |
6:45pm Walk Among the Lampstands | 2pm VBS |
Monday, June 20, 2011
Vancouver Today - e.Update, June 21, 2011
June 21, 2011
From Pastor Roger ...
For her 54th birthday, Shirley Dygert of Teague, Texas, decided she needed some more excitement in her life. So this grandmother of three signed up for her first lesson to leap out of a plane from roughly thirteen-thousand feet.
When the big day arrived, Shirley suited up for her jump and strapped herself to her instructor, Dave Hartsock, in order to do a tandem dive. After jumping from the plane, instructor and student pulled the rip cord. The rip cord worked properly, but the parachute became tangled and only opened partially. Of course skydivers also carry a reserve parachute for such emergencies. Unfortunately, the primary parachute had wrapped itself around the release point for the reserve parachute. As Dave Hartsock tried to untangle the two parachutes, he realized they were running out of time. Later, Shirley Dygert said, "I thought … . this is how I'm going to die. I thought, God help us."
Spiraling toward the ground at a 40 mph, Hartsock gave Shirley a strange command: Lift up your feet. Although she didn't understand the request, she obeyed her instructor. Hartsock then rotated his body under hers in order to bear the impact of their landing. Dave Hartsock was going to be Shirley Dygert's cushion. "I could hardly believe it," Dygert said. "He broke my fall."
Shirley Dygert walked away from the impact relatively uninjured. Dave Hartsock survived the fall, but now, except for some movement in his right arm, he's paralyzed from the neck down. In an interview, Hartsock told CBS News, "People keep telling me that it was a heroic thing to do. In my opinion it was just the right thing to do. I mean, I was the one completely responsible for her safety."
This skydiver made the decision to end well. Sure he destroyed his normal life, but he made a life-long decision to live honorably. This week Pastor Roger continues his "Snapshots in Faith" series talking about Demas - not a well known individual - who didn't end his journey quite so well.... Come this Sabbath to hear at 9am or 11am.
What's happening:
THIS WEEK | ||||||
6:45pm Walk Among the Lampstands | | 6:45pm Walk Among the Lampstands | 9 & 11am, Pastor Roger Walter | |||
NEXT WEEK | ||||||
| INDEPENDENCE DAY | 6:45pm Walk Among the Lampstands | 9am VBS | 9am VBS | 9am VBS | 9 & 11 am, Pastor Roger Walter, followed by ALL church potluck |
6:45pm Walk Among the Lampstands | 2pm VBS |
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Vancouver Today - e.Update, June 14, 2011
June 14, 2011
From Pastor Roger ...
Noble Doss dropped the ball. One ball. One pass. One mistake. In 1941, he let one fall. And it's haunted him ever since. "I cost us a national championship," he says.
The University of Texas football team was ranked number one in the nation. Hoping for an undefeated season and a berth in the Rose Bowl, they played conference rival Baylor University. With a 7-0 lead in the third quarter, the Longhorn quarterback launched a deep pass to a wide-open Doss.
"The only thing I had between me and the goal," he recalls, "was twenty yards of grass."
The throw was on target. Longhorn fans rose to their feet. The sure-handed Doss spotted the ball and reached out, but it slipped through.
Baylor rallied and tied the score with seconds to play. Texas lost their top ranking and, consequently, their chance at the Rose Bowl.
"I think about that play every day," Doss admits.
Not that he lacks other memories. Happily married for more than six decades. A father. Grandfather. He served in the navy during World War II. He appeared on the cover of Life magazine with his Texas teammates. He intercepted seventeen passes during his collegiate career, a university record. He won two NFL titles with the Philadelphia Eagles. The Texas High School Hall of Fame and the Longhorn Hall of Honor include his name.
Most fans remember the plays Doss made and the passes he caught. Doss remembers the one he missed. Once, upon meeting a new Longhorn head coach, Doss told him about the bobbled ball. It had been fifty years since the game, but he wept as he spoke.
This week, Pastor Roger is continuing his "Snapshots in Faith" series and talking about some really bad choices made by Sarah/Sarai - Abraham's wife. What happens when you make a mistake, a bad choice, and how do you ever forget it and recover? Plan to join us this Sabbath at 9am or 11am.
What's happening:
THIS WEEK | ||||||
6:45pm Walk through the Lampstands | 7pm Finance Committee | | 6:45pm Walk through the Lampstands | 9 and 11 am, Pastor Roger Walter | ||
NEXT WEEK | ||||||
6:45pm Walk through the Lampstands | 7pm Church Board | 6:45pm Walk through the Lampstands | 9 and 11 am, Pastor Roger Walter | |||
3pm Bill Nelson Memorial |
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Vancouver Today - e.Update, June 7, 2011
June 7, 2011
From Pastor Roger ...
On a warm autumn afternoon in October 1999, 36-year-old Anna Flores was walking with her three-year-old daughter in downtown Chicago. Without warning a window from the 29th floor of the CNA building fell toward the ground and struck Flores in the head, killing her instantly. The tragedy was heightened a week later when CNA officials admitted they had known the window had been broken since June. They said they had not replaced the broken window because of other building projects considered more of a priority.
In a public building, negligence has serious consequences. Spiritual negligence also has great consequences. In various ways, we are responsible spiritually for the welfare of others as well as ourselves. Are you involved in the LIFE Journal Revolution?
This week Pastor Roger begins a series called "Snapshots in Faith" and this week will focus on one of the so-called GREAT ones. But what got Elijah there? Was it great faith or great obedience to the little things? Plan to join us this Sabbath for one of our worship services - 9am or 11am.
What's happening:
THIS WEEK | ||||||
| 7pm Elders Meeting | 7pm MGAES 8th Grade Graduation | | 9 and 11 am, Pastor Roger Walter, followed by ALL church potluck | ||
1:30pm Community Group Facilitators | ||||||
NEXT WEEK | ||||||
3pm Bostrom- Hicks Wedding | 7pm Pathfinders | | 7pm Finance Committee | | 9 and 11 am Pastor Roger Walter |
Monday, June 6, 2011
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