Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sophia Update

Sad news, I'm sorry to say. God is still God...the devil is still not....  Please continue to keep the family in your prayers.


Begin forwarded message:

Subject: Sophia

Baby  Sophia spent the night sleeping on her mothers chest listening to Mom's heartbeat as mom talked, and sang of Jesus' Love for her.. She had her parents, sister Josie and both grandmothers with the whole time, she was much loved. We had Nine blessed days with this prescious gift from God. We are very greatful for every minute. Thank you everyone for your prayers they did make a difference. The doctors said she wouldn't survive birth. We fooled them.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Jesus Tree

Here's an announcement that is going on in our church for Christmas.

Be a Difference Maker!

roger walter
Senior Pastor http://bit.ly/qO3Vg 
Adventist Community Church

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sophia Joy Redinger

I just got off the phone with Grandma Kathy Hallock and Sophia Joy Redinger was born this morning weight in at a whopping 14 oz! Her head is the size of a mandarin orange and she would fit in the palm of your hand. But they are excited - she's healthy, as healthy as a 24 week old baby can be. She still needs our prayers and support. Thank you so far and keep praying.

roger walter
Senior Pastor - http://bit.ly/qO3Vg
Adventist Community Church

Need more prayers

You heard my announcement today about Brian and Chandra. We later prayed as a congregation for them  The baby is only around 24 weeks along. They are planning on doing surgery to take the baby via c-section on Sunday. Please pray for all involved in this very serious issue. Pray for the baby's health and the family's. 

We just dedicated a baby last week that went through something similar. It can happen again. Please join forces with prayer. 


Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

Subject: Need more prayers

Chandra Redinger will be having emergency surgery to take the baby in the morning. Things do not look real good at the moment, the baby is so tiny. God's will be done.
