Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Today in Vancouver - eNews

Thursday September 14, 2010

The Mission of the Adventist Community Church is to Reach Deep in Discipleship, Reach Out in Evangelism and Reach Up in Worship.

Random Quotes:

You would do well to pursue your causes with vigor, while remembering that you are a servant of God, not a spokesman for God, and remembering that God might well choose to bless an opposing point of view for reasons that have not yet been revealed to you.
 - Barbara Jordan

To preach, to really preach, is to die naked a little at a time, and to know each time you do it that you must do it again.
 - Bruce Thielemann

An ardent supporter of the hometown team should go to a game prepared to take offense, no matter what happens.
  - Robert Benchley

You will call and I will answer you; you will long for the creature your hands have made.
 - Job 14:15

The Warfare against self is the greatest battle that was ever fought. 
 - Steps to Christ, p. 27

Not by painful struggles or wearisome toil, not by gift or sacrifice, is righteousness obtained; but it is freely given to every soul who hungers and thirsts to receive it. 
 - Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, p. 18

None are so sinful that they cannot find strength, purity, and righteousness in Jesus, who died for them. 
 - Steps to Christ, p. 35

Often our plans fail that God's plans for us may succeed. 
 - Help in Daily Living, p. 6

God takes men as they are... They are not chosen because they are perfect, but notwithstanding their imperfections, that through the knowledge and practice of the truth, through the grace of Christ, they may become transformed into His image. 
 - Desire of Ages, p. 294

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Today in Vancouver - eNews

Thursday September 14, 2010

The Mission of the Adventist Community Church is to Reach Deep in Discipleship, Reach Out in Evangelism and Reach Up in Worship.

More people are getting involved in our evangelistic strategy by scheduling this Community Concert series. It's a concert designed for the community, by the Adventist Community. It's designed not for us - but for them - to invite them to the church for something non-threatening and yet about God in more subtle ways.

Plan to come - September 25 @7pm.

Business Meeting Tonight

Tonight in the Fireside room, we will be having a short business meeting to talk about our progression towards the vision and to approve the fiscal year's budget. The meeting begins at 7pm and we should be done by 8 or a little afterwards. 

Bring your questions and ideas and plan to share.

This Week's Message

This week's message by Roger will be on the Day of Atonement. Sabbath, September 18 is the actual day which the Jewish world will celebrate this day. And as many people went to the Messiah's Mansion in the last couple of weeks, and may want to know ore - come on out for a single message on the Day of Atonement - it's meaning in practical ways for our lives today.

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

FYI - Church Phone

Just an FYI - the church phone line has been cut and will be out of service for the next couple of days. This will likely affect church email as well.

(sent from my iPhone)

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Today in Vancouver - eNews

Thursday September 2, 2010

The Mission of the Adventist Community Church is to Reach Deep in Discipleship, Reach Out in Evangelism and Reach Up in Worship.

In his book, "The Road Ahead", the late Jere Patzer tells us this:
"On Tuesday, October 17, 1989, at 5:04 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time, the earth began to shake under the San Francisco Bay area. IN what was then named Candlestick Park, the Oakland Athletics and the San Francisco Giants baseball teams were getting ready to begin the World Series.
"Suddenly in that great stadium the lights began to flicker. Steel girders holding the upper deck began to sway, and pieces of concrete started crumbling down. A voice over the loud speaker told spectators to leave. But when the initial quake was over, fans began shouting, "Play ball!"
"In the Marina district north of Candlestick Park, houses shifted off crumbling foundations, and buildings collapsed. Gas lines exploded, and fire broke out. Across the Bay, in Oakland, a mile long section of Highway 880 fell, crushing rushhour commuters. In the course of one minute thousands of peoples' lives were changed because of something that happened deep inside the earth, and merely shouting "Play ball!" would not change these cataclysmic forces.
"No, there must be a strategy. This will involve pain, trial, error, and failure, but the impact can be enormous.
"Deciding to change—having a vision—is only half of the battle. We have to develop a workable strategy to take people with us. And that is difficult as we all know."

We do have a strategy for getting to the mission of REACHing people with the message of Jesus. Over the next couple of years we want to see:
  • to see 35 new people trained as Community Group leaders - which we believe will translate into 240 people in a Community Group. If you aren't in a group, want to lead a group - then click here.
  • to have at least 350 people involved in one aspect of our Evangelism Process. We believe that will translate into at least 125 people being baptized over the next three years. That process includes things like greeting during seminars, teaching a health class, helping with community car washes, serving at the Community Services Center, etc. If you'd like to get involved in just one aspect of the Evangelism Process - click here.
  • to have at least 300 people involved in personal devotions - which we believe will help grow our average worship service attendance from 400 to 600. If you'd like more information on getting involved in a personal devotional life - click here.
You need to get involved - and these three areas allow you to be part of the strategy of growing deeper, growing up and growing out in Christ. Don't miss out on this tremendous time to be part of the team....

Kohl's Cares

Did you hear that Mount Ellis did win one of the spots? And they did it with 144,000 votes.... Funny!

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

UPDATED/CORRECTED: Today in Vancouver - eNews

THIS IS A CORRECTED VERSION - Check out the FYI Section for September 14

Thursday September 2, 2010

The Mission of the Adventist Community Church is to Reach Deep in Discipleship, Reach Out in Evangelism and Reach Up in Worship.

Kohl's Cares Program!

There is ONLY 1 day left on the Kohls Care Contest where they will give away $500,000 to the top 20 schools with the most Facebook votes. We are asking that you help support Mount Ellis Academy and Upper Columbia Academy by placing 5 votes for each (max per school). They both are incredible schools and could really use the funds. Currently, Mount Ellis Academy is at #22 and Upper Columbia Academy is at #32.

Click on this link: http://bit.ly/dxwyGg.   

In the search line, start typing in Mount Ellis Academy. Select school from the drop list.

Click the plus (+) sign to vote.

A box will pop up requesting to like Kohl's to continue. Click the Like button. Then close the box.

Click the plus (+) again to cast first vote. Can vote up to 5 times for one school.  Then vote for Upper Columbia Academy!

To request your friends to vote on Facebook, click on the Share button.

Upcoming Opportunities!

Oregon Conference eCommuniqué
Please click here for the latest news and announcements from the Oregon Conference of Seventh-day Adventist. If you would like to receive the monthly eCommuniqué directly in your inbox please click here to subscribe.

Ministry Fest 2010
"Discovering ministry has never been so much fun!" Free to all ages. Be informed and inspired at dozens of interactive ministry displays and booths. The afternoon events include live music, drawings and "Info –Blitzes."  After sundown plan to visit the Adventist Book Center, enjoy a Camp Meeting corn dog at the Snack Bar, and stay by for a Family Movie event on the plaza.  Doors open at 2:00 pm on September 25, 2010 at the Holden Convention Center on the Gladstone Campground.  Please click here for more details.

Disaster Response Training/Certification
Be ready! Become a certified disaster responder for the Oregon Conference and the North American Division (NAD) by attending a conference-wide Disaster Response Training on Sunday, September 19, from 8:30am to 12:30pm at Oregon Conference Headquarters Board Room (19800 Oatfield Road, Gladstone, OR 97027). If you have been trained previously, you may need to be re-certified due to the expiration of ID badges after 3 years. Bring a brown bag lunch. Class fee includes photo ID badge, t-shirt, and materials. Please call 503/850-3555 or Linda.Schrader@oc.npuc.org for details and registration.

Looking For a Room
A friend of Pastor Roger's (friend and from his former church) is looking for a room to stay in, live in, as a temporary gathering place. He is applying for a job with Burlington Northern Railway to be an investigator and would move out here without his family until they could sell their home in Colorado and then buy a place out here. Funds would be limited because of their financial obligations remaining in Colorado. If you are interested in helping please feel free to contact Scott, by leaving a message at the church for Pastor Roger.

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If you would like to be unsubscribed, simply send an email to: adventistcc-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com

Today in Vancouver - eNews

Thursday September 2, 2010

The Mission of the Adventist Community Church is to Reach Deep in Discipleship, Reach Out in Evangelism and Reach Up in Worship.

Kohl's Cares Program!

There is ONLY 1 day left on the Kohls Care Contest where they will give away $500,000 to the top 20 schools with the most Facebook votes. We are asking that you help support Mount Ellis Academy and Upper Columbia Academy by placing 5 votes for each (max per school). They both are incredible schools and could really use the funds. Currently, Mount Ellis Academy is at #22 and Upper Columbia Academy is at #32.

Click on this link: http://bit.ly/dxwyGg.   

In the search line, start typing in Mount Ellis Academy. Select school from the drop list.

Click the plus (+) sign to vote.

A box will pop up requesting to like Kohl's to continue. Click the Like button. Then close the box.

Click the plus (+) again to cast first vote. Can vote up to 5 times for one school.  Then vote for Upper Columbia Academy!

To request your friends to vote on Facebook, click on the Share button.

Upcoming Opportunities!

Oregon Conference eCommuniqué
Please click here for the latest news and announcements from the Oregon Conference of Seventh-day Adventist. If you would like to receive the monthly eCommuniqué directly in your inbox please click here to subscribe.

Ministry Fest 2010
"Discovering ministry has never been so much fun!" Free to all ages. Be informed and inspired at dozens of interactive ministry displays and booths. The afternoon events include live music, drawings and "Info –Blitzes."  After sundown plan to visit the Adventist Book Center, enjoy a Camp Meeting corn dog at the Snack Bar, and stay by for a Family Movie event on the plaza.  Doors open at 2:00 pm on September 25, 2010 at the Holden Convention Center on the Gladstone Campground.  Please click here for more details.

Disaster Response Training/Certification
Be ready! Become a certified disaster responder for the Oregon Conference and the North American Division (NAD) by attending a conference-wide Disaster Response Training on Sunday, September 19, from 8:30am to 12:30pm at Oregon Conference Headquarters Board Room (19800 Oatfield Road, Gladstone, OR 97027). If you have been trained previously, you may need to be re-certified due to the expiration of ID badges after 3 years. Bring a brown bag lunch. Class fee includes photo ID badge, t-shirt, and materials. Please call 503/850-3555 or Linda.Schrader@oc.npuc.org for details and registration.

Looking For a Room
A friend of Pastor Roger's (friend and from his former church) is looking for a room to stay in, live in, as a temporary gathering place. He is applying for a job with Burlington Northern Railway to be an investigator and would move out here without his family until they could sell their home in Colorado and then buy a place out here. Funds would be limited because of their financial obligations remaining in Colorado. If you are interested in helping please feel free to contact Scott, by leaving a message at the church for Pastor Roger.

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If you would like to be unsubscribed, simply send an email to: adventistcc-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com
